After all, I have been busy with my work.

[I bought all the good makeup removers on the market. After testing by several people in the team during this period, the makeup remover review post I promised everyone is finally here! ! ]

Then there is a photo, which is full of makeup removers from various brands.

It can be seen that basically all the makeup removers are opened and used.

Text: I bought all the popular makeup removers on the market. There are two ways to buy them: online and offline. I have used them frequently with my team members for a period of time. Now I will evaluate them based on ingredients, usage experience, and cleaning power.

Because there are many types and the space is limited, I will initially eliminate some of them. If you are interested in the remaining ones, you can comment on the product names. I will find time to publish the second issue.

Let me first talk about the five products I will review today.

In order not to offend the brand, the product names are censored.

These five products have good sales in the market, have been market-certified, and have good reviews.

This post is a review post for these five makeup removers.

First is this one from DH, a Japanese makeup remover that was very popular in 2004 and 2005. The experience and ingredients make me feel that it is just a bottle of olive oil. Although olive oil is rich in nutrients, it has a high proportion of medium- and long-chain unsaturated fatty acids, which can easily cause the reproduction of Malassezia. It is not suitable for oily skin. There are too many unstable factors. It is recommended to avoid olive oil when using plant-based makeup removers. I strongly do not recommend this bottle.

There is also this one from Fan, which is said to be suitable for sensitive skin and does not contain preservatives. We hate chemical marketing methods, which makes me speechless.

Cosmetics are industrial products. You think cosmetics are natural vegetables picked and made by hand in the vegetable garden, not for sale! What about bacteria? What about synthetic fats? They market to consumers like fools. Instead of doing this, it is better to streamline your own formula and replace the ingredients that are prone to allergies in your own formula.

There is also this one from a certain company. There is no problem with the cleaning power and ingredients. It emulsifies quickly, but it is irritating to the eyes and hurts them.

This is the most unacceptable to me! Especially my eyes are the kind that are more sensitive. After using it, they turn into red eyes in seconds.

There is also this one from a certain B company that focuses on water feeling and is gentle, but the essence of makeup remover oil is to remove makeup. A makeup remover oil that can't even remove makeup is unqualified!

. . . . . . .

Finally, this one is a special existence among this group of makeup remover oils. Zhichun is the founder of makeup remover oil. Many people say that their company is the leader in the makeup remover industry, and it is indeed well-deserved.

It can be said that no one needs to recommend it. The reputation is known to the public.

But expensive is its only problem.

If I have to recommend the above products, I will definitely recommend Zhichun, but the price is expensive and many people can't afford it. Among the affordable makeup removers, I recommend Fan. Compared with a certain Zijia, although there are some minor shortcomings, if it can solve the problems I mentioned, as a makeup remover, it is still worth buying for its makeup removal power, safe ingredients, and stability.

After the content was published, many people felt that Jiang Jiang, the blogger, was really professional. The content he said was not exaggerated or negative, but the problems that occurred during actual use.

Netizens who used the products mentioned above felt like they had found a soulmate in Jiang Xue, complaining about problems similar to Jiang Xue's.

Then I thought to myself, why not save money next month to try Zhichunjia?

I went to Taobao to check the prices, and instantly gave up the urge to make impulse purchases.

"Is there no product that solves these known problems on the market?"

"The original poster criticized all the cosmetics on the market to the point of promoting Zhichunjia?"

"The poster above, does Zhichunjia still need to be promoted? Isn't it recognized?"

"I used the one from Zijia. Although the blogger blurred the logo, I still recognized it as the one I am using now. The yellow bottle is so special. It does have the problem of being irritating to the eyes as the blogger said. Is there any product that is equally good and not irritating to the eyes? Please recommend!"

"With so many brands, please take a look at the makeup remover oil category, do some research and development, and come up with a good makeup remover oil!"

"You compare so many affordable makeup removers that cost less than 100 yuan with a product that is several times more expensive than them. Blogger, are you okay? Can you make it if I give you more than 100 yuan? If you have the ability, do it yourself." Yu Xiaoxiao made her own comments after reading three blogs about makeup removal by makeup artist Jiang Jiang.

In her opinion, you get what you pay for.

Makeup artist Jiang Jiang

Comparing products that cost 80, 90, or even a little over 100 yuan with products that cost 500 or 600 yuan, and then concluding that the more expensive ones are not as good, isn't that just taking off your pants to fart?

Even such a post has so many people reading and commenting, it's just sensationalism!

The blogger replied, but she didn't take it seriously. Then a day later, she logged into the blog to see if the people she followed had posted new content, and saw that her post had been replied.

Clicked in to see, it was still the author who replied.

The reply was just two words: OK

OK? ? ? What does it mean.

In connection with the comments she posted above, this OK means that the blogger wants to make a makeup remover oil that costs about 100 yuan, right, Uemura? ?

With such a question, Yu Xiaoxiao directly replied: Do you mean you plan to make one yourself when you reply OK? ? ?

The reply fell on deaf ears.

However, other netizens saw it, and frequently asked the blogger in her comment post whether she wanted to produce a good makeup remover herself.

The blogger didn't reply at all.

When the factory's resting time was up, the spot check was fine, and the 10,000 bottles of makeup remover oil were shipped to the office they rented with a warehouse.

Taobao store, customer service, and packing staff were all equipped. While