Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 95 - Dock Warehouse

After lunch, Narcissa and Auntie talked more and Uncle Ted talked with Lucius a bit while day drinking. I pulled out a book and kept my nose out of things only stopping when they were about to leave.

I waved goodbye as Auntie closed the door behind them letting a long sigh as she did. "See that wasn't so bad," I say with a grin.

Auntie rolls her eyes "I forgot how exhausting my sister is."

Uncle sits on the couch as he grabs Arthur and leans back obviously tired "He wasn't as dreadful as you like to say, honey."

"Hmph, that was his BEST behavior. How did you do it, Soren?" She asks with a curious face.

I give a smirk "I can be quite convincing."

Auntie rolls her eyes again as she sits next to Uncle and leans her head on his shoulder. "So, should we actually forgive them for the misery they put us through?"

Uncle puts his head on hers as he shrugs "I mean it wasn't even that bad for us. It was really more about the emotional turmoil, but I think we are past that by now. Not to mention Lucius and I agreed on a lot of things politically… just not on Muggleborns but he was strongly avoiding the subject."

Auntie nods "He knows a surprising amount about muggles. I wonder why."

I shrug as his eyes meet mine "Perhaps he actually wants to make it up to you."

Auntie sighs "I still can't believe it..."

Later that night I brought Prota to the Forest of Bowland to test whether or not I can use dementors to build the tower competently. Once we reach the area where I have everything set up I walk inside the tent looking for the smallest slab.

They are all EXACTLY the same size so I give up and point at the one closest to the entrance. "Try and bring that stone to the top of the ridge."

Prota stares at me for a second before turning to the stone. His boney hands reach to the stone as he tries using his meager telekinesis to lift it to no avail. I nod as I expected this.

I walk in front of the stone rubbing my chin as I wave him off "You can go back to defending Aunite."

With my words, he flies off back towards the house. I take my shadows and try to lift the stone myself. Much to my surprise, I can get it a good amount off the ground but I start to feel tired after only a few seconds of holding it up.

I set it down as I take a deep breath "It appears I can actually do this in a decent amount of time… it will just be incredibly tiring… It should be doable with the floating charm, I just have to be careful to not pass out."

I apparate home as I plan my attacks on the noble houses that hold Death Eaters. It would be national news if I started butchering nobles in their own houses so I plan to go after the people under them.

I go through the report Rita did on the trade between the noble houses. Once I get the location of their warehouse I decide to check it out myself. I won't make a move unless I have to though.

I apparate again to northern wales outside a small village where there is a massive steel warehouse. I use my shroud to cover myself so I appear invisible. I calmly walk onto the dockside warehouse and see around fifty normal-looking men loading crates onto a ship.

But once I cross an invisible barrier the scene changes. There is now only around twenty men and the workers are now obviously men in robes and masks carrying large crates with magic gently moving them with flicks of their wands. My curiosity gets the best of me so I get closer.

I want to see what is inside one of the crates. I calmly walk past the men loading the ship and make my way into the warehouse. Once inside I see men loading in statues and cursed items into boxes at quantities I thought undoable.

'Does that mean the entire warehouse is full of dark artifacts and cursed items' I think to myself as I walk off to a remote area of the warehouse.

I walk up to a particularly large box with slots in the sides and try to open it. Seeing that it is tightly shut I use my cloak to get between the cracks and quietly pry it open. My eyes widen and my blood boils as I see what is inside.

I give a sigh of relief as I stand up and look towards the dockworkers still bringing in. I calm myself as maybe the workers don't know they are shipping children. I quickly sneak up on one who is alone smoking a pipe watching the rest work.

I wrap Sin around his face as I pull him off the box he was sitting on. My cloak covers his body making him lose strength. He glares at me with confusion and hate in his eyes. I hold his throat gesturing for him to be quiet. I pull down Sin from his nose.

"Yell and you die." I say waiting for him to nod. After a second he does and I pull Sin down from his mouth.

I point at the crate I just opened towards the corner of the warehouse "What is in that crate?"

He looks confused "Cattle. Are you an Auror?"

My expression is stone as I increase pressure on his neck "What kind of cattle?"

"Muggles, for dark arts of course." He says matter-of-factly.

My eyes narrow "Wrong answer" I cover his mouth and nose with Sin again as I use my cloak to steal all his strength so he is forced to just stare at the ceiling in horror as he slowly dies.

I stand tall as I shift into my dementor form growing to ten feet tall as I hover off the ground. My shroud that was covering me falls as I see the terrified faces of all the wizards working on the docks.

"AHHHH." One screams as he turns to run. A tendril of shadows rises from my cloak rushes forward and pierces his throat. He drops dead gurgling blood at the front of the hangar style doors.

Three of the braver men shoot green beams of magic at me which my cloak blocks wrapping them sapping their strength. Tendrils shoot out from the sides of the wrapped up men piercing and killing the surrounding five.

The few on the outside hear the commotion and come running in. "What happened?" The leading one asks as my tendrils pierce forward, killing the two men on both sides of him.

He looks at their dead bodies terrified as he points his wand at me. "Expecto Patronum" He yells as a white net of light flies at me. I shift into my human form covered by my black shroud as I swing my wand at him.

"Sectumsempra." Like a sword, his arm is cut off and the white net passes over my head. I shift back into my dementor form rushing forward grabbing the one-armed man by the neck.

'Talk, where are the kids from.'

"Don't kill me, I'm just a pawn." He yells in a shrill voice and a thick accent.

'Don't make me repeat myself'

"The village, we take the orphans to sell, their blood makes great youth potions." He says fear in his eyes.

'I'll let you die quickly… but not kindly.' I say as I open my 'mouth'' and begin tearing at his soul. His eyes widen as he tries to fight back but he is helpless. He shakes once the light of his soul leaves his lips and drops dead once it enters my mouth.

I devour the souls of the three that I covered in my shroud not long ago as well. I feel queasy as if the souls I just ate were expired sardines. I shrug off the feeling as I carve the words 'The Wicked Shall Be Punished.' into the wall of the warehouse.

Going back to human form covered by my shroud still, I make a hole in the ward as I fire a few powerful curses into the ocean to signal the ministry someone is doing dark magic here. Once I see Auror's begin to apparate in I leave quickly.

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