Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 86 - Malfoy Mansion II

(A/N: Reaper is at 3 a week so there will be more this week just an FYI. I'm kind of conflicted on how Soren should handle the situation so I may make a poll out of it. Let me know if you would want that.


Enjoy my pretties <3 )


Narcissa turns to Lucius "We haven't had any contact with other Death Eater families in years, right?" She asks looking at Lucius who still has a hard face.

Her eyes narrow "Right? He must be mistaken."

"Enough. Leave." He says not facing her but meeting my eyes instead.

"No." She says obviously getting ominous vibes from Lucius.

"LEAVE US." He yells causing her to flinch.

She slowly stands up looking at me with a sorry gaze. She puts a hand on my shoulder as she walks by "We can talk later Soren."

My opinion of the woman shoots up as I nod to her. 'She may be racist but she doesn't seem like a bad person.' I think to myself as my eyes move back to Lucius.

The large wood doors close behind me as Lucius raises his wand up and puts a noise ward on the room. He puts it back into his cane as he looks at me with wary eyes.

"How did you know?" He asks calmly.

"There is a lot you have yet to learn, Uncle Lucius," I say standing from my seat.

He waves a hand and the smaller door on the opposite side of the room opens. Two large men in ornate silver masks and black robes walk into the room. Lucius has a conflicted face as they stand across the large wooden table from me.

I sigh "Leave now and I'll spare you."

The two men in masks turn to each other, probably confused. They both pull out their wands as they point them at me.

"Wrong choice," I say grabbing Sin from my neck tossing it towards the two death eaters.

He quickly pulls out his wand and points it at me "Expelliarmus." His wand flies out of his hand before he can even fully turn to me. The muffled screams of the two dying men create an eerie atmosphere in the candlelit room as I point my wand at Lucius.

"You have some questions to answer. This whole setup has me curious." I say gesturing for him to sit.

Once he sits down I secretly use my cloak to grab his wand so it doesn't become an issue later. "What do you want to know." He says cautiously as Sin gets off the now two dead men and lays on the table between the two of us.

I smirk as I notice Lucius's eyes stuck on Sin "Explain the death eaters.... And take your time."

He slowly nods "Nearly a year ago it was spread around the old death eater families that Voldemort was still alive. I thought a rumor so I ignored it until a few months ago the carrow twins arrived at my door again. Dolohov had found what was left of Voldemort in a forest in Albania."

"I was told to use my resources to help find the ingredients to make him a new body. He was left weak from that night and still has yet to recover. In addition to those orders, I was given new orders a few weeks ago. Kill Soren Black at any cost."

His eyes meet mine finally and I can see he is genuinely conflicted. "I may not be a good man but killing a child, one of my own blood at that? I couldn't. When you sent me the letter yesterday Gibbon was giving me a briefing when your letter arrived. I was forced to take action."

"I may not want to kill you… but my family comes first. That's why I pushed so hard to get you out of Hogwarts, so you would be more exposed." He says obviously not regretting his decision, I nod as I would have done the same if I was as weak as him.

"These two were supposed to be well-trained murders used by the Nott family during the first war… " He says looking at the two dead bodies.

"Alright, I get it… I have a few demands." I say putting my wand away.

His eyes narrow "And if I reject?"

I smirk "You will die of course."

His face turns stone "Speak then."

I stand up with my hands out of my cloak in a friendly gesture showing I mean no harm. "You will help clear my name. You will get me access to powerful artifacts. Lastly, you will serve me, you will become my pawn in Voldemort's company."

He is taken aback as fear crosses his face "The first two are doable but serve you? Why? That would put my family in jeopardy."

I give a kind smile "I assure you, they are much safer under me than Voldemort."

"Why would I trust a child over the Dark Lord." He asks with ridicule in his voice.

"Let me answer your question with another question. Do you know why he wants me dead? Before even the child who almost killed him the first time? I'll be nice, the answer is fear." I ask leaning on the table a few feet away.

He looks confused "Why does he fear you?"

'Because no one escapes death.' My dead voice echos inside his head as my empty eye sockets meet his terrified eyes.

"AHHHHHHH STOP PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" He screams with pure terror as he tries to pry off my hand from his throat. My cloak creeps up his arms as they fall to his sides losing all power.

'Are you willing to serve?' I ask, tilting my rotting face curiously.

He nods his head as fast as he can "I AM WILLING, I AM WILLING!"

I drop him as I shift back into my human form with a smile "Simple, see?"

He is panting on the ground as his arms are still dead at his side. I walk back to where Sin is on the table and place him back around my neck "Good job." I say softly as I pat him.

"Anything else you are hiding from me?" I ask casually, turning back to the cowering man.

He nods his head as he won't meet my eyes again. "H-he told me to get the journal back into Hogwarts, I-I-I don't know what it is though. I was just told to get it into the school."

I raise my brows curiously to the stuttering mess "Oh, and who has it."

"T-the Weasley girl." He says as he begins to regain power in his arms and curls into a ball.

My eyes narrow at him "Don't give Voldemort anything he needs unless you have no choice, other than that pretend to be completely loyal. You may wanna practice Occlumency more, I hear Voldemort is quite skilled at Legilimency."

He nods his head without looking in my direction while slowly standing up. "T-t-there is nothing else, h-he is being protected at Durmstrang academy. That's all I know."

I wave my hand to him as I begin walking away "I will send you letters on the supplies and artifacts I need… I expect you and Narcissa to apologize to my Auntie Dromeda, you will send letters or show up anytime you need to give updates. Is that clear?"

"Yes." He says as my misty black cloak extends onto the table and places his wand in front of him.

I give him a side-eye as I open the large wooden doors "I'm going to go talk to Auntie Narcissa now, join us once you've collected yourself."

With my departing words, I walk out to find Dobby and he guides me to the parlor room where she is reading a book waiting for us.

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