Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 85 - Malfoy Mansion I

(A/N: I changed the pricing to vote on you know what, Valyndral never responded to my message so I made him his own tier lol. I can't edit tiers until everyone is off it so this is a small gift for him. If you were one of the people I kicked off the 8 tier I am sorry I had to to bring down the other prices. Soren is starting to understand he can't stay still if he wants a peaceful life.


Enjoy, Love Y'all <3 )


A few hours later I hear Shy at the window so I let him in. Inside his mouth, he is holding a black letter in his mouth that just has my name in white letters on it.

I quickly open it and read his reply 'Tomorrow evening, 10 pm, Malfoy Mansion.' I nod after reading it and hand the other letter to Shy.

I pat his head "Sorry for the workout, I'll be sure to get you some fresh mice next time we are out."

Taking the letter Shy quickly flies off once again. I quickly take my wand and burn the letter to avoid an awkward situation.

I head downstairs to see Sis is home and Shacklebolt is still here. Auntie is in the kitchen cooking not far away while the other three are in the dining room sitting around the table talking.

"Soren." Sis hops up and gives me a hug before I can say anything.

"Hey Sis." I say while trying to not be squeezed to death.

"I can't believe that old git actually suspended you." She says pulling away looking at me.

I shrug "I suggested it, better than being expelled."

"That's true but still." She says with an angry glare across her seemingly glowing face. I guess she doesn't hide her real appearance around Shacklebolt.

"If anything I feel bad for Luar. She is still at Hogwarts with Hagrid. She must be lonely. I told Hermione to keep her company but it still sucks." I sigh as I sit down in the seat next to Sis.

"Speaking of Luar, you aren't planning on getting any more pets right? I don't mind them but if you do I'll need to build a bigger pen." Uncle asks looking at me with raised brows.

I laugh a bit "No, I don't plan on it."

He sighs "Good, I don't know if my back can handle it."

"Enough of that, I made some pasta for lunch," Auntie says placing a plate in front of Shacklebolt and Uncle Ted.

Shacklebolt gives a small smile "Don't mind if I do then, Thank you."

Auntie smiles, "You're quite welcome." She turns to Sis and I "Come and make yourselves plates, I put some out for you two."

After lunch, Shacklebolt left along with Sis as they had work to do. Uncle and I cleaned up while Auntie was writing a letter to a friend.

We had a light dinner later that night and I finally got to go upstairs to see if Shy was back. Apparently Auntie has yet to tell Uncle about Sin which is why she gave me a second portion to take to my room.

Sure enough Shy had returned with a letter. I set Sin's food on the bed and grab the letter from Shy who goes on top of the dresser again. I roll my eyes as I open the letter with Sin gobbling down the plate of food next to me.

On the parchment is one word "Understood" only one word on the page, to be fair it was really nice handwriting. I suppose that is all that was needed. I see Sin has already finished his plate of food since he is now resting on my neck.

I pick up the plate and bring it downstairs meeting Uncle who is doing dishes in the kitchen. "Finished a second plate already?" He asks surprised.

I shrug "I'm a growing boy."

He takes the plate and sets it in the sink "I supposed, geez."

I gesture a 'what the heck' motion to Auntie who is on the couch. She just looks at me with an innocent look and doesn't meet my eyes. I roll my eyes as I head upstairs and turn off the lights diving headfirst into my bed.


The next day once the time hit 9 pm I locked my door and apparated in front of the Malfoy mansion. It was much closer than the north of Scotland like when I visited the Red Sea to test my powers.

I marvel a bit at the large mansion in front of me but what impresses me, even more, is the number of wards layed around it. Although it's not near Sid's old wards on Azkaban, there are more and are more intricate even if less powerful.

As I get close to the gate a familiar face greets me, the house-elf Dobby. He glares at me obviously not happy with the fact I am here, I am sure he is misunderstanding something.

"Master Malfoy has ordered Dobby escort you inside, even though Dobby does not wish to." He says irritated as he turns around and starts walking.

I am unaffected by his rude tone "Are you the one who closed the entrance to the train platform to try and stop Harry? The one that almost got Harry and Ron almost killed?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"That was not Dobby's intention. I just wanted to keep Mr. Harry Potter safe." He says as his irritated face falls and he looks a bit scared.

"Safe from what?" I ask following close behind.

"... Dobby cannot say." He says clenching his little fist tight.

I laugh a bit "I know, I remember our last conversation. Can you tell me if this meeting is a trap?"

Dobby looks at me with an odd gaze as he slows his walk "Dobby cannot say." He says very slowly obviously meaning yes.

I shrug "Whatever."

Dobby snaps his fingers and the large twin doors to the mansion swing open revealing an open main hall lined with bright candlelight. Narcissa and Lucius are standing there waiting for me with smiles. Like a kind of terrifying picture-perfect couple.

I nod my head and do a curt bow "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, it's nice to see you."

As I look up I am smothered in Narcissa's c.h.e.s.t "Ah, Soren, I knew you would come around eventually."

I just accept the hug and hug her back since I can't speak anyway. Lucius walks up and pats my shoulder, "Indeed, it's… good to see you again boy."

Once Narcissa pulls away I can see his smile is very forced. "It's nice to finally meet you, Aunt Narcissa."

She grins widely as she looks at Lucius "You hear that Lucius, he called me Aunt Narcissa, how sweet."

Lucius nods as he turns around and nods me in "Come boy, you wanted to speak?"

I nod "Of course."

He leads me through the halls as Narcissa sticks close to me. I feel like she is a genuinely kind person but I can't tell if she is a 'good' person. It is obvious though, she is the reason that Draco is the way he is.

We eventually reach a large meeting room with a table about 20 feet long with numerous chairs lining the sides. Lucius sits at one side while I sit opposite. Narcissa sits at the head in between the both of us. I close my eyes and search for souls throughout the house. My face falls after but I quickly recover my smile.

Seeing Narcissa hold Lucius's hand I smirk "You are lucky, not many get love out of arranged marriages."

Lucius and Narcissa look a bit awkward "We actually were not close until he got back from Azkaban. Yes, we had Malfoy but we weren't really in love, but now it is different."

I nod "I forgot, you used to be a Death Eater right? Tell me, how is the Imperius Curse? I'm sure it must have been difficult."

He gives me a serious look as Narcissa looks uncomfortable. "It was… a traumatizing experience."

"Uh Huh… and what of the two Death Eaters in the room adjacent?" I ask calmly, his face falls as Narcissa looks shocked at the accusation.

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