Rebellious Path

Chapter 46 - Giving Gifts

We wasted no further time as I smiled, looking at their cute blushing faces as Yumina began to treat my head like some percussion instrument. However, she did not hit me firmly, but weakly, rather. We then decided to go meet Louise one more time to greet her before leaving. Proper manners, am I right?

"Well, we'll go now."

"M-mhm, take care, and come back safe…"

Louise could only speak quietly with her voice fading to the very end as she looked at me, rather coyly. She started to fidget on her throne whilst I smiled lightly, looking at her cute expression. Yes, I would repeat it, as a clearly tough woman acting shy is incredibly charming, no matter what.

I nodded my head lightly as I rubbed Farah's head as she suddenly cutely smiled! With a "woof" along with it! My heart couldn't help but be overwhelmed with cuteness overload. Despite Yumina being really cute; A beast-kin, or rather, a demi-human, that looked like a wolf, AND is a kuudere looked overwhelmingly adorable if she smiled and bark so cutely! Ah!

['Status Effect' (Cool-Headed) has been activated]

After that done, we walked out of the castle with our carriage already prepared by the servants whilst the knights and guards looked at us with utmost respect clear in their eyes. If they were as respectful at this, I can't wait to see what it's like at the country that is similar to Ancient Japan.

"Your Majesty, we have prepared the carriages!"

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Elena, still having her kind attitude to all people, spoke. I could only smile at her, thinking of how a good person she was. She may be a bit childish, but she was actually pretty responsible. And what's more, she is the same age as my younger sister! If maybe… just maybe, I can bring them back with me, I bet they would get along pretty well!

They entered the carriage, or to be more exact, Riku wanted to become the coachman for the time being whilst the girls should be inside. Quite a gentleman, aren't we? He just asked the direction in which way to go, and he could handle everything else. And he did actually… with ease as well.

He picked up the reigns attached to the horses, as the horses seemed entirely disinterested in anything that happened in their surroundings. They only had their heads down as they ate the few bits of grass on the ground. Riku just lightly whipped it to alert the horses, and they did as they looked ahead the path whilst moving. He didn't want to be incredibly fast; just the right speed is good, so he could enjoy the journey. Now, now, he might seem a bit hypocritical as he likes being quick, but… this is another world with fresh air rather than the polluted one! And they're horses, not a box of metal with wheels on it.

The blow of fresh air was really great! I could only breath with pure satisfaction as I drove the carriage to follow the path. Yumina was beside me, singing a very melodic tune as she kicked her short legs. I could only smile at that sight as she giggled lightly whilst Yumins had a face that looked similar to ^v^ as she floated by her seat whilst she started to lay her body atop my head, and of course, with the same expression that she had.

In a span of a couple of hours, we finally arrived! It was a relatively short trip compared to when we travelled to the Grand Dungeon, and in fact, I was quite happy that it was so it doesn't take too long, and it doesn't take too short either. Hell, I wanted to live in this world permanently! Or in this kingdom at least.

"Hoo! We finally arrived!"

"Yes, indeed."

I couldn't help say, as we passed through the gates. This was somewhat a lovely town! There were shops everywhere with high-spirited people, in which I appreciated. I then slowly drove the carriage as I asked the direction to where our destination was, and we soon arrive right at the forge, or the smithy.

I looked at it, and I couldn't help but be in awe of how huge it was! It was the largest building here in town, other than the town hall. With a smile, I proceeded to look at the girls right inside the carriage.

"You should go ahead first, I'll put the carriage at a stable."

"Umm… Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I'll be quick, don't worry."

"Then, we'll wait for you, right in front of the smithy. We won't come in without you."

I told them to go first, and they seemed, but Elanor seemed to be a little bit worried, which I indeed appreciated. With that being said, Rina then spoke last whilst saying that they won't come in without me, which indeed churned my heart. I then gave a sound and a nod of approval as they got out with a smile. I also signed to Yumina to go with them, and she didn't take any disapproval of it as she also got out with a smile, whilst jumping on her "Big Sisters". I then remembered the location as I went to find the stables which gone relatively smooth so far.

With that said, I grinned as I warped back to the smithy, and in an instant, I arrived. As I suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the girls couldn't help but be surprised and frightened at me. I then looked at them with a grin attached to my face, as I patted their heads to comfort them.

"Haha, were you frightened?"

"Of course!"

