Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 54 - The Night Before

With my poor grey vision, I see him point at a trunk tucked at the corner of a room. I try to see inside it to see Moody's soul but my vision is blocked. I assume it's a pocket enchantment.

I fully wrap him in my cloak causing him to faint again and fall entirely limp. After I make sure he won't be interfering I shift back to humans again and hide in my shroud. As I'm about to open the trunk I notice there are a lot of empty alcohol bottles. I ignore them but still take note of how odd it is.

Opening the trunk and it has layers of trunks inside of itself eventually ending at the size just bigger than a person. The trunk goes deep and down inside I see a nearly n.a.k.e.d and unconscious Moody laying at the bottom with some abrasions on his body.

I sigh 'It seems it was not the real Moody who abandoned my sister in the forest.' I lower my cloak into the hole covering him making sure he is asleep then hoisting him up.

After I get him on the floor I go back over to Corban about to take my shroud off. Before I do I see three people wrap into existence in the middle of the living room. I pull out my wand but don't come out of hiding, I immediately recognize their Auror robes and inch closer to Corban.

'I can't have them read his memory.' All three of them help Moody while I put my wand up to Corban's temple.

I don't know Legilimens well or at all really so my only choice is to fry his brain. I put some power into it as his body shakes a bit. One of the Aurors turns around noticing the movement. I quickly take Corban's wand into my cloak and apparate away.

I appear on the beach near the North Sea laying on the sand. They for sure knew I was there after that, but I had no choice. If they are used a searching charm I wouldn't have gotten away. I was reckless. I sigh as I quickly make sure there isn't a charm attached to me then I head home to sleep.

Later that week Harry had his birthday. We didn't really have a party but Ron and Harry came over to my house to play games and see Luar. Ron finally got to pet Luar for once. I got Harry a new cage for Hedwig and a charmed glasses case that repairs glasses that get put inside.

Another week passes and school starts soon, Mrs. Weasley has invited me to go shopping for school supplies with them. I accept but it really isn't really much shopping, it's one real book and seven dumb books. They are all written by Gilderoy Lockhart, someone I've never heard of.

So the night before we left I stayed the night with Ron and Harry at the burrow. When I arrived I was honestly shocked at how the house was actually standing. It looked like there were 3 houses stacked unevenly on top of each other, each smaller than the last.

Walking inside everyone is already at the entrance except Mr. Weasley, Ron, and Harry. Mrs. Weasly is busy doing something I can't see and the rest are scattered around the open room.

When I arrived the twins greeted me with streamers and cheers. "The great Lord Black has arrived."

My face blushes a bit red "You guys are still mocking Daphne for that? You both are part of a pureblood family as well. Technically you are both 'Young masters' like Draco."

Their eyes go wide and they both turn to face the family "We shall now be addressed as young master of house Weasley." Everyone rolls their eyes.

Percy walks past them brushing them out of the way with an annoyed look "Don't worry about them Soren, just ignore them. It's nice to see you again." He puts up a hand to shake.

I shake his hand with a wry smile "It's fine, good to see you too Percy."

Mrs. Weasley pushes all three of them out of the way. "Get, get. Stop crowding the boy. BOYS! Soren is here!" she yells upstairs "Sit, I was just making hot cocoa."

I smile, "Thanks," I sit across from Ginny and smile at her. "You've been living with Harry for a while now. Have you told him that you have a crush on him yet?" She looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.

She slowly stands up and backs away before sprinting up the stairs. "Where are you going? The cocoa is almost done." Mrs. Weasley yells up after her. I laugh a bit at her running figure.

I noticed their house is full of magical objects, the complete opposite of Aunties house. They even have an enchanted scrubber that does the dishes for them... It must be nice.

As I'm looking around I hear Ron and Harry coming down the stairs. I hear them chatting about why Ginny was running. When I finally see them I notice both of them are still in their pajamas.

Mrs. Weasley turns around to see them both in pajamas. "What did I say yesterday? It's almost supper! Go upstairs and get dressed or you aren't getting any hot cocoa." I laugh a bit at their scared faces as they see Mrs. Weasley waving the big spoon at them.

After she sees them gone she puts down three mugs of hot cocoa on the table. The twins come running and grab two of them. Percy rolls his eyes "Childish." and goes upstairs without grabbing any hot cocoa. Mrs. Weasley looks sad and I like Percy a bit less now.

After I finish my drink Ron and Harry come back down so we can eat dinner. We didn't really do much after dinner other than talk and Ron explained to me who the heck Gilderoy Lockhart is. We slept the night away in Ron's room, it was kind of cramped but was still a pretty fun sleepover. The hot cocoa made the night honestly.

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