Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 87 - Malfoy Mansion III

(A/N: I really like making morally grey characters. Especially when the original author made them black and white at the beginning but decided to give them depth later on when people already determined things for themselves. Let me know if you want a poll based on morality since I can't decide. If no one want's a poll I'll just flip a coin. A poll will be up for Morningstar tomorrow though.


Love you babes <3 )


I smile at her as I walk into the room. she puts down the book as she looks at me with concern. "So how did the conversation go? He didn't get you into anything with that crowd did he?"

I shake my head "No, we came to an accord. He would try his best not to do anything bad and would work with me. We are family after all, right?"

Her face turns to a smile "Of course. Would you like some tea?"

"Sure," I say sitting in the large armchair across from her.

"DOBBY! Go fetch Soren some tea." She orders the stupid elf as she turns back to me with a smile.

I smile wryly at the drastic change in her personality when speaking to Dobby. "We came to the conclusion that you and Lucius would try to make up with Auntie Dromeda."

She looks confused "With Andromeda? Why in the heavens would we do that?"

I can't shake the wry smile as she says it with such confidence. "Because there are not many left. Family always comes first, right Auntie Narcissa."

She sighs "I suppose… But isn't she still with that muggle." she says with a questioning face.

"Uncle Ted is a fantastic wizard. I'm sure you will get along once you meet him." I say trying not to get angry.

She sips her tea without answering, I can tell from her face that she is considering it. I sigh as I hear the door open and see Lucius who looks twenty years older walking in. Narcissa quickly puts down her drink as she gets up and walks over to him.

"Are you alright? Did the death eaters attack you?" She says with a mix of anger and sympathy to the disgruntled and messy Lucius.

His eyes linger on me with a complicated look that holds a bit of obvious fear. "It's fine, everything is taken care of." He says to Narcissa but his eyes don't leave me.

I nod to him since he is obviously talking about the corpses being dealt with. Narcissa nods, taking his word for it. "Good, I expect an explanation later." He finally turns to her and nods as he sits on the couch not far from Narcissa's chair.

Narcissa sits back down as Dobby returns with a tea kettle and three cups on platters floating around him. They come to rest in front of each of us as the kettle pours into each cup. My eyes meet Dobby's and I see him giving me an angry glare.

*SMACK* The kettle falls and smashes on the ground as Dobby holds his head wailing "You do not glare at our guests, elf. Clean up your mess." Narcissa says with a hiss as she holds the hand she used to smack the elf.

I suck air through my teeth as I see the elf roll on the ground like a dog rolling in mud. 'That looked like it hurt… I still don't feel bad though.' I think to myself as Narcissa looks like this is common practice.

I clear my throat as I gather myself "You guys heard what happened at the dueling tournament right?"

Lucius nods tiredly as well as Narcissa "I did hear, that's just awful. How could the french ministry let the dueling association just get away with this? First, someone tries to kill you then they investigate you for murder. I mean even if you did do it, what right do they have to investigate the head of House Black?"

I shrug "Well you guys wouldn't happen to know anything about it right?" I say looking over at Lucius who is still sitting quietly.

Lucius shakes his head no as Narcissa speaks up "No, but if you need our help just let us know. We can make sure the French Ministry finds nothing. Right Lucius dear?"

Lucius gives her a tired smile "Of course. Anything for family." His last words are dull as he meets my eyes with a deep breath out.

I smile "I thought you wouldn't. I'll be fine, I'd be grateful if you threw in some good words for me to your friends though. Especially towards the Hogwarts council, Mr. Chairman." I say with a sly smile to Lucius.

Lucius nods "You'll be back in Hogwarts before you know it." He says with a small smile.

Narcissa rubs her chin as she leans back "Are either of that man's parents a wizard? Sorry, what was his name again? Ted?"

I nod "His name is Edward. Ted for short. I like to think that family is more important than blood."

Her eyes narrow in confusion "Are they not the same thing."

I shake my head "No. They are very different… very." I mutter the last word as I'm lost in my memories.

Narcissa nods "I suppose, we can try to look past it… right Lucius dear?"

Lucius agrees "I have my own curiosities of muggles… I suppose getting to know one wouldn't be so bad." He says with a fake smile.

Narcissa smiles "Then we will come to visit you sometime, you're in Appleby right? Soren?"

I snap out of my thoughts as I look up at her concerned face "Yeah, of course, I'll try to set up a meeting with you and Auntie. I will send you guys a letter when I know the date."

Lucius stands up first "You are leaving?" he asks as he sees me slowly getting up.

I nod "It's getting late, I don't want to overstay my welcome." I give him a kind smile

"I will escort you out," Lucius says opening the door for me.

"Goodbye Aunt Narcissa," I say as I finish my tea and begin to walk out wave hand as I do.

"Bye Soren, hopefully, I will see you soon." She says with a kind smile.

I sigh 'I suppose racists are people too, but why is she so nice yet has so much hate? Baffling.'

Once Lucius and I get to the main entrance hall we stop and I turn to him "As I said I'll send you lists of what I need along with the money. Take care of yourself Uncle, if you ever need any or get caught by death eaters as a traitor just tell me. I am good at cleaning large messes."

He shivers a bit as his eyes linger on my scarf "I have already said I will serve, you need not worry. I will do what I can for my family."

"I will have you and your family under observation so don't try anything alright?" I say giving him a cheeky smirk.

His face falls and I hold my hands up seeing the misunderstanding. "I said I would protect your family. The observers will double as protection, I have them on my family as well, don't worry."

He lets out a deep breath of relief "What are these 'observers?'" He asks skeptically.

I laugh a bit as I turn around "You don't need to know. Just know your family is safe." without him being able to reply I apparate away.

I appear in my room again as I sigh and slump onto my bed. I lay back as I think to myself 'playing the bad guy is hard, how does Volde do it?'.

(A/N: Before you, meta-gamers, say it, no he couldn't do the unbreakable vow because it's a three person spell and he doesn't have a person he trusts enough to do it.)

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