Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 93 - Rita Skeeter, A True Journalist

Uncle went in alone to grab Sis and we went to the muggle restaurant to eat. After we finished I went back to the Atrium and took the floo network home. I made sure to take note of the department of mysteries though. I'll have to check it out eventually.

The next few days went by well. I got to stay home and work on my spell more, I think I am close to finishing it. Lucius said he would be able to get my materials tonight so I'm looking forward to picking them up.

I wake up fairly early since I chose to sleep last night and am laying on my bed reading until Auntie is done making breakfast.

*Knock Knock*

I look up from my book as I wonder who is knocking on my door so early "Come in."

The door slowly creeps open and Uncle's head pops through the door. "Good, you're awake. Come look at the paper." He says taking a step into my room and handing me a folded newspaper.

I look at him curiously as I lean up putting down my book and unfolding the newspaper. The front cover reads "Corruption In The French Ministry? By rita skeeter"

'Not even a week ago today, Soren Black, was accused of murder by the French Ministry. Yet last turned up new evidence. A small clutch of vampires had been colluding with an unknown member of the Dueling board to murder our young National Hero. A raid was conducted this morning at 0200 on this small clutch hiding in a muggle portion of the city. One Auror has passed and 17 vampires were taken down with eight captured.

Now that the case is public knowledge it was shown that the only piece of evidence was a muggle watch. It is suspected that the vampires mistook the victim, Marius Urussa, for Soren Black due to the watch. Urussa had apparently bought it earlier that day from a charms vendor who is now also under investigation.

In light of the new evidence provided by the captured vampires, the French Ministry is undergoing mass interrogations on different law enforcement departments. But what does this mean for our young Hero, Soren Black? He has already been written off as evil, framed as a villain by the corrupt French Ministry.'

I smirk at the article as my eyes continue reading. Just below that article still on that page is another large tagline "Ex-Death Eaters active again? By rita skeeter". In the article are pictures and evidence of prominent pureblood members of the community meeting in secret.

It also has a record of shipments coming in and out of the Crabbe Family business not matching with the public transport records. Meaning either the family is committing fraud or they are transporting packages that are being illegally sent for various reasons.

My brows raise as I am impressed by the amount of evidence that Rita managed to gather in only a few days. Honestly, my first thought was that she fabricated it but I don't think she lies, she just stretches the truth.

I hand the paper back to Uncle who has an excited face "Looks like I need to write to Dumbledore." I say with a wide grin.

Uncle laughs "This calls for a celebration, come grab breakfast, I'll make some drop scones."

I stand up quickly "Let's go then."


After eating with the family, even Sis, I went back up to my room and wrote a letter to Dumbledore. Basically I just asked him when I should return now that things have been cleared up.

Only a few hours later I get a letter back saying to come back the week after Halloween. So in ten days… that should be fine, no one has died yet this year at Hogwarts so Voldemort's plan obviously hasn't been put into action yet, right?

Since I have all the homework assignments till Halloween I guess they don't want me back yet. I have a few days left so I should start committing to the tower plan… I should also start visiting some people.

That night I leave my window open and apparate to the Malfoy mansion once again. I walk through the large garden out front meeting Dobby at the fountain.

He gives me a dull look "Dobby Greets Master Black."

I give him a smile "Good evening Dobby. As excitable as always I see."

Dobby turns around "I will take you to Master Malfoy."

I shrug as I follow him closely as he leads me to the back yard. Once we make it around the side of the mansion we see a large thirty-foot tall tent in the yard with Lucius and Narcissa sitting on a patio not far from the tent drinking tea.

"Lord Black is here M-master." Dobby says with his head down while fidgeting with his hands.

Lucius quickly stands up "Ah, Soren, glad you're here." He gestures at the tent "As you can see the things you requested are here."

I nod "Good evening Auntie, Uncle."

Narcissa stands up and gives me a hug "Hello Soren, I say, why do you always come at night?"

"Sorry, it is more convenient for me," I say hugging her back.

As we break off the hug I look at Lucius "Let's see how much you got." I say gesturing towards the tent.

He nods as he signals for me to follow. He pushes aside the flaps of the entirely black tent and the inside is massive. Lines and lines and lines of huge stone bricks and wood I look at the rows with an impressed face.

Lucius smirks at my impressed face "16,000 sandstone blocks all 6 foot by 3 feet by 3 feet, and 2,000 planks of enchanted oak wood. Also, the seller threw in a gift." Lucius walks me over to one end where a glowing white globe is sitting on a golden pedestal.

"This is a heartseeker, it shows you where every heartbeat is within a mile. They are indicated by glowing red dots." He says pointing at the four glowing dots.

"How much is this costing me?" I ask looking at the mountains of stone and wood.

"I managed to get most of it for a good price of 1150 galleons in total." He says with a smug smile.

(I'm using the conversion of 1 Galleon= 25ish USD. The conversion of 5 pounds per USD is absolutely ridiculous and Rowling is dumb for saying it. 25 USD is about what you get when you do the math on it from the books. There is a cool reddit post on it if you wanna read it just google it.)

I nod "That is indeed a fantastic price." I wave my hand over a slab of sandstone next to me and galleons poor out onto it from my cloak.

"That's only 700, I'll stop by another night to drop off the rest," I say as he gathers the money into his Mokeskin pouch.

We step out of the tent together to see Narcissa still drinking her tea. Lucius quickly turns around and flicks his wand at the tent. The tent quickly folds in on itself becoming the size of a sports bag in only a few seconds.

Lucius walks up to the bag picking it up and hands it to me. I take it and put it in my cloak making sure Narcissa is reading her book and isn't paying attention. I notice Lucius flinch a bit when my dark fog leaks off the inside of my robes.

I just give him a smirk as I sit down at the patio table with Narcissa. "Come, sit down Uncle, I don't have to be home anytime soon since Auntie Narcissa and Uncle Ted don't even know I'm here."

Narcissa puts down her book as Lucius sits next to her "You snuck out? How naughty." She says with a small grin "Bellatrix, Andromeda, and I used to sneak out when we were younger as well. We went to the muggle areas of London for late-night snacks. Maybe that's why she ended up with a muggle." She says the last part to herself as she holds her chin.

I smile as I continue to steer the conversations for the rest of the night. I tell the two racists about the muggle world. About the cars that move themselves without magic. About the screens that capture images and display them large. Also about video games as maybe a gift for Draco.

I hope by learning more they will become less elitist, or at least Narcissa. But I don't know if that's possible.

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