Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 84 - Suspended From Hogwarts

(A/N: This chapter is a bit short at 1300 words but the two latest I wrote are long af. I am truly a kind and lover God *Cough Cough* Author. I'm lowering the price of entry to vote on patreôn so if you are one of the eight dollar subs then be sure to change to a vote for more chapters when the month switches over.


Enjoy the chapter <3 <3 <3 )


After the 'interrogation' Shacklebolt and I walked out together. He had started defending me after I stopped answering their dumb, repetitive questions. When we walked out of the office Dumbledore and the Auror's stayed behind to 'hammer out details' but Dumbledore looked annoyed at how vehemently they accused me with no actual evidence.

Outside the office, McGonagall and Flitwick waited for us sitting nervously on two chairs on the left side of the hall. Seeing us come out they both stand up and look at us with bated breath.

"How did it go? Don't keep us waiting?" The emerald robed woman asked.

"They have circ.u.mstantial evidence at best, I don't know how they managed to get this far in the investigation with so little. They are pushing the 'motive' that Soren hates purebloods. They found a muggle wristwatch at the scene and thinks it's his."

"That's preposterous, Soren doesn't take that thing off," Flitwick says as I gesture at my wristwatch to prove his point.

Shacklebolt sighs, "Not much we can do now, I think the French ministry will stop the investigations but keep him on the list of suspects."

They both sigh as Shacklebolt looks to me "Do you have anything left to do? I was planning on taking you home."

I rub my chin as I think "I have to say bye to my friends and that's it."

He nods "Then I'll wait for you at the bridge."

I give the three of them a wave as I walk past "Well, I'll see you again when my name gets cleared. Hopefully soon."

They stare at my back as I briskly walk down the spiral stairs. I quickly find Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Harry in the common room. I explain to them the situation and why they suspect me.

All of them are pretty upset by the situation but I reassure them it will be fine… I have plans for that. I can't find Daphne and Theo and I don't want to leave Shacklebolt waiting so I just head down and decide I'll just send them a letter.

Once I get to the bridge I see Shacklebolt talking with Flitwick presumably about me. They both turn to me once I'm near.

"You ready to leave Soren?" Shacklebolt asks.

I nod as I pat my Mokeskin bag "Yup got everything."

He nods as he turns to Flitwick "Well then goodbye for now. Hopefully, we can get this resolved soon."

Flitwick sighs "I hope so as well." He turns to me "Be safe Soren, I hope to see you soon."

I smile "See you soon Professor." Shacklebolt and I walk to the end of the bridge until we cross the anti-apparation barrier.

Shacklebolt holds out an arm "Hold my sleeve tight Soren."

I nod as I grab his sleeve. The world around us spins and warps like sheets in a washing machine. After a second or two it stops and we are standing in front of Auntie's house.

I open the door before Shacklebolt can knock. Why knock? I live here. Inside Auntie and Uncle are sitting at the table talking about the newspaper with an angry tone.

Not wanting to sneak around I speak up "I'm home, I'm with Mr. Shacklebolt."

I hear him laugh behind me as I step in "You can just call me Kingsley, Soren."

I shrug as I get blindsided by a hug from Auntie. "Why are you here? Your next break isn't for another month." She says not letting go of me for a second.

"I am suspended until the pressure gets off Dumbledore then I'm heading back," I say hugging her back.

"Is this about that daft investigation?" She asks pulling away looking back at Uncle.

I nod "The Hogwarts Council wants me out and the ministry is backing them up. So rather than expelling me, he is suspending me until the investigation ends and my name is clear. Or until the council lets up."

"Lucius, that rat. Is this payback for you beating him up?" She says with an angry face.

"It's fine, everything will be cleared up soon," I say pulling away from her so I can go give Uncle a hug. He isn't big on hugs but he looks like he has been worried about me.

After I get them settled down I head upstairs as Auntie is getting tea and biscuits for Kingsley. I head into my room and look into the giant foe-glass on my wall. I let out a sigh of relief as I see all of the figures are still obscure.

But my anxiety spikes as I begin to count. The few from before have become a small army. Just from what I can count I can see at least 30. The forward-most 4 are only slightly obscured but I can't see features so I assume they are just in England… odd.

'Are there really this many people that want me dead? How?' Then it dawns on me. The person I dueled must have been an actual assassin sent by the vampires or the sort. 'But how did they figure out it was me?'.

The thoughts are beginning to annoy me as I sit on my bed and ponder. Voldemort is still out there but he is just a soul without a husk right now, he can't be it. I shake my head clearing the thoughts as I sit at my desk pulling out a quill and parchment.

Dear Uncle Lucius,

At this point, I feel a meeting is in order to clear the air about certain… 'issues'. I would prefer if this meeting was kept only between you and I. I would also request that you set up the where and when, I hope you can make it quick as time is a factor.

'Short and to the point.' I think to myself as I fold up the parchment and put it inside an envelope. I quickly jot down the address as I hand it to Shy who is sitting on top of the dresser beside me as usual.

Shy plucks the letter from my hand and sits on the window sill waiting for me to open it. I lean over pushing it open watching him fly away as I lean back in my chair. 'The trees look nice' I think to myself.' I sigh as I pull out a new piece of parchment and unroll it onto my desk.

'We need to talk. Meet me in the forest behind my house Monday night.

Soren Black'

I put it into an envelope and write Rita Skeeter's address on it and slide it into my desk for when Shy returns. Using Rita and Lucius I should be able to get public opinion back on my side.

It isn't that I do not trust Dumbledore… but I would rather do it myself. Plus Lucius will have information that I need since he is a former Death Eater. Even if I am unconvinced he cut his ties I'm sure something useful will come out of his mouth. If not… I'll force it out.

Even by virtue of me being in trouble gives rise to the possibility that Auntie, Sis, and Uncle could be implicated. Not only that Lucius may have additional books on Horcrux.

I let out a big sigh as I lazily march over to my bed and plop down. "What a mess."

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