Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 83 - The Interrogation

(A/N: Honestly this WoW pre-patch has gained me more progress in achievments or farming in a seven day period than any other time in WoW's history. It's too bad I can't farm mythic Nighthold anymore. Also scaling dungeons are f.u.c.kin dumb. If you find any issues with this chapters continuity fight me lol. Also the newest chapter on Patreôn was probs the funnest to write in a while, it's 1700 words as well.


Enjoy <3 )


Over the next few days there was a lot of tension throughout the school. Students would part like a sea as I made my way through the halls. The only people who would talk to me are my friends and the weird girl Luna.

Teachers stopped calling on me and I noticed Lockfart would flinch every time I got close. I hope he still flinches when I get proven innocent, it's entertaining. Flitwick and McGonagall checked on me a few times in the four days leading to the interrogation.

Personally I am fine but I am concerned with how Sis, Auntie, and Uncle are doing. Uncle works in the ministry and I'm sure some of them know I live with him. I am banned from sending letters until the investigation is over to keep from potential collusion.

I wake up a bit earlier than usual since I am to meet in the headmaster's office at 8 am. At 6:30 I wake up and get ready. I head to breakfast at 7 am alone since the only person awake is Hermione and she is busy with homework so I won't bother her.

I sit down and eat, seeing the head table for the teachers empty except for Snape who looks uninterested in what I'm doing. There are only about 15 other people in the great hall. Most students don't eat breakfast on the weekend and it only just started.

After eating I walk out of the giant doors and bump into a dark-skinned man standing over six feet tall. He is wearing traditional African magic robes and a kufi. It's Kingsley Shacklebolt, Sis's mentor, an Auror.

"Ah, Soren, I was looking for you." his deep voice says as a smile spreads on his face.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt right? Nice to finally meet you." I say offering out a hand to shake.

He laughs as he takes my hand "As m.a.t.u.r.e as Nymphadora says."

I smile back "Thanks, what are you doing here? Something with the investigation I assume?"

He nods as he lets go of my hand "You are afforded a ministry official to watch the interrogation since you are a minor. Dumbledore doesn't count and Nymphadora requested I go since she can't. I will be making sure they don't take things too far. Along with Dumbledore of course."

I nod "That sounds great. It's not like I'm guilty anyway so it won't be a long interrogation."

He nods as he pats my back "Good, good. I was afraid you would be nervous, it appears my worries were misplaced. Let's go then, as long as you're ready of course."

I shrug as I lead the way "I was about to go to the headmaster's office anyway."

He follows alongside me up the stairs to the headmaster's office. Once we get to the top of the stairs I see McGonagall and Flitwick standing at each side of the closed door. They both look nervous but perk up as they see me and Shacklebolt.

"Good, I'm glad you found him," Flitwick says to Shacklebolt as they both approach us.

I look up at McGonagall's worried face with a smirk "What are you worried for, it will be fine."

She sighs "I hope so Mr. Black. I don't want to see a promising young wizard's career end so soon."

Flitwick chimes in "It's good that you aren't nervous, remember to be aware of the answers you give, the Auror investigations have been known to be linguistic minefields of traps. No offense Mr. Kingsley." Flitwick says looking up at the man a solid four feet taller than him.

He shakes his head "I agree with you, there are plenty of dishonest Aurors. I will make sure he doesn't fall into any traps."

The door to Dumbledore's office rotates revealing the path up. McGonagall walks in and we all wait patiently for her return.

She comes back less than a minute later "They are ready for you."

I nod and walk in with Shacklebolt close behind. Once we get inside we see Dumbledore sitting across from two men dressed in loose robes with suit jackets underneath.

Shacklbolt and Dumbledore nod to each other in greeting while the two men stand up. One has a hooked nose that puts Snapes to shame while the other one is fairly handsome with tan skin. The hook nose has a thick beard with light brown hair, presumably to hide his lack of jawline.

The other one has a strong brow adorned with bushy brows that match his dark hair. They each stand up and take turns shaking Shacklebolt's hand ignoring me only giving me a small glare.

Dumbledore seems to take note as he raises a hand to them "This one is Mr. Abbott (Hooknose) and Mr. Chapel (Bushy Brows), they are the guests from the French Ministry and the one who will be interviewing you, Soren. Come, sit." He gestures at a seat next to him as he scoots over.

I calmly walk over and sit next to him while Shacklebolt pulls up a chair and sits on my left. I look between Shacklebolt and Dumbledore 'I am probably the safest person in the world right now. An accomplished Auror to my left and the world's strongest wizard to my right.'

I laugh at my own thought as Hooknose clears his throat getting my attention. "You know why we are here today, correct Soren?"

I nod "Of course, I have been briefed. My opponent was murdered while I was nowhere near and you want to try to pin it on me."

Bushy brows slams a picture of the kid on the table "His name was Marius Urussa. A pureblood wizard." The picture was of the kid with his family happily smiling and playing in the park.

I hold my palms up "And?"

Hooknose sighs as he leans back in his chair "So you won't be admitting to your crimes?"

"Considering I didn't do it, I would hardly say it's 'my crime.'" I say with raised brows.

"You are fairly m.a.t.u.r.e for a kid." Bushy brows speaks up.

I shrug "You don't get recognized as a prodigy without a bit of maturity."

"Uhuh, you have quite a history of violence. Only two years in school and so many incidents have already happened around you." Says Hooknose.

"You have also shown a lot of aggression to children of pureblood families in the past." Bushy brows continues from where his partner left off.

I gesture between the two "I thought this was supposed to be a good Auror, bad Auror type of situation."

"Deflecting with sarcasm?" Says Hooknose with raised brows.

Shacklebolt holds out a hand stopping them "Why don't you drop the insinuations and ask your questions."

Bushy brows gives him a quick glare as his eyes come back to me "Do you hate purebloods?" he asks curtly.

"No." I say with a straight face.

"Then who do you hate?" Hooknose asks crossing his arms.

I lean back as I think "I don't know, evil people I guess? Child abusers?"

"Where were you on the night of October the 5th around 9:15pm?" Bushy brows asks leaning forward.

"Around 9, I was just getting back from eating dinner with my family... Cedric Digory and Leon König can verify that I was with them until 10 pm that night."

"So two of your FRIENDS are your alibi? Uhuh." Hooknose says as a magic quill lifts from his jacket and begins to write on a pad.

I shrug with an annoyed scowl. "Why are you so hung up on me being the killer?"

Bushy brows looks at Hooknose who shrugs gestures to 'go-ahead'. Bushy brows pulls out a wristwatch from his inner pocket which I am confused about until I notice it's a muggle watch.

My eyes narrow "A muggle wristwatch?"

"Your muggle wristwatch, found at the scene of the murder." Bushy brows 'corrects' me.

I pull up the sleeve of my robe revealing the wristwatch I always wear despite not working here in Hogwarts. "They aren't even the same brand. Mine is an Omega Seamaster 200 steel, a rare piece of art. That's a fake Rolex!" I say a bit aggravated by the stupidity.

Hooknose looks at me with a dull face "You think throwing around fake words will get you off?"

I slap my forehead as I lean back into my chair 'Holy shit they're mentally ill.' I think to myself.

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