Rebellious Path

Chapter 31 - Auction

It seems that we barely arrived on time. So it seems that they had a roster, which was similarly quite important for reservations and such, and to keep the numbers not exceeding the maximum amount of people allowed, I suppose.

I just sat down beside the beautiful ladies and looked ahead at the auctioneer. After a while, I turned my head to look at them as I thought, 'I guess I'll give these amulets to them later on... or maybe tomorrow.'

With a clap of his hand, the auctioneer lightly coughed as he spoke quite cheerfully. "Good Afternoon everyone! Since the roster is full, the auction shall start! Be fast and give the highest bid among the rest and you are guaranteed a win!"

"Shall we take a look at the first item in our list!", then, a woman brought in an item right in front of us, and should I say... The item was quite... intriguing for a fact. "Now then! This item is the Grand Beast Medallion! This item is as distinct as it could ever be! Not only will it protect you from monsters in a certain amount of time, but it can unlock the last floor of Vlanreist's Grand Dungeon! The starting price shall be ten-thousand gold coins!"

Well, isn't that interesting? a medallion that helps you avoid monsters... just like in games huh... I guess I don't really need it, as I can easily get past through everything and that status thingy didn't even send out a notification of some sort.

I just waited this out but the girls were seemingly interested in it. Elenor proceeded to speak with an extremely serious expression plastered upon her face, "We... need this item. This is a very essential item for us to get through our trial... Elena, we should get it."

As soon as she heard that, Elena nodded with reverence and absolute agreement as she spoke out, "Indeed... I shall bid immediately", without sparing a single thought, Elena raised her hand as she said out loud, "We bid 15,000 gold coins!"

The auctioneer seemed very pleased with this notion as he said, "Our first bid comes from the princess with 15,000 gold coins! 15,000 gold coins! are there any other bids?", the auctioneer let out a question whilst the other bidders were quite quiet seemingly uninterested at the item.

"Going once! Going twice! Sold!", the auctioneer walked up to the pedestal table he had at the center and he picked up a mallet made of hardwood... or should we say, a gavel, perhaps? and ponded it at the table gesturing that the item was already sold.

The item was then brought back inside while they brought out another item. The auctioneer continued smiling as he fixed his clothes and loudly said, "All right! the second item is!"

Well, the only interesting item that I saw was the first one, and the other items were just pieces of crap. I just waited it out as I sat down seemingly losing my interest whilst the others were fighting for the items. The girls beside me also just sat down and waited for some interesting items.

After a while of waiting, finally! something interesting! interesting for myself to be exact. "Our next item is! A whole set of armor, made of dragon scales! Specifically designed by the best blacksmith in our kingdom! She said that the best bidder will have this set of armor, specifically made for him, or her! She will forge it with all her soul and heart and it's guaranteed to be as though as you can imagine it to be! Why is a dragon scale armor available here, you ask? Well, I'd love to tell you, but It's confidential! The starting price is 100,000 gold!"

A hundred thousand huh... It seems expensive, but it sure is interesting... Well, might as well bid and see the results, after all, Louise, the queen, gave me a terrifying amount of money. Just as I was about to bid, I heard Elena said, "Woah, Rosette-san didn't even give us a chance for getting a dragon scale armor... even if we paid for it... I wonder why?"

So it seems that they knew the blacksmith who was willing to forge it, but that makes me question it as well, 'Why did she reject their offer?', must be some personal things or such, but an offer by the princess of the whole kingdom isn't any small matter...

Well, that just says that this is a one in a lifetime opportunity, so I didn't dare miss it whilst a ruckus already started. The biddings also have started and they were fighting each other, I mean, outbidding each other just to get the dragon scale armor.

"I bid 110,000 gold coins!", a certain person said whilst the auctioneer only smiled as he said, "110,000 gold coins from the gentleman in the right! are there any other bids!!?"

This one sounded louder than before as he knew that this is gonna be a competition for the people. The price kept getting higher and higher!

"120,000 gold coins!"

"130,000 gold coins!"

"160,000 gold coins!"

"165,000 gold coins!"

"I bid 200,000 gold coins!", as I shouted that, the entire hall was silent. Well, I did skip straight to 200,000 which was really... excessive. The people who could no longer afford it just sighed and smiled bitterly as they continued to spectate whilst the auctioneer shouted, "200,000 gold coins from the gentleman at the back! Truly a spectacular amount! Are there any other bids!"

The ladies beside me just smiled as they looked at me and noticed that I was really serious about this. They enjoyed the spectacle and smiled widely. As soon as the auctioneer said, "Going once! Going twice!-", a shout echoed throughout the room.

"250,000 gold coins! I bid 250,000 gold coins!", I couldn't help but turn my heads to the direction of the shout whilst the others were just filled with awe as they widened their eyes. I just smiled as I said once again, "255,00 gold coins."

The spectators were already in awe whilst the true bidding battle had just begun. "255,000 gold coins!", the guy again, bade.

"260,000 gold coins."

"270,000 gold coins!"

"275,000 gold coins!"

"280,000 gold coins!"

"285,000 gold coins!"

"287,000 gold coins!"

'All right, this is going nowhere, time to end this with this bid', I raised my hand once more as I was ready to bid. I was not worried about money as I had millions of gold coins, which was as big as it can possibly get. "I bid 305,000 gold coins..."

The entire hall was silent, even the bidder who competed against me. With that, the auctioneer smiled as he shouted, "Going once!", he then spoke slowly and slowly just to give a chance for any bidder to bid even more, "Going twice!", I didn't even bother as I just smiled whilst he shouted one more time, "Sold! Sold to the gentleman at the back! congratulations!"

The people started to clap as the fierce bidding battle already ended and I just sat down with a satisfied smile on my face. The girls beside me smiled as they said, "Congratulations!", welp, all of them smiled except for Farah who just congratulated me with her tail wagging.

I just found this too cute as I extended my hand and placed it atop her head and Farah savored the head pats she deserved.

[Farah Windborn Affection +5 (90, Close Friends)]

The people looked at me with shock and awe seeing me patting Farah's head as they started to whisper to each other, "This is the first time someone ever patted Miss Farah's head! They said only a true Alpha male can touch her!"

"Amazing! So he's a true Alpha male! truly respectable!"

"This is a shock!"


"Miss Farah looks so cute!"

[Farah Windborn Affection +3 (93, Close Friends)]

I just couldn't help but smile as I thought, 'So I was the first male who ever touched her... Now I have a hoisted role here', I simply smiled even more as I pulled back my hand and the auction soon ended.


We walked beside each other towards the auctioneer to get our items, and the auctioneer gave the medallion to the four girls whilst the auctioneer looked at me with a smile and said, "You gave an amazing bid there Mister?"


"Mister Riku! Certainly amazing! Now since you won the specially made armor, I will only give you a letter wherein your name has been written. Once you go to Miss Rosette's forgery, just show her this, okay?"

I just nodded and smiled and the auctioneer did the same. The five of us proceeded to walk out and head towards the exit and saw that the sun was already setting. I then said, "We should go back, the Queen said she'll hold a feast... right?"

Elena just laughed and so did the other two and Farah just had her tail wagging and her ears twitched lightly. Rina then proceeded to speak, "Yes, indeed... Today is a great day after all... Let's go!"

Without any further notice we headed back towards the castle, and I was already extremely familiar with the city. I had a satisfied smile on my face as we arrived.

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