Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 89 - Late Night Ritual

(A/N: No Morningstar today, I finished the chapter but I really didn't like it so I scrapped about 900 words of it and started writing. I think I might be ddumb because I can't write in a way I enjoy. Anyway, hope you enjoy this fairly dark chapter.


Much love <3 )


Sitting at my desk I begin to write a new letter. I detail out every single thing I need to build the tower I am working on. Since sleep is optional for me and I will have a lot of free time I have decided to use this extra time to begin my construction.

I quickly address the letter to the first servant and I am sure to tell him to never mention names in these letters. I am positive he already knows this but I have to make double sure, he will be called the First Servant, and he will address me as the Reaper. Only in letters of course.

It would be odd to talk to someone like that face to face. Tonight will be a long night for me as I will be flying all over the isles. First I must go to Azkaban to recruit a few dementors to watch over Lucius, Narcissa, and Malfoy. I will also grab a few of Sids things while I am there. As well as a few… less important things.

I hand Shy the letter as I stand from my desk apparating out, I appear again on the beaches of the north sea only a few miles out from Azkaban. I am covered in my shroud as I transform into my true form after making sure there is no one around.

To others, this would be rather risky to do but I am able to become invisible with my shroud and can check for humans around me every so often. I make my way to Azkaban at speeds that would put boats to shame.

From a mile or two out, I can see the tower with the dementors flying around carelessly. They all begin to stop and turn to me as I quickly approach as if they can see me through my shroud. I slow down as I approach watching the dementors slowly back away from me as I drift above the rough waves crashing against the rocks of Azkaban's island.

The docks are small and have a small hut with one sleeping man inside. I can see his soul is mostly white as he leans against his desk probably sleeping. I pass him slowly watching him as the candlelight from inside leaves the window and hits my shroud.

Once I am past him I search the inside of the tower with my enhanced sight. On the first floor I can see the guard's quarters, a living area, a kitchen, and a few offices. I drift inside casually as basically all the guards are asleep except for one that is awake and reading.

My eyes scan over the crimes until I reach the three bottom rows. S.e.x.u.a.l Assult, Murder, and Muggle Atrocities. I pick one of the three at random and pull out the first one in the row.

The file reads 'Anders, William.

Crime: Muggle Atrocities.

Description: Used the Imperius Curse to **** and murder at least six muggle women. Only four bodies have been found, through the use of transfiguration he turned them into decorations and scattered them around his home. Also known to associate with Death Eaters before he was excommunicated by their community.

Sentence: 5437 years

Sentence Date: November 3rd, 1972'

"Well, William Anders. Looks like you will be the first to fuel my wards." My eyes narrow as I read the description of his crimes.

I shift back into my dementor form as I fly down into Sid's hideout. I quickly find what I need, a ceremonial dagger, a few iron rods infused with multiple charms, and a magic powder made from the bones of a sea serpent and the blood of a beast who looks similar but with a wildly aggressive temperament compared to sea serpents normal kind nature.

Sid said these along with an unwilling human sacrifice can be used to fuel a powerful aversion ward as well as a defensive ward for up to ten years. I would say a criminal's life is worth ten years of my continued peace.

'Gather!' I speak loudly into the mind of every single dementor on the island. Most of them fumble near trying to avoid touching each other. If it could my eye would twitch right now. I am so used to dealing with the intelligent Prota that I forget how dumb they are.

Once they are all nearby I scan over them carefully. It is difficult to tell whether or not they will be intelligent but I still pick out three nonetheless. I have them come in front of me while I dismiss the other.

'Can any of you three speak?' I ask since Prota can do simple words as of late maybe one of them can as well.

None of them respond. I sigh internally as I begin to explain to them what their jobs are. They are to head to the Malfoy mansion and survey them from a distance and protect them if necessary. But to only intervene if they would come to serious harm.

The three are all similar in size, about the size of the dementor guarding Uncle Ted. I still assign the smallest of the three to protect Malfoy when he gets back from school. Although I don't like the kid I would still hate to see him die before he

Once that is all taken care of and they start flying off towards Britain I open the file of William Anders. It says he is hell in cell 415. I float down all the way to floor four phasing through each level as I do. I stop as I reach his cell and peer inside.

A man who looks to be in his mid-fifties is quietly sleeping. 'William Anders.' I speak into his head as I phase through the bars going into his cell.

His head snaps up off his cot as he looks at me with wide eyes. "A dementor that can talk?" Fear lingers in his eyes as I approach him.

'You are William Anders?' I ask as I tower over him only a foot away from where he is laying.

He sits up as he backs against the wall "What do you want with me?" He asks with a shaky voice.

My shroud crawls up his legs as I shift out of my dementor form back to human. He looks at me with wide eyes as my shroud reaches up to his neck. He tries to pull it off of him but his hands fade through it as if he were grabbing at mist.

His eyes widen "A kid?"

I smile as I step up to him, the shroud fully envelopes him causing him to fall over unconscious. "Just making sure I had the right person," I say with a small smile. I grab him by his collar and pull out my wand apparating to my spot in the Forest of Bowland.

Appearing in the area I cleared out before I drag him to the top of a small ridge near the center of the land where I plan to put the tower. I toss him to the side as I pull out Sid's ward book and begin to arrange the ritual.

I set the enchanted rods in a six-pointed star pattern around two thousand meters away from each other. Then I took the beast powder and spread it in the area exactly as Sid had laid out in the book putting the final ritual circle on the ridge near where I tossed the unconscious sacrifice.

I grab him again and lay him down in the center of the circle letting my shroud grab his limbs keeping him down. I pull out the small ritual dagger as I kick his head waking him up. He groggily wakes up as he looks back and forth with fear in his eyes.

"Who are you?!" He yells with a trembling voice as he tries to struggle free of my shroud. I look at him coldly as I take a knee next to him raising the dagger high.

"In the star of the beholder I offer the body of beasts and the blood of the unwilling-" I look in his eyes as he begins to scream.

"WAIT, WAIT, WE CAN TA-." I continue the spell ignoring his words.

"With this life, may the land be protected from those who oppose me, with the blood of those who fear me. THROUGH THE BLOOD I OFFER!" I drive the dagger down hard piercing the man's c.h.e.s.t as he screams with all his might.

"AHHH!" The man's c.h.e.s.t is pulled to the sky as blood flows from the dagger in his c.h.e.s.t. The blood floats into the air following the markings on the ground I made with the beast powder. His screams stop as his body becomes a husk without blood.

The blood eventually reaches the rods and disappears into them as it turns the rods red. A deep red beam of magic slowly rises from the rods as a transparent screen is formed connecting the rods to each other forming a hexagon and a pale star on the inside converging on his dead body.

I look around at the barrier with an impressed face. "I'm surprised it worked honestly," I say to myself with a fairly proud feeling.

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