Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 91 - To The Ministry

(A/N: So this will be copy pasted over all the books so just read it once today lol. So A lot of stuff has happened to me since I last posted. If you are in the discord you know a bit of it, if you were in the Patr- you know half of it. Long story short I am depressed now, need money for a small surgery and am now working 50 hours a week to try and pay for it because the American Healthcare system is GARBAGIO. I have tomorrow and Thursday off so I will try and get a chapter or two that I promised. I work 60 hours christmas week but only 30 next week so i'll also try and get some done then. Enjoy the chapters for those who weren't Patrons and to those who were, I gotcha.

Love y'all <3)


A few hours later in the morning I still haven't found a solution for the spell but I have to get going if I want to make it to the Library. I walk downstairs to see Uncle and Auntie at the table both reading the newspaper.

Seeing me coming down the stairs Aunties brows perk up "What are you doing awake so early Soren?"

"I was thinking of going with Uncle to the Ministry. I want to go to study at the Archives." I say sitting at the table at the head of the table which is between the two.

Uncle drops the newspaper revealing Arthur sitting on his l.a.p. "Really? Why don't you come down and see me once you're done with your research?"

I smile "Sure, but is it okay for me to head inside? I thought they were strict about who can go in?"

He laughs a bit "It's fine, not like we are handling particularly confidential information."

I shrug "If that's the case I don't mind swinging by after."

Thirty minutes later our talking is broken up by the sound of Sis coming down the stairs. I turn to see Sis's beautiful face coming down the stairs with tired eyes. Her tired eyes narrow at me as she walks up to the kitchen and waves a hand. Bread floats out of the fridge while a jam jar and butter knife begin to make her a sandwich.

"So why are you up so early Soren?." She says as she grabs the sandwich out of the air and starts eating it.

"I'm going with you guys to the ministry, I want to do some studying of history," I say giving her an innocent smile.

"Oh? Are you going to come to visit me on the second level?" She says sitting down next to Auntie.

"I don't think they would let me in." I say with a small laugh.

She shrugs "No clue, you should try though. I get bored with the paperwork."

"No, he has to come save me from my paperwork." Uncle Ted says defensively.

My jaw drops "That's why you wanted me to visit you?"

He holds up the cat defensively "Not the only reason."

Auntie sighs as she rolls her eyes "I have things to do today so I'm going to stay out of this." With that she makes her escape heading into her room.

"You can come to visit me after you visit dad." She says with an annoyed tone. "I AM TAKING THE FLOO NETWORK!" she yells to the dining room as she grabs a handful of floo powder from the goblet above the fireplace.

She steps in and gives me a small smile and waves before she throws the powder at her feet "Ministry of Magic." She says as green flames bathe her and she vanishes from my sight.

I close my book as I turn around to see Uncle no longer holding his paper. He is walking over with Arthur in his arms.

"Hmmm. Do you want to take the floo network as well? I am not as good at apparition as your older sister, to be safe we should probably do that." He says stroking the cat-like some kind of villain.

I nod "Sure it's not a big deal to me." I stand up and stand next to the fireplace.

He sets the cat down on a chair as he grabs the goblet and offers some powder to me. I take a handful stepping into the fireplace as I do.

"I'll wait for you I guess." He nods as I throw the powder at my feet "Ministry of Magic" I say in a clear voice.

Greens flames quickly cover my vision as it feels like the wind is hitting my face. It stops almost the same second it started as the green fades and I appear in a large fireplace made of large white stone. The floors of the lobby are shiny dark wood floors with hundreds of wizards walking in. The walls themselves are darker stone while the ceilings are a bright royal blue.

The wall across from me is littered with around thirty fireplaces with people walking out of the atrium and on my side were people walking in. I quickly step out of the fireplace so as to not get in anyone's way.

I walk over while he is still looking around for me. He sees me once I'm within a few feet and looks relieved.

"Let's get you to the security desk. They will be able to bring you to the archives." He says as he puts a hand on my back and leads me through the crowd. Good thing he does too, I am too short and can't see over the giant crowd of people.

Once we get to the desk I wave at the man behind the tall desk. "Okay, I have to get to work, I'll see you later Soren, don't get lost."

I wave bye to him as I look up at the desk man "Name please." he says with a tired voice.

"Soren Black," I say leaning against the desk.

He flips through a small book using his wand to turn the page "Let me see, Black… Black. Ah, I see, you have restrictions on you right now, travel."

"Can I still go to the Archives?" I ask a bit concerned.

He nods "You can, you just can't leave the country. Do you need directions?"


He stands up and points to the bridge on my left. "Over the bridge, take your first right, at the end of the hall there will be large double doors on your left. That is the archives. Directly on the left is the archive manager's desk."

I nod as I follow his directions to a T. I am lucky that the crowds died down once I got past the elevators. The bridge was really cool since it seemed below it was just a bottomless abyss and windows on the sides of the ravine.

I finally make it to the large doors with a sign next to them reading 'Ministry of Magic Archives.' I nod to myself as I open the large doors slowly revealing the massive lines of bookshelves seemingly going a mile long.

I turn left as he said and there is an older witch sitting at a shorter desk reading a book. I wearily walk over to the desk as I observe the old witch. She gives off meaner McGonagall vibes and it scares me a bit.

She looks up from her book with narrow eyes. "How can I help you?" She says in a rushing tone.

"I am here to read through the public doc.u.ments," I say with a wry smile.

She smacks a part of her desk near the end with a different color paint to the rest of the desk. "Put all your books in your possession inside this square or else the enchantment will take them and organize them with the rest."

I nod as I place my book, 'The Experience of A real Potioneer', on the desk she reads the title "Good choice."

I give her a smile "Thanks, what books can I check out and how many?"

"Columns 1-8 up to row 12. You won't be able to touch anything else so you don't have to worry about it. You can check out as many as you like as long as you don't leave the archives. If you leave the archives you can only take one book, no legal records." She says as if she has said the exact words 100 times.

Since I'm the only one here I'll take my time.

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