Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 92 - Visiting Uncle's Work

As I begin to walk away from the shelves the twenty or so books are lifted from my hands and gently float to the table nearest me. I sigh glad that I don't have to carry all of them and sit down at the table picking up the one off the top.

'The case of Lucius Malfoy V The Ministry.' The cover read. I figure if he is going to be my servant I should at least look into his crimes.

Boy was I not ready. The list is absolutely massive. Theft, money laundering, illegal trade, murder, use of dark arts, dark artifact trading, and a few other magic-related crimes. His most heinous crimes were killing Aurors during battle so I don't know what to think.

Does he deserve to be redeemed is the question… I read through his case and laugh at how many testimonies he managed to get in his defense. 23 purebloods, such a ridiculous number, only Lucius could manage it.

According to their investigation, they think he was the right hand of Voldemort. He seems kinda wimpy for that but they have quite a bit of evidence to support it. I guess I haven't seen how he will hold up in a real fight. I assume well.

After I look through Lucius's case I begin going through the cases of each other free Death Eater. I also grabbed the imprisoned ones along with the history of the war so it doesn't look suspicious.

Over the next few nights, I plan to go from house to house 'checking up' on the Death Eaters. F.u.c.k suspicion, if they want to target my family I will target them first…

If I don't have to, I don't want to kill Theo's father so I might take him as a servant. I don't want too many people though, it would make it hard to be discreet. I quickly write down the public address of every free Death Eater currently alive. Once I'm done I put the paper that I wrote on with invisible ink into my cloak.

I quickly scan through the memories of the death eater I ate last night to see if I can get any hints to Voldemort's real identity. Since when I ate the portion of Voldemort's soul I saw his childhood and a fragment of his time at Hogwarts I know virtually nothing.

I sigh as I lean back not finding anything useful, the man named Jonathan Chamberlain was a half-blood who joined Voldemort because he worked in the field of dark artifacts. He is pretty useless otherwise, the job of killing Auntie was supposed to be easy… poor idiot.

I sigh as I grab what I was genuinely curious to see as public records. The war against Grindelwald…

Much like Voldemort, Grindlewald was so successful due to the combination of his power and charisma. He took advantage of the wizards' distaste of muggles at the time to get them on his side. The Great War took its toll on the wizarding world as well and Grindelwald knew it.

The families that followed him also sided with Voldemort when he rose. But Grindelwald wasn't contained to just the isles like Voldemort, instead, the entirety of Europe and America were forced to face him.

Apparently Dumbledore refused to join for years. I wonder if it was for personal reasons… but after he joined the fight it ended in only a couple of months. Their fight was not recorded instead just simply said 'Dumbledore defeated the dark wizard' and that was it.

Before I leave I pull out the book of 'Sirius Black V The Ministry.' I read through the notes until I find the Judge. 'Due to the ruling of Department Head Bartemius Crouch Senior, Sirius Black will be sent to Azkaban for life without trial due to the heinous nature and overwhelming evidence of his crime.'

'...Perhaps I should pay him a visit as well… No, that would be evil, he was only a pawn… F.u.c.k.' I close the book in anger as I stand up ready to put the books away. As I stand up all the books float up and put themselves back where they were without me needing to grab them.

I walk up to the desk again happy I don't have to waste time again. The old witch looks up at me from her book "You find what you need?"

I nod, "I did, thanks a lot." she gives me a wave as I'm grabbing my book from the desk and walking away.

I make my way back to the main Atrium to see the crowd has died down a lot, nearly all of the people are gone. I walk into the elevator getting the odd gazes of the two already in it. A middle-aged woman and a fairly young Asian a.d.u.l.t man.

"What floor?" The man asks as he is standing in front of the buttons.

I hold my chin as I think "Floor 6, I'm visiting my Uncle in Broom Regulatory Control."

His brows raise "I work there, what's your Uncle's name?" He asks as he presses the button.

"Edward Tonks, people call him Ted though," I say giving a polite smile.

"Ah, you must be Soren then. I am Chul Chang, this is Ms. Edgecomb, she works in general transportation." He says reaching out a hand to shake.

I shake his hand "It's nice to meet you, I'm actually acquainted with your daughter, she is a friend of a friend."

Ms. Edgecomb reaches out a hand as well "Have you met mine, Marietta? She started as a Ravenclaw this year."

I shake my head "Sorry ma'am, I haven't, I'll be sure to introduce myself sometime though."

She laughs a bit "I don't know if that's a good idea, she may be smitten by such a proper young man."

I give a wry smile as the elevator doors open saving me. "Alright, I'll see you some other time Liz. Follow me, Soren, I'll show you to his area." I nod as I follow him off the elevator down a long hallway that has a few doors leading different ways.

She nods as she gives us a smile and waves entering the first door on the left. The hallway is kind of dark but has a similar aesthetic as the atrium below us. He leads me to the second door on the right and the dark hallway immediately brightens.

Behind the door is a large bright room with twenty or so desks organized in an office like fashion facing each other. Every single desk has a large stack of papers and files on it. To the left is the Deputy Head Of Broom Regulation office with the Head's office directly across from me.

On the right is a door labeled Confidential Cases. I assume that's the area I'm not allowed in. Mr. Chang leads me to the far right desk and points at the desk walled off with a plaque that reads "Edward Tonks, Regulation Official.".

I say my thanks and knock on the wall as I peek my head in the opening. "Soren." I see Uncle Ted turn around in his chair with a smile.

"Yo!" I say with a grin.

"Great, let's get out of here, I'm hungry. You took longer than expected, six hours just about." He says standing up grabbing his overcoat.

I shrug "I wanted to take my time. Are we going to pick up Sis before we leave?"

He looks surprised if he hadn't thought of that. "I suppose we can. She doesn't like going to lunch with me. Who would want to hang out with their uncool father after all?" He says with a self-deprecating smile.

I smack his back "Who said you were uncool? What wizard could build an entire pen with just his hands? Not many I reckon."

He gives me a smile as he walks out "Thanks, but I know I am not the slickest of men. Ah, Chul, can you tell Deputy Head Smith that I'll be taking a long lunch since my kid came to visit?"

Mr. Chang gives him a nod "Of course. Have fun."

They wave at each other as we walk out. "So where are we going?" I ask as we near the elevator.

He gives me a knowing smirk "I know this great muggle place. A full three-course meal for only 6 euros. They have great seafood. No one ever goes to muggle places with me so I thought we could take advantage of it just being us."

"Cool, what floor is Sis on?" I ask looking at the elevator buttons.

"I got it." He says pressing the floor two button.

On the way up I feel my curiosity take hold of me and I look at the floors around us with my soul view. Unfortunately, my vision is blocked before I can get below the atrium floor. Powerful wards are placed on top of the bottom floor.

I don't know why they need to block off the courtrooms so much but it makes me curious. "What's below the atrium?" I ask uncle curiously.

"The Department of Mysteries. No one knows what goes on there. There are many rumors but nothing solid. It is common knowledge to nobles and ministry officials but most people don't know of it or think it's a myth. It is very real. The unspeakables work there." He says in a serious tone.

"The unspeakables?" I say curious.

He nods "They hide their identity and are not even allowed to say where they work or what they do. A lot of people know who they are but still it is eerie that they can't say anything about the job. Not to mention the creepy robes."

"Uhuh." I begin to think to myself as the elevator doors open.

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