Rebellious Path

Chapter 53 - New System UI

We all prepared ourselves and brought all our equipment together to come back to the capital. I was already ready as I didn't have that many things with me, and I could easily send them to my pocket space too. The girls… well, you could say that they were only a fourth done in bringing all the things back to the carriage. And if you want to know about Rosette, well, she… has a lot of equipment with her.

I only smiled at them wryly as I walked towards the market. I mean, I could do anything I want for the moment being, right? I ventured at the market that was bustling with radiance. The merchants looked at everyone like a friend as they introduced what they were selling. I solely focused on the changes in the system as it had just undergone an update after all.

With a thought process of making the system panel to appear, it popped out right in front of me, revealing something incredibly unique in which I enjoyed a lot. There was something new now, it showed the settings, and it felt like I was in some kind of RPG game. I wonder if it'll disappear if I go back to my world after finishing this conquest.


Host: Riku Akatsuki


[Party Status]





[Previous Notifications]


[Close Panel]


With that said, I nodded my head and formed a smile that seemed as if I understood something as I opened up the status button. I haven't seen my status FOR a LONG time. It was as if I forgot that it existed. If the system had some kind of speaking AI, with emotions, of course, I'm sure it would've been hurt.



Name: Riku Akatsuki

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Unknown Entity

Level: 95 (10%)

Job: None

[Too Charming]

[Women's Fall]

[Women Conqueror]

[Harem Master]


[Reika (Unhinderable Devotion)]

[Hina (Unhinderable Devotion)]

[Aoi (Unhinderable Devotion)]

[Farah Windborn (Devoted)]

HP: 124,927/124,927

MP: 410,109/450,690

STR: 2,993

INT: 2,996

DEF: 2,998 (+910)

MDEF: 2,995 (+560)

SPD: 2,997

AGI: 2,994


Water: LVL. 90

Earth: LVL. 94

Wind: LVL. 90

Lightning: LVL. 90

Light: LVL. 96

Darkness: LVL. 90

Space: LVL. 27

Hidden Element:

Time: ???



[Sound Barrier]

[Barrier (LVL. 90)]

[Earth God's Spear/Terra Die Framea (LVL. 70)]

[Warp (LVL. 10)]

[Pocket Space/Inventory (MAX)]

[Pocket World (LVL. 1)]

[Diverse Magic Spells]

[Improvised Magic Spells]

[Item Duplicate]

[Eye of Space (Low Mortal)]

--------Status Effects--------

[Blessed by the Goddess of ???]

[Blessed by the Goddess of ???]


[God's Charm]

[God's Charisma]

[Instant Level Up]

[Instant Learning]

[Cool Headed]

[Magic Enhancement]

[Physical Enhancement]

[Enhanced Mana]

[Instant Replenishment]

[Instant Recovery]


[Targeted and Marked by the God of ??? (Mortal)]

[Uncontrollable Power]

[Darkness Overrun]



--------Cross of Time--------


Time is unending, yet it is frozen, the will of the universe has already mended with time itself. It can never be removed, for it is immortal. Mastering the control of time is a must, for you will be stuck in a loop of endless time and will never see the light of day again. The tattoo is the weapon when it is currently unused.

Attack Damage: ???

Attack Speed: Unhindered

Durability: ∞/∞

Control: 1%

(Control Negates Positive Effects; Weapon shall be downgraded to Mortal Grade to be controlled)


--------Adamantite Dragonscale Armour Set--------


Custom-made Dragonscale Armour with Adamantite Base. Strong enough to defend against tons of people. Infused with ???, amplifying space-time related skills.

Defence: 910

Magic Defence: 103 (Effects upped to 560 due to infusion of ???)

Durability: 5,400/5,400


"Ooh! A new design! That's nice!" I couldn't help but mutter as I rubbed my chin. (I guess I had levelled up five times after fighting that nightmare demon even though it had a level below me... Well, I don't mind; it was strong after all... I have some new skills as well!), I thought whilst walking around.

What I saw was only two new skills, but the names of it were fantastic! And it seems Terra Die Framea has been integrated as an actual skill, haha. Well, that's great, actually. (Pocket World... and Eye of Space… huh…), As I stared at it, it suddenly opened another panel revealing what pocket world was, causing me to widen my eyes.


Skill: Pocket World

Level: 1 (2%)

Mana Required (Transport): 10,000 MP

Mana Required (Skill Maintain): 5,000 MP per minute


It is a cl.u.s.ter made of space and time. A world is created with the power of space, and it is integrated with the power of time to let time continue. This is an ability to create a custom world and once mastered, there is no need for any MP consumption of maintaining the world. The more levels increase, the more space is given and the lesser MP consumption.


