Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 96 - Hagrid Arrives

Only a few hours later I went down to eat breakfast with the family. On a rare occasion, Sis is actually already sitting at the table eating.

I sit down across from her "So what's the special occasion?" I ask with a joking smile.

She smiles "Well actually, today is the first-day Shaklebolt is letting me go to an investigation by myself. Apparently, some dark wizards were transporting dark artifacts from a dock in Wales. Last night Shaklebolt and a few others cleared the scene, I have to meet with the dock owners today."

My brows raise and I look at the plate of food Auntie hands me. "So who owns the dock?"

"It's owned by a company joint owned by the Crabbe and Goyle family. I doubt they will get convicted of anything though. There would need to be extremely air-tight evidence to lock up a noble for something so 'small' to them." She says obviously annoyed.

After I get done eating I head back stairs and pull out my notebook to finish the spell. I don't think I'll be goin on anymore 'missions' until the summer. According to the dark wizard's memories, they were already on high alert due to Rita's article.

They even made fake operations during the day to fool the first Auror investigators. Crabbe senior was overlooking it personally due to the heightened alert… it's too bad he wasn't there last night.

After what happened last night I doubt they are going to keep operations at their current locations anyway. Putting away my journal I decided to take a break and go hang out with Luar in her pen. Sis put a ward around it to keep a good temperature even in the coming winter.

The next few days I don't really do much besides work on the spell. I think it is done but I would have to see it used to know for sure. Today is the day Hagrid is coming by and picking me up to go back to Hogwarts.

I wake up at my normal time since I decided to sleep last night after 'finishing' the spell. Heading downstairs at around nine I see Hagrid's giant figure already sitting at the table eating breakfast with Auntie and Uncle.

"Good morning everyone," I say sitting at the side of the table next to Hagrid who is at the foot.

"Are ye' ready?" Hagrid asks as he eats half a bagel in a single bite.

I nod "I already got my stuff packed in my pouch." I say as I pat my Mokeskin pouch.

Auntie sets a plate of food in front of me "You two can leave after you eat."

"Of course yer' the boss." Hagrid says with a smile as he takes another bite of shepherd's pie.

I continue to eat my pie as Sis strolls down the stairs with a tired face. Uncle smiles at her sleepy face as she comes downstairs "Good she is awake. I'll be going now, it was nice to meet you Hagrid."

Hagrid looks up from the food and clears his throat "It was nice to meet ya' Ed."

Uncle gives Auntie a hug before leaving and Sis sits next to me. "Why so tired?" I ask curiously.

She lets out a long sigh "I spent all night giving my report on every single piece of evidence found in the warehouse… I didn't think it would be so hard… but some of the things found were…. Difficult to return." She says with her head in her hands.

I pat her back as Hagrid speaks up "It's nice tah' see ya' again miss Tonks. I know I'm late but congrats on yer' acceptance as an Auror."

Sis looks at him with a tired smile "Thanks Hagrid."

"Are ye' workin' on that warehouse in Wales? I hear that's some nasty business they been in." He says with a hard nod.

She gives a small laugh "Nasty isn't the half of it, they are awful."

I just look between the both of them while I scarf down breakfast. Hagrid shakes his head "So Soren, you ever ride ah' motorcycle before?" he says turning to me looking to change the subject.

I shake my head "No... did you bring the bike?" I ask with food in my mouth.

"Swallow your food before you speak," Auntie says with a glare.

I nod my head as I swallow my food looking towards Hagrid. "Ye' think I'd go anywhere without er'? She's my pride en' joy at this point."

"Do you wanna see Luar before we go? I'm sure if you're nice she will let you pet her." I say with a cheeky grin knowing that Luar only lets him near not touch.

"Eh. I'll go see er' with ya but I'll keep ah distance." He says with a small smile.

I stand up having already demolished my pie. Hagrid stands as well as he grabs the rest of his pie with his hands. "Alrighty then."

Auntie follows us outside to pet Luar and Luar loves it. Too bad for Hagrid she still doesn't want him to pet her.

Hagrid sighs as he smiles "She sure is a beaut tho ain't she?"

I laugh as I pat her "She is indeed."

"I think we should be goin'. Don't wanna be late."

I look at Hagrid confused "Late for what?"

He looks shocked "Uhm', lunch of course'."

I give him a 'suuureee' look "We just had breakfast."

"If you're still hungry there is more in the oven," Auntie adds with a grin.

"No thank ya'. I am quite all right." He says basically sweating bullets.

I laugh a bit as I hug Auntie "Well bye until summer I guess."

Auntie hugs me back "Are you sure you have everything? Books, notes, quills, spare clothes, your w-"

"Auntie I have everything," I say as I pull away.

She sighs as she looks at Hagrid with a slight glare "Drive safe."

Hagrid gives a wry smile "Course" He gestures for me to follow around the side of the house. "I parked er' over here." He says pointing to the side of the street. Our neighbors are all pretty far away so the entire end of the street near us is free parking.

The bike stands out a lot as it is whitish silver with a sidecar attached to it. I frown as I don't look forward to sitting in the sidecar. It is like a tube with a hole in the top, it may be ugly but it does look comfy.

Hagrid races into the sidecar and hands me a helmet with goggles "Safety first eh'?"

I give him an odd look, "What does a helmet help if I fall 500 feet?"

He holds up a finger "Actually, it's for birds. Buggers hurt when ya' take em' to yer' head." He taps his head with his finger as he nods.

I shrug as I put on the helmet and wave at Auntie who is standing by the front door waiting for us to leave. I hop in the sidecar and stretch out my legs, surprisingly the bottom of the car is entirely padded.

The engine revs as Hagrid turns towards the street going a few feet before the bike begins to go up at a slight incline. Once we are at a cruising height Hagrid levels it out and we cruise at a pretty fast pace.

The wind isn't nearly as bad as expected and I can hear Hagrid yell to me "Keep yer' mouth closed or you'll eat a bug."

I nod as I wasn't planning on talking anyway. I just daydream as I watch the landscape of forests, roads, and towns go by. Time must have gone by faster than I was thinking because before long I see the rolling hills and mountains of Scotland.

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