Rebellious Path

Chapter 32 - Feast

As we began walking towards the castle I can't help but say this over and over, 'Wasn't this a refreshing day!', I couldn't help but feel happy as all of this just happened on the first day. The rest of the days will certainly be exciting. But, if there's one thing I'm sure about, I'm gonna miss my family and friends.

'Wait... didn't I have space magic...?', a memory suddenly appeared in my mind causing me to smile as I thought. 'I'll need to find a way to train this space magic to the epitome so I can bring them with me whenever I want!'

Me and the four beautiful maidens walked towards the castle with a smile clearly creeping out of our faces. Just then, I couldn't help but say, "The queen is preparing a feast... isn't that a bit too excessive?"

As I said that, I heard the melodious giggles and laughs of the maidens as Elenor and Rina said, "It is not... not at all... it's a celebration for having someone trusted in the family... and to celebrate the fact that we are alive because of you..."

Elena continued to giggle, and after a few seconds, she took a deep breath to calm herself down as she spoke, "We want to thank you... Riku-sama... we are extremely grateful to you... and we already consider you as one of our family. And oh! my mother will certainly be mad if you always call her 'Queen', 'Your Majesty', or something too formal. If she considers a person as a close friend, she doesn't what that person to be so formal to her, but she wants them to treat her as a family..."

I smiled at her words. It certainly touched me, to be honest. Now, I already have a family in this land... or this world, I suppose. With a simple smile, I said, "Well then, since we're already family... how about you also stop being so formal to me and just call me by name."

[Elena Rugret von Reisfield Affection +6 (105, Close Friends - Intimate Friends)]

[Second Layer Relationsh.i.p.s Unlocked]

[Title: 'Too Charming', has been added]

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +5 (93, Close Friends]

[Rina Valfir Affection +5 (92, Close Friends)]

[Farah Windborn Affection +3 (96, Close Friends)]

It seems that it actually reached passed a hundred relationship points! And not only did it affect Elena, but it also affected the other three! I proceeded to turn my face to look at Elena and saw her blushing really hard, whilst the other two were smiling widely. Farah, on the other hand, has her tail wagging like it's gonna fly off.

I just smiled widely as Elena said, "Y-yes R-Riku", that made me so happy inside! I then smiled even wider than before as I said, "How about you, Elanor, Rina, and Farah?"

"As you wish, Riku-sa- Riku!", Elanor said as we continued to walk, and so did Rina. Farah, on the other hand, did the cutest thing I've ever seen these past few days, "Woof! Riku!"

[Status Effect, {Cool Headed} Activated]

I almost couldn't control myself. I grinned widely as my hand extended forth as I rubbed and patted her head causing her tail to wag even more as she barked lightly in her breath, "Woof, woof!"

'God! are you trying to defeat me with cuteness! Look a this, I got that notification again... f.u.c.k!', I then stopped myself, and I did so FORCEFULLY, as I said, "Well then let's hurry up!", the girls nodded as we proceeded to walk in a faster pace than before.


Without any further notice we headed back towards the castle, and I was already extremely familiar with the city. I had a satisfied smile attached to my face as we arrived right before the castle's gate.

The guards, after see8ing us, immediately stopped lazing around their post and opened the gates with a big smile on their faces as they said, "Good Evening Princess Elena, Priestess Elanor and Rin, Miss Farah, and Master Riku! The feast is already ready and the queen is waiting!"

With a simple nod and smile, we headed inside ready for any surprises, yet still, it was amazing. This was... maybe the grandest thing I've ever seen! The various nobles communicating with each other looked so extravagant and so friendly. The various utensils looked as if made of gold! And the food was just... appetizing!

As we entered, Louise seemed to notice us and quickly walked towards us. As she arrived, she quickly embraced the girls and smiled at me widely. I then spoke, "Your majesty, I mean, Louise", as I bowed politely showing greetings.

Louise only smiled as she giggled a little bit as she told me, "It seems that you know I don't want my close friends to treat me so formally, and I'm happy about that", she then grabbed my hands as she smiled whilst the nobles looked at me and Louise with pure interest in their eyes as they seemed to whisper some things to each other with a smirk on their faces as if happy seeing the queen interacting with a man. What a great community this is, no toxicity felt whatsoever.

I just smiled as Louise simply said, "Come with me all of you, it's time to give Riku his award", she proceeded to smile widely as she walked towards the front whilst we followed. I already expected a reward to come and I have no problems with that, in fact, I'm happy if I might say so myself.

