Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 82 - Soren The Brutal

(A/N: I finally got my back breaks changed. Hopefully nothing more happens to my car lol it is my only real source of money so I kinda need it. I will put a poll up on the discord about reading sites since someone asked about it and I'm curious. I only read on and some sites than shall not be named, so I don't really know the others.


Enjoy <3 )


I put my hands up defensively "I didn't do anything." under Flitwick's sorrowful glare.

Flitwick shakes his head "Of course, I believe you, but the investigators will be here in a few days. Dumbledore has already arranged your meeting with them. Dumbledore will supervise it himself."

I nod "So then what will they ask me? Will it be just basic stuff like last time?"

"No, they are bringing Aurors to interview you this time. It may be a bit harsh considering your age but this is the first time in nearly 50 years that a death has happened in the national dueling tournament." He says with a grim face.

"Thanks for the heads up professor," I say with appreciation.

He nods "Of course, I don't want you to get caught off guard by this."

After that, I left his office with a little bit of worry. Although I didn't do anything there are plenty of things they could find about me by accident. If they check my wands cast spells I can play it off as dueling I guess.

That night I decided to tell Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Daphne about the murder and that I was being investigated. They all took it pretty well, none of them believed I could have done it which is very wrong but I didn't do it so it's nice they believe in me.

The next morning after transfiguration I became the talk of the school. I was curious how so many people heard about the investigation. I knew none of the four would go around blurting it but it made sense when Hermione caught up to me.

"Soren!" I hear Hermione's voice behind me, I turn around to see Hermione behind me with a newspaper in her hand.

"Hey Hermione, what's the rush?" I ask calmly.

She shoves the newspaper into my c.h.e.s.t "Did you not see the paper? You're the talk of the school."

"RITA WAS RIGHT,, NEXT DARK LORD?" 'By Dempster Wiggleswade'.

'Over a year ago Rita Skeeter wrote an article speculating that a young boy, Soren Black, was the coming of the next Dark Lord. At the time all she had was rumors of his talent in the dark arts. But as of October 6th, 1992, our very own champion of Britain (Soren Black) was implicated in the murder of his duel opponent at the 1992 international dueling tournament.

This comes after the confirmed killing of his previous opponent. Although the first killing was ruled self-defense this second raises the question. Was the first one really self-defense? The French Ministry of Magic certainly doesn't think so. They are sending their finest investigative team of Aurors to Britain this weekend to interrogate the future Dark Lord.

Will the Heir to House Black be found guilty before he can even claim the family as his own? Will he be found to be just a third party uninvolved in the murder? I don't know but I can tell you this, he is not innocent.'

My face scrunches as my mood sours reading the article. "What f.u.c.k.i.n.g slander. I didn't kill him, I didn't even see him after the first time we fought."

Hermione looks more upset than me "How could they even write something like that? The investigation isn't even started and they already say you aren't innocent."

I sigh "Most of the students are already afraid of me anyway. It's not a big deal, as long as I have my friends and family I don't mind what everyone else thinks."

"Of course Soren, you're our friend." She says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smile "Hopefully the others think the same."

"They will." She says confidently.

We walk together to lunch to see Theo, Ron, Harry, and Daphne sitting together surrounded by students asking them questions. As Hermione and I approach the crowd scatters like scared rats. I glare at them as they run away with an annoyed face.

Theo stands up first "Hey, did you see what the Daily Prophet said about you?!"

I nod "Yeah, I know."

"I can't believe they would just lie like that, you wouldn't just kill someone." He says with a bitter face.

I give a wry frown "It isn't a lie, I did kill my first opponent."

His, Ron, and Harry's eyes go wide as Daphne gasps. I gesture for him to sit "I'll explain the situation, sit please."

I spend the next ten minutes explaining how my opponent turned out to be a vampire, how my referee was a thrall, how the mentor was a vampire as well, and how they tried to kill me using the killing curse.

The mentor was eventually incarcerated since they couldn't get him to tell any secrets. He will be in prison until he gives them information or dies of old age. Which can be a long time for vampires but they aren't truly immortal.

"I wasn't told until yesterday that my opponent had been murdered. If not for him telling me I wouldn't have learned until you did. I want to know how the Daily Prophet learned of it so fast." I say rubbing my chin.

"Will you get expelled?" Hermione asks with concern. Daphne, Harry, Ron, and Theo nod watching me waiting for a reply.

I shake my head "Of course not, Dumbledore likes me too much, I'm his best student after all."


"I may have to expel you," Dumbledore says in a tired voice.

I sat across from him in his office, he called me to it after classes were out for the day. I stare at him blankly having obviously not seen this coming.

"What do you mean Headmaster? How can you expel me? I haven't even done anything!" I say with obvious anger.

He shakes his head slowly "The Board of Governors as well as the Ministry are pressuring me to get you out of Hogwarts. The outcry from parents today is more complaints than I have ever received since my stay as Headmaster."

"Why don't you just suspend me then? Just send me home until this whole thing blows over. Then once everything calms down and my name is cleared you can bring me back." I say trying to be diplomatic.

He strokes his beard as he leans back thinking "That… would work. I did not foresee this so i can not offer much help… but I will try my best to convince the Ministry and Board. After the interview with the Aurors you will pack your bags and leave for an undecided amount of time… is that fair?"

I nod my head quickly "I gotcha Headmaster, I'll be sure to clear my name quickly."

He softly nods "I didn't believe you were guilty for a second Soren. Although I am old I am still capable enough to protect my student. At worst you will be expelled, you have my word."

"Thank you, Headmaster. They don't have any ground to stand on for the accusations against me anyway. I'll be sure to make an appeal to the members of the Board and the Daily Prophet. Although the Ministry politics may interfere they will still go with public opinion even if it's wrong." I say thankfully.

"I hope you are right young Soren. I hope you are." He says softly with a sigh.

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