Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 94 - Recieving Visitors

Before leaving I make sure to remind them to come over at noon. Once I leave I head to my secret area and drop off the tent full of supplies. I'm not sure who I will get to build the tower. I may just take my time over the summer and do it myself.

After putting down the tent I apparate home and work on the spell more. I have started making ground on the spell since I started making it a vow using Latin as its base. A few hours later around 9 am I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say a bit surprised as I look towards the door.

Auntie opens the door "You have company."

"Lucius and Narcissa?" I ask standing up from my desk sliding my notebook into my bag.

"No, someone named Dirk Garvey." She says gesturing me to come.

I follow her out confused since I don't recognize the name. Walking down the stairs I see a weasel-faced man in a bright green suit sitting on the sofa talking to Uncle only stopping when they see us walking down the stairs.

The man quickly stands up walking to me with a hand out "You must be Soren, I'm Dirk Garvey. I am a lawyer from Hobs, Hobs, and Garvey Wizards Law Firm."

"What does a lawyer want from me?" I ask curiously.

"I wanted to reach out to you to discuss the opportunity laid before you." He says with a sly smile that matches his weasel face well.

"And what kind of opportunity is that?" I ask with raised brows.

"I want to represent you in a case against the French Ministry of Magic. I heard about your situation and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for you to make a case suing for damages for malicious prosecution and unlawful misconduct." He says handing me a thin file that he pulled out of his suit pocket.

I take the file and begin to read through it. Inside it states every instance of misconduct and wrongful prosecution that the French Ministry did against me. He must have gotten the public file from the French Ministry because he has things even I didn't know.

"This is all good evidence but I thought you couldn't sue a foreign Ministry? I thought you could only file complaints." I say handing the file to Auntie who is curiously trying to read from behind me.

"That is true, however, we can petition our Ministry to sue them on our behalf. That's when it would be taken to court and I would fight it as your representative." His weasel smile gets wider as he sits in the armchair not far from me.

"And what would you charge?" I ask sitting at the other armchair across from him.

"Ten percent of your winnings." He says clasping his hands in front of himself.

"That's reasonable and how much do you think we should go after them for?" I ask now grinning.

"Ten million He says flatly, his smile falling.

My jaw drops a little as I'm taken aback "10… million? Sickles? Ten million galleons is worth more than a few Pureblood families combined."

He gives a proud smile "Yeah, we probably won't get it, but when the judge is adjusting the price half a million seems like a tiny amount in comparison. While if we sued for half a million the reduced amount would only be two hundred thousand or so."

I rub my temple with a hand as I lean against the arm of the chair and look up at Auntie "I like this guy. He seems like a great lawyer."

Auntie laughs as I turn back to the proudly smiling weasel "You're hired, what do I have to do?"

His proud smile turns weasel-like again as he pulls out a contract and pushes it over to me "I'll yours and your guardian's signature."

I nod as I grab the contract and lean back reading the contract thoroughly. The contract is pretty simple and doesn't have any noticeable holes. Once I get finished reading over the contract I hand over the contract to Auntie so she can read it.

"Do I have to be the one to make the petition to the Ministry?" I ask while grabbing a pen from my pouch.

"No, once I am your lawyer I can represent you doing everything between you and the Ministry. I'll keep you updated via letters."

"That's good since I'll be at school soon," I say grabbing the contract from Auntie once she is done reading the contract.

I set it on the coffee table and sign it handing the pen to Auntie who signs it as well. I hand the contract back to him as he puts it in a small file and tucks it away into his suitcase.

"It will only take a few days to get the Ministry to work with us, when are you going back to school?"

"The week after Halloween. So only a few days away,"

"That should be fine. I will put in the application immediately. We should hammer out the details first." He smiles as he pulls out a few different files and sets them on the table.


He is sitting across from me noting down important events as I talk until we hear a knock on the door. I stand up to get it since I'm the closest to the door.

Opening the door I am greeted by the faces of Lucius and Aunt Narcissa. They are both wearing dark-colored formal wear and Lucius has his cane as usual.

Aunt Narcissa hugs me before I can even say hello. "Good afternoon Soren," Lucius says with a nod from behind Narcissa.

I nod to him as I hug her back "Glad you guys could make it."

As Aunt Narcissa lets go I pack away and gesture in "Please, come on in."

Lucius steps past and walks in first giving a very convincing fake smile to the three in the living room. "Andromeda, it has been a while. This must be your husband Edward, and what is Garvey doing here? Legal trouble?"

"He is here to help me sue the French Ministry. How do you know him?" I ask looking at the now petrified Garvey.

"I should leave." Garvey stands up gathering the doc.u.ments as he walks out of the house in a quick manner without a farewell.

I shrug as Narcissa walks in and meets eye to eye with Auntie causing an eerie feeling in the room. I close the door loudly causing everyone to turn to me.

I give the four a smile "Let's talk over food. Lunch is done right?"

They nod as everyone makes their way to the dining room. I set the table as everyone is sitting down.

"Where is Sis?" I ask as I set the plate in front of Auntie.

"She was called in for Auror duties." She says giving me a small smile.

"It's quite impressive your daughter was able to become an Auror. It's a career mother or father never would have supported." Narcissa says with an unreasonably diplomatic face.

"Yes, they would never have let us do such ambitious things… we are 'only women' after all," Auntie says with a joking smile.

"I always did think their traditions were rather… misinformed. If I hadn't already had feelings for Lucius before our marriage perhaps I would have been the one to run away." She says smiling at Lucius.

"Although I don't think I would have chosen a muggle-born." She says turning to Uncle Ted who doesn't look comfortable.

"Edward is a good man," Auntie says with a serious glare.

Lucius holds a hand in front of Narcissa. "I am sure, we can speak in private later to perhaps learn more about each other. I believe you made the right choice, family is who you choose after all, correct?" He says looking at me for validation and I just give him a thumbs up.

After I finish setting out food I sit down at the head of the table since they chose to sit across from each other. "Let's eat, shall we?"

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