(So I can check skill description now, that is nice…), I started to contemplate about the skill. The mana consumption of each person is 10,000 MP, and if I transfer myself and the girls there, including Rosette, it'll be 70,000 MP, leaving me with 380,690 MP... With only that many MP left, I can only maintain the world for about 76 minutes, which is an hour and 16 minutes... It's useful, but it is way too consuming... I guess levelling it up would be a right choice…

I decided to exit for now as they might be already ready, so I closed the panel and turned around, but my eye caught a glimpse of something interesting. You might've not guessed it, but it was food. I couldn't help but think about how exotic it was. I shifted my body and turned around to walk towards it. Maybe I could bring some for the girls too.

I walked up at the stall and smiled at the man cooking some kind of delicacy. It looked like… wings? Perhaps. The man noticed me and smiled as he grabbed some tongs and carried the wings with it and impaled it with a stick. He then looked at me once more as he rubbed his hands whilst saying:

"Yo! Interested in some glazed bat wings?"

"Bat... wings?"

At this moment, I forgot that Yumina was a vampire. Looking back at this makes me feel stupid. All I knew is that Yumina doesn't eat, so I was sure not to get her one, but damn, I'm an idiot for this. The man just looked at me and raised a stick with a bat on it with dripping honey. He then said, "Yeah, bat wings."

I then nodded my head a little bit as I said, "Yeah! Can I get five? I never tasted this kind of food."

The man smiled with that decision as he grabbed ahold of five of the glazed bat wings and handed it to me. He gave me a price, and it was relatively cheap, honestly. I handed over a gold coin and said that he could keep the change, and he looked so happy and thankful. I just smiled as I started to walk away.

Just as I walked by, I felt a presence that was almost at the same level as me, shocking me. I turned my head only to see four people; they were hooded as well, so I couldn't see their faces correctly. I just squinted my eyes whilst looking at them, as they were very peculiar... they were carrying... the man I just beat up earlier…

Earlier, I felt like I sent that man's consciousness to the abyss. With that, I felt like it was that one particular skill that I didn't review yet, that was the cause of all this. I quickly decided to open my status panel and opened that specific skill to know more about it.


Skill: Eye of Space

Level: Low Mortal

Mana Required: 40,000 MP


Sending one to the abyss is an easy feat. One choice is to send them by death. The other is to send their soul to experience the torment of all that is looked upon that realm. Can only be used to a person with low mental fortitude. They will come back to their senses after a day or two.

Permanent Effects: Irrational Fear


This is... quite brutal actually, but if it's according to me, being brutal is much better than just forgiving everyone. If that man dares to insult me or anyone I formed a good relationship with, I will torture them... ruthlessly. And I won't stop even if they beg for mercy or if they asked to just be killed. No, I will torture them and torture them until they die of ordinary circ.u.mstances.

Well enough, I'm gonna go back now. I simply put the people that I saw at the side of my mind whilst leisurely walking to the carriage, and as I expected, they were finished! Well... the carriage is indeed filled to the brim that the modified space magic that they used.

I walked up to them with the food on my hands as I spoke, "Hey! I brought some of these for all of you!"

As they heard my voice, the girls turned around excitedly as they ran up to me. Their t.i.t.s were bouncing along the way, so that was a sight, but I was currently focused on giving them the food. Yumina already flew right straight at my back and started to bite me lightly, which didn't hurt. It just felt that she was giving me hickeys, but without actually making one.

"Is that glazed bat wings!? Those tastes really good!"

All of the five said together in unison. I could only chuckle as I gave them one each. They started to eat happily, and I also took a bite. The taste was wondrous! Despite only being sold for a few copper coins, it's certainly is a delicacy! If I can, this should cost more than it does.

Yumina, just looked at me with a pout as she spoke loudly, "Papa! Why are you eating bat wings!!"

Just then, I was sent back to reality as I realised that I forgot about Yumina being a vampire and thought of her like a blood-s.u.c.k.i.n.g human. I'm a complete f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot, aren't I? I just gulped down the food that was in my mind as I blurted, "Oh shit! I forgot that you were a vampire. I'm sorry for eating this, my dear daughter!"

"That's not it! Why are you eating it! I'm already here! I can be your personal bat! You can chomp and lick my wings anytime you want! Hmph!"

Well... that was as unexpected as it can ever be, and it ended quite awkwardly... We just finished eating the bat wings and hopped on the carriage with Farah and me on the front, driving. Yumina sat down on my l.a.p, and she seemed to enjoy it as she set my hands at her wings. I cannot say that I do not relish this, or I can be called a hypocrite.

We just went on to towards the capital.


"Raphaelle-sama, you sensed it as well, did you? A person quite possibly stronger than us", One of the four hooded people spoke.

The person leading them, supposedly named Raphaelle, just nodded her head as she contemplated with cold eyes. She brought her hood down, revealing her beauty. She was the sister of the man that Riku beat up. Yes, the blue-haired woman with glasses. She then said, "Yes... I did. When did that kingdom get someone as strong as that? Could that person possibly be working for this kingdom, or is he just a traveller than wandered here...? We might be mistaking everything here."

"Yes, indeed."


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