Yumina, who noticed me, shouted lightly, "Papa~!", as she flew up to me whilst clinging on my neck. She then, with lazy eyes, sat atop my head whilst happily turning around. I could only chuckle with that in mind.

Just at that moment, I seemed to have remembered something that I had indeed forgotten. A gift… was it? Yes! The gift that I was supposed to give them! I never would've thought that I would forget about it, showing just how idiotic I am. They were about to go to the smithy, but I stopped them.

"Ah, wait! I wanted to give you girls something since before, but… I completely forgot, haha. Come here first."

The girls seemed to be very interested. And they… seemed to be blushing as well, as they fidgeted with their fingers. They then walked towards me, and with a smile, I opened up my pocket space and brought out four amulets, that shone as if they are the rarest thing to ever exist. The people couldn't see how it glimmer though, as the barrier cast on it seemed to not let its aura seep right through.

[Wind Amulet (Sealed)

Nature Amulet Sapphire (Sealed)

Nature Amulet Rhodolite Garnet (Sealed)

Light Amulet (Sealed)]

The four were mesmerised by it, and their eyes couldn't help but glow whilst staring at the amulets. Their affinities were attracted to it, naturally, and I felt as if I could hear it call the girls as if reaching for them. I smiled lightly, looking at them whilst deciding that I would place it on their necks myself. With a smile, I approached them, seemingly signing them to turn around so I could let them wear it.

"Okay, Elena, you first."


Riku grabbed the Light Amulet which had the Amber upon it. Elena's face turned really red as Riku placed the necklace on her neck with a smile. She felt his hand rub against her neck, and she felt shivers running all over her body as if electrocuting her. Her hair couldn't help but stand up as her eyes became hazy. Riku then smiled as the amulet already hung around her neck whilst she smiled whilst touching the charm with a red face as she moved back.

"Next is… Elanor."


She turned with her back facing Riku as she held her hair to reveal her beautiful neck. Her heart couldn't help but beat faster as she never would've that Riku would have a gift for them. Riku then grabbed the Nature Amulet with a Rhodolite Garnet on it as he placed it on her neck. The gemstone complimented her beautiful purple-pink eyes. She couldn't help but smile happily as she clutched the amulet within her hands whilst Riku turned to Rina.

"Next is you, Rina…"


Rina could only smile shyly as this was the first time she ever felt this! She felt her body radiating heat that felt like it came from her core as her heart to beat quickly. Her body started to feel all tingly as she felt that Riku was behind her as she turned her back to face him. Riku's breath could only blow to her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e neck as her ears twitched. Riku then grabbed the Nature Amulet with a Rhodolite Garnet attached to it and placed it upon her neck.

"Next is… you, Farah."


Without further thought, Farah turned her back to Riku as her emerald eyes glowed with passion as if she had achieved a long time goal. Even though she rarely smiled, her lips arched up whilst peeking at Riku whilst she slightly wiggled her plump a.s.s. Tempted, Riku could only slap it lightly, causing her expressionless face to turn red as Riku reached for her s.e.xy waist. He then grabbed the Wind Amulet with an Emerald attached to it, clearly, and Farah wagged her tail as she looked at him coquettishly whilst he placed it on her neck, whilst fondling her a.s.s without the notice of the other girls. She then turned around with a happy expression as she looked at me.

"R-Riku… thank you!"

[Farah Windborn Affection +10 (215, Wife)]

[Elena Rugret von Reisfield Affection +15 (135, Admirer)]

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +15 (138, Admirer)]

[Rina Valfir Affection +20 (130, Intimate Friends - Admirer)]

Without any warning, they all leapt towards me as they hugged me on all sides, and that included Yumina who's clutching my head. Farah hugged me at the front whilst Elena let her neck sink into her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Elanor grabbed my right arm as she embraced it with an embarrassed face, and so did Rina, who looked at me coyly whilst my arm sunk in between her t.i.t.s.

Not gonna lie… this was actually very comfortable… I could get used to this, hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Now then… it's probably time to go to the smithy, right? We probably wasted enough time. I then smiled as they continue sticking up to me whilst I started to walk, carrying them along. (My strength has improved ever since that battle with the nightmare demon… carrying all of them feels… very light, and their b.r.e.a.s.ts… cough ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).

I then grabbed unto the door whilst pushing it to open, and I couldn't help but be in awe of what was inside. Just then, something came flying off towards me.

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