As we arrived at the front, Louise loudly said, "Cough, can everyone be quiet for a moment?", with that said, the whole area became quiet and a smile was plastered upon their faces as Louise continued, "I would like to give a toast!"

With that said, the people grabbed their cups filled with luxurious wine whilst Louise spoke, "I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, as my daughter, Miss Windborn, and the two priestesses, have arrived completely safe!"

"Although they did encounter trouble along the way, I'm happy that they are safe, and all of that is thanks to the Master Riku! he saved them in their troubles and I am extremely happy and thankful! May tonight's feast be great and harmonious as always! Cheers!"

With that, the nobles also loudly spoke "Cheers!", as we all drank the wine. Though before everything started, Louise once again, added, "Though, before everything else, I would like to give Master Riku, a medal, signifying his bravery and strength, and showing his status as a close friend of mine, and he shall have the same rank as me!"

The people around started to clap loudly and jeered as they said, "Congratulations, Master Riku!", which I did particularly enjoyed, and my pride rose higher than before as I smiled at them, completely charming the audience, though, I would say, I don't wanna charm the men, I don't want nobody turning gay anytime soon.

A servant then brought out a box and handed it over to Louise, which Louise happily accepted as she opened it and picked up the medal. She then charmingly smiled which was a feast for my eyes as she walked over to me. She then proceeded to pin the medal at the left lapel of my clothing.

Everyone proceeded to clap as Louise happily shouted, "Let us enjoy the feast!" with that loud shout, everyone clapped their handstand the enjoyable feast happened to be extremely enjoyable for me, The wine, the food, they all tasted extremely delicious!

And soon, the feast ended and the guests left the place with a satisfied and happy smiled. It seems that these ladies were quite tired already, and Elena said to Lousie and me, "Mother, Riku, I'm really exhausted, I will go, I want to rest..."

Louise only giggled as she patted her adorable daughter's head with a smile as she spoke, "Go rest, you do look extremely exhausted", I also chuckled as I agreed with Louise. She then proceeded to scanned over Elanor, Rina, and Farah;'s weary faces as she said, "You three as well."

They just nodded as they walked away with a joyful expression and all that was left was me and Louise. We've really got nothing to do as everything was already cleaned by the servants and made, and their speed was quite shocking, even for me.

I walked up to Louise as I said, "Louise, I want to thank you for everything. It's just the first day, and I enjoyed myself, I'm really thankful", Lousie only smiled as she said, "No, no... I want to thank YOU, for everything. You were the one who saved my little daughter and the other three whom I treated as daughters as well. If they died, I would no longer have any will to live anymore."

With that, I smiled wryly as I grabbed her hand and kissed it causing her to flush up in an instant.

[Louise Rugret von Reisfield Affection +4 (96, Close Friends)]

"I love people like you, a person who cares for their family so much. You remind me of my mother... Always caring for me and my little sisters... Always thinking about happiness. Though you should really start thinking about your own happiness as well, like my other did", well, what I said was true, I did become my mother's happiness, and she also did become a part of my happiness. I'm happy to be able to satisfy my mother, both in the heart... and in the body ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

[Louise Rugret von Reisfield Affection +3 (99, Close Friends)]

Her face flushed up even more as she pulled her hand away completely embarrassed, and hid away her face. I then proceeded to speak, "I am also exhausted myself... since I'm staying here, where should I be sleeping? I can rest anywhere for a fact..."

Louise just shook her head as she turned around to look at me as she said, "I shall lead you to your room myself... please... come with me", she led me to the room I will be staying in, in this world, and opened the door for me, and inside was completely beautiful that I felt that everything back on earth couldn't possibly compare to this!

"This shall be your room... G-good night, Riku...", she then turned and walked away only to be stopped by me as I grabbed her shoulders as I whispered to her ear, "Good night, my dear Louise."

[Title: 'Women's Fall', has been added]

Her face flushed beet red, reaching to the tip of her ear as her blonde hair seemed to straighten up. She proceeded to nod as she hurried away with her breathing quite ragged. I only stood, completely happy as I walked inside, and fell on my bed.

As I fell into a slumber, I only thought of one thing, 'The people here are so good, that I almost don't wanna leave', I finally close my eyes and entered the dreamland as a certain figure suddenly appeared right before my bed...


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