Rebellious Path

Chapter 27 - Introductions

"Well, wasn't that easy", I simply muttered as I landed on the ground and took a breath. I then turned around to look at the four who were just released from the paralyzation the minotaur gave them and saw them lying on the ground completely exhausted and heavily breathing.

I then smiled as I gave a thumbs up to them in which the girls noticed quite easily. They then stood up from their positions with clear exhaustion on their faces, but one particular member of their group ran up to me excitedly.

She then said loudly, "Tell me, how is your light magic so pure!", she then looked at me with her hands on her neck with a seemingly excited expression as she smiled resolutely. I couldn't help but find her extremely alluring. I then started to observe her.

She had long golden hair and sparkling blue eyes, that seemed as if she was the princess of the land. She was really beautiful, and she'd an extremely... voluptuous body. Well, in fact, all of the group had a f.u.c.k.i.n.g voluptuous bod, like, how are the girls so f.u.c.k.i.n.g s.e.xy!?

She wore what seemed to be nun clothes, but its color was not black, but white mixed with a little bit of blue, and it was... quite tight on her if I might say, she wore knee socks and she even has evening gloves! she looked so innocent yet she looked as if she was a seductress.

I just laughed as I said, "Training", she then nodded so firmly that I couldn't help ut twitch my face as the other three girls walked up towards me. One of the girls seemed to be... a demi-human, or a wolf-girl if I should say, whilst the other two seemed to be elves.

The wolf-girl had green hair and a pair of beautiful emerald eyes, a set of probably B-cup b.r.e.a.s.ts, but her t.h.i.g.hs and a.s.s... they were heavenly. She seemed to be an archer as she had a bow and her expressionless face was perfect for her. She gave an aura of someone you can trust.

'Wait, how did I get so good at analyzing auras?', I thought whilst being complete;y shocked. Well, the shock didn't last. I suddenly even got this game status thingy that if I might say is extremely super useful.

I looked at the other two who seemed to be both elves, well, elf, and dark elf if I had to be specific. They looked extremely identical but they also had differences. The elf had long golden hair and purple-pink eyes that looked so mesmerizing. She also had humongous t.i.t.s that were probably as big as the girl earlier.

The other elf had alluring pink hair and shiningly stunning sky blue eyes. Ahe had brown skin and her b.r.e.a.s.ts were comparable to the two others. They were both wearing priestess clothing but of a different color. The elf had white-colored priestess clothes whilst the other had somewhat of a dark teal colored one.

In any case, they both looked stunning no matter what, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized for a little bit. The blonde elf smiled at the blonde girl seemingly signing something and the four nodded simultaneously.

The three then bowed simultaneously as the blonde girl said, "Thank you for saving us! I am Elena Rugret von Reisfield, the princess of this land, it is nice to meet you!", hearing that she was the princess, I was neither shocked nor not shocked. I was maybe... in between? Her aura is already somewhat similar to a princess, but why is she wearing nun clothing that is rather revealing? They need to learn their manners here!

Then the two elves then introduced themselves with a bow, welp, the first one to go was the blonde elf, "I am Elanor Yelfiel, I am forever grateful for you, saving us", the dark elf then bowed as well as she said, "I am Rina Valfir, I am also grateful, our savior. I'm sure we are greatly indebted to you."

I just nodded my head awkwardly, it seems that they think I am their savior of some sort, and I've never heard someone who actually gives thanks to a person for saving them. Then the wolf girl then also introduced herself as her tail wagged whilst her face was still expressionless. She then said in a monotone voice yet you can feel that she was excited about it, "I am Farah Windborn, hey hey, how did you get so strong?"

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her. I even wanted to pet her head due to her wolf-like characteristics and just her overall excited yet expressionless face. She was so cute!

"Farah, don't be so rude!", Elanor said lightly with a pout, which I found cute, but then, I wasn't at all disrespected by Farah, so I simply said, "It's all right, she didn't disrespect me in any way."

Hearing that, Elanor seemed to smile lightly with a trace of happiness of me dispelling her of saying that Farah was rude. I just smiled lightly as I said, "Training, I trained for a long time and honed my skills and all of it was probably because of my master."

Farah seemed to nod lightly as her tail wagged. I really wanna pet her head, but... I must resist! it seemed I forgot to introduce myself, so I said, "Oh, I shall introduce myself", with a bow, I spoke, "I am Riku Akatsuki, it is nice to meet you."

As they heard the name they looked quite shocked which confused me, Elena then staggered as she spoke, "One of the people from that country! I'm so lucky to meet a person from there! That explains why you re so strong!"

'Wait, wait, what country?', They didn't know, that I myself didn't know about it. I just simply chuckled lightly and thought, 'I need to get some information about this world first, and this so-called trial of time.'

"Riku-sama, it is our duty to reward you for saving us, for that reason, we want you to come with us towards the capital", Elena said as she looked at me with a smile plastered upon her face. Well, I don't even know a thing in this place so I said, "Thank you very much. I shall come with you."

I'm a bit awkward speaking with them, their way of speech is too olden times for me. They seemed to be happy that I agreed to come with them. Rina, the dark elf then spoke, "Our carriage was completely destroyed, shall I make a new one?"

Oh right, they should have a carriage but it was probably destroyed. Elena then sighed as she said, "Please do so Rina-sama", Rina smiled as she giggled lightly while placing her hands on Elena's cheeks. "Elena-sama, no need for such expression, I will create one immediately."

She then proceeded to walk towards the trees as she muttered some strange incantations in which I've never heard before. It seemed to be... Elvish language? The trees then proceeded to mend before her as if following her orders as the place glowed in bright light.

It was extremely fast and the trees formed a beautiful carriage that didn't even look like a tree anymore. Was this, nature magic of some sort? Are there other elements? Well, I really need to learn... a lot.

"Our horses ran away as well", Elanor said as she proceeded to also speak some incantations. And horses came out of nowhere. Oh, how convenient. I simply smiled awkwardly as I looked at them. Making horses appear out of nowhere, how the f.u.c.k was that possible?

"Well then, shall we go?", Rina and Elenor said simultaneously and I could only nod as I couldn't figure out what they did. All of us just entered the carriage whilst Farah drove making her the coachwoman.

Well then, this is gonna be quite interesting, onwards towards the capital it is!

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