Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 97 - A Sweet, Sweet Return

Once we peak over a large mountain we begin to slow down as the castle comes into view and I can see the lake from an aerial view. To my surprise, I can see a massive shadow slowly moving beneath the lake. It has to be at least 100 feet long.

As we near the ground near Hagrid's hut and the wind dies down I ask "Hagrid, what is the giant squid doing in the lake?"

Hagrid looks at me with a bit of surprise as the bike touches down "I don't know. She's been ther' since I was young."

I nod "I guess you wouldn't know huh."

"Say, Soren. I've been thinkin'... the motorbike was yer' fathers and I was only borrowin' it. How about ya' take er' back when you are old enough?"

I roll my eyes as I stand up out of the sidecar and stretch. "Nope. You can keep it, I'm sure that's what he would have wanted."

Hagrid lets a breath out as he doesn't meet my eyes "Ey', we better head in before Hermione gets all fussy now." He stands up taking his goggles off putting them on the bike handlebar.

"And where are they?" I ask curiously as I follow him.

He doesn't turn back to face me but I can tell he is grinning "It's a secret." he says mysteriously.

I follow Hagrid into the castle ignoring the gazes from the other students. Some look apologetic or shamed, while the others still look fearful. Not that I care.

Hagrid looks at me with a serious expression "Ignore em'"

I smile at his concern "It's fine, they are nobodies."

He nods his head as he turns to the stairs and heads to the fourth floor. We enter the north wing with long hallways with classrooms and offices alike on both sides.

My eyes narrow in confusion "Where are we going?"

He doesn't answer instead smiles as we reach the end of the hall. He grabs the umbrella that seems tiny in comparison to his large body. He gently taps the wall twice and the stone bricks separate revealing a large room with bright lights above and a huge wooden table.

Inside I see all my friends Dean, Ron, Harry, Daphne, Theo, Neville, Seamus, Hermione, and the twins. Once Hagrid steps inside all eyes fall on us.

"SOREN!" Daphne and Hermione run over giving me a hug.

I smile as I hug them back "It's only been like two weeks." Daphne quickly pulls away first as her face is basically dyed red.

Hermione however pushes my shoulder when she releases the hug "We were all worried about you idiot."

"I told you guys I'd be fine," I say with a confident grin.

Hermione rolls her eyes as Theo steps forward "Glad to see you're back."

I nod "Glad to be back."

Harry and Ron peak past Theo and Hermione "We got cake!"

I laugh a bit "What for?"

"The welcome back party of course!" The twins say in sync.

"I would never turn down a free piece of cake," I say with a smile. "But I have to ask, how did you find this room."

"The twins found it," Hermione says looking back at the two who are already cutting the cake moments after talking about it.

For the next two hours, we eat cake and talk. I tell them about the lawsuit I'm bringing against the French Ministry. Basically, all of them fall over when they hear the amount I am suing for. Especially the Weasley's.

The twins tell me all the pranks they did on Fartlock in my honor. They said it was free of charge but if I wanted to I could fund their shop if I wanted to. Apparently, they plan to make this room into a hangout area with a shop on the side.

They will be selling trick items and potions. They already have a few products ready but they need to wait till winter to get more supplies. Seamus got back together with his Slytherin girlfriend and Dean started dating her friend.

Harry told me about the whisper coming back and Miss. Norris was petrified. That said "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware."

He, Hermione, and Ron had been brainstorming who the heir could be. Apparently, I was the first thought among the students but I wasn't here so they singled out Harry. The trio themselves think that it is actually Draco.

They all get mad when I laugh at their assertion. Daphne agrees with me, she still thinks Draco is too weak to be the heir. I agree with that sentiment but I know this is probably the scheme Voldemort setup when he gave Lucius the journal. They are sure to tell me the password before we begin leaving.

Once everyone begins to leave I hand the twins a few galleons so they can start their shop with me owning 50/50 of Weasley Wares'. I tell the rest I have to go hand in my homework and leave them alone.

That wasn't a lie, I will drop off my homework… after I'm done with my business. The gang went to go eat lunch but I'm not hungry after breakfast and a piece of cake so I head back to the dorms. I stand on the stairs before the entrance of the girl's dorm.

I see a girl coming out and look at me with a surprised gaze. I give her a smile "Hey is Ginny in there?" I give the kindest smile I can.

The girl blushes as she nods "She is, do you need her?"

I nod "Could you get her please?"

She looks a bit shy but nods her head anyway "Sure." She says turning away quickly without meeting my eyes.

Only a minute or two later Ginny comes out with a surprised look "Soren?"

I give her a smile as I look at the girl behind her "Can we talk in private?"

She looks back at the other girl before nodding "Sure."

We both head downstairs and go to the study room that is just down the hall. The study rooms are usually empty since no one really studies. And those that do go to the library since it is more efficient anyway.

Ginny sits down after I do and looks at me confused "What do you need Soren?"

I sigh as I hold out a hand "Give me the journal."

She looks utterly shocked and tries to collect herself "W-what do you mean Soren?"

"The diary, I know you have it." My gaze turns serious.

"I-I don-"

"That night Mrs. Norris was petrified. You woke up with blood on your hands and robes, right?" I ask, trying to not sound too harsh.

Her face shows utter shock, she looks as if she wants to turn into a bug and hide in a crack in the wall. She begins stuttering and breathing hard, her words incoherent.

"The diary is a dark artifact. I assumed that you were possessed and did those things without knowing it."

"HE WOULDN'T DO THAT! HE IS MY FRIEND" She stands up and yells defensively.

The answer to what the book it clicks in my head as I look at her as if looking at the biggest fool in the world "Your 'friend' is the soul of a dark wizard."

'Not only that it's the soul of freaking Voldemort you weirdo' I think to myself but I resist from saying aloud.

"Hand the book over before it leaves permanent damage to your soul." I say getting a bit angry.

"What will you do with it?" She asks calming down a little.

"I will try to destroy it. If I can't I will hand it over to Dumbledore."

Her eyes narrow "Why don't you just hand it over to Dumbledore?"

I shake my head "Dumbledore will not be there for us forever."

Her face is filled with sadness as she pulls out a book from under her outer robes. It is thin with an old worn black leather cover with gold trim. At the bottom was the name Tom Morvollo Riddle in golden letters.

As she goes to hand me the book I can see her eyes glaze over as I hear a voice coming from between us "DON'T HAND HIM THE BOOK."

My eyes narrow and I quickly snatch the book from her far faster than a normal 12 could move. "So you can talk."

Silence fills the air as Ginny gasps for air staring in fear at the book.

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