Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 90 - Planning Ahead

(A/N: Got DnD tonight So I will post the Dead God chapter tomorrow, hope y'all are having a great weekend.


<3 )


To test the barrier I walk past the rods and turn to face it. I grin as it appears nothing is there, right now it doesn't have the aversion charm so people can accidentally walk into it but the ritual already set it up. All I need to do is set up the charm using the ashes of the man used for the ritual.

(A/N: The anti-detection charm is already up, the aversion charm keeps people from accidentally bumping into the barrier by fooling the mind into thinking that the area there doesn't exist. Basically what Hermione did in the Deathly Hallows.)

I check for souls before transforming into my dementor form. I gather my shadows behind me as I ball my fist, raising it behind me. Three tendrils of shadow grow from the ground like new arms. The shadows thrust forward as I push my fist forward.


My ability to control the barrier with a thought to block out even people I have given access is useful as well. I think I will make the charm to gain access similar to the Fidelius charm but more restrictive. It will also be more simple since I am not yet good enough at charms to do the Fidelius charm.

The ritual only lets me create the aversion charm so the task of making the access charm falls to me. I may not be as good with charms as some other prodigies but I am still better off than 90% of wizards. Not to mention I am better with souls than practically any other living wizard.

I am already certain that I will make it a two-person spell as to make it practically faultless. The only way a traitor can get in is with the aid of another traitor. That or by tricking them and in that case they have a problem to deal with.

I walk back to the center where the man's body has already turned to dust. I sit in front of the pile of ash and think. I will not be able to live a peaceful life alone. As powerful as I am in my dementor form I can't fight a war myself.

I don't wish to mingle with the dark wizards but the dementors are too little in number to fight a war. If Voldemort returns I will be facing down an army of thousands. Azkaban only has a few hundred dementors at max.

'I can make more but that's a bit too brutal for me…Am I thinking too far ahead?... With the oldest dementor protecting Auntie there is no way a normal dark wizard would be able to harm her. But what about a team?' I sigh to myself as I stand up.

From my cloak, I grab an iron bucket and pick up the ashes of the corpse. At each of the rods, I place a small pile and finish the ritual with the final charm.

"May the ashes of my foe keep me unseen from those who may wish me harm," I say bowing my head towards my wand in a respectful fashion. The iron rod glows white for a second before fading as if nothing happened.

I do this at each rod before I finally dump the rest of the ashes in a small pit and wash out the bucket of rapist dust. I put the bucket back in my cloak before I disapparate from the forest with a relieved feeling. Now that I have secured the area as mine I can freely do magic and practice there.

Also the youngest one is the one who is the most likely to kill someone and not tell me about it. I close my eyes and feel the souls in the house. Everyone is sleeping soundly which means Sis's dementor is home for a rare change.

Since I still have a few hours till sunrise I decide to talk to them. I change into my dementor form and phase through the ceiling and float a few feet above the room. After waiting only a few seconds I can 'see' the three dementors coming towards me.

I face them as they stop in front of me off of the roof with their faces covered by the black hoods. Their heads are lowered causing me to wonder if they have become more intelligent. Prota can say one-word sentences but the others haven't shown growth. That being said I haven't seen them in a while.

I point at the middle dementor, the one who protects Sis 'You are Druga.' beating my expectations again it nods its lowered head.

I point at the last 'You are Dretten.' the smallest stands like a stone oblivious with its head down.

I look at Prota 'Have you eaten any pursuers?'

'Yes' Prota's dead voice responds. His voice sounds like an old man on his deathbed and is lacking emotion.

'How many?' I ask.

He puts a hand on himself as he raises his featureless face looking at me 'One.'

He then points to the youngest 'Two'

I nod 'Did you throw the bodies into the sea?'

'Yes.' He says standing as still as a tree.

'Continue as you were protecting your targets. Work together if necessary.' Prota and Druga nod while Dretten keeps its head down. I wave them off with a hand and they scatter. Prota drags the small one behind him as they disappear into the forest.

I sigh as I phase through the roof back into my room and transform back into a human. I sigh as I sit on my bed "Four people were sent after Auntie and Uncle huh?"

I get up as I sit at my desk turning on my lamp and pull out a book. 'I will just work on my spell for now and go to the library in the morning to get some addresses and legal records.' I say to myself as I pull out my charms book.

I begin to copy down the fidelius charm, then I pull out my curses and hexes book and copy down the mimblewimble curse. Finally I pull out the 'Guide To Magical Contracts' and I copy down the unbreakable vow.

I stare at the three spells as I scratch my head and wonder how I can create my own out of the three and still make it simple. I am lucky that sixty percent of a spell is intent and knowing the flow of magic.

I think the only way to simplify it is to make the magic a form of contract that no one can speak of. One that you forget upon being out of my presence. But that makes the issue of what if they need to get to the sanctuary without me there? Hmmmm.

I lean back in my chair as I stare at the paper reading over the spells with a narrow gaze. I sigh as I sit forwards and begin scribbling down ideas. That's when I hear Shy knock on the window I smile seeing I have a reason to procrastinate. I stand up and let him in, taking the letter from him.

It's from Lucius, he wants to know where to put the supplies I ordered. I just reply shortly 'I will pick them up myself.' I write the letter and set it on the desk. I want to give Shy a break so I will send it some time tomorrow.

I look at the spells again and sigh seeing I only got like three minutes of procrastination out of that. I pet Shy as I stare out the dark window wondering what I'll do about all the things currently on my plate.

I look at Shy "Why is life so hard." Shy tilts his head at me causing me to smile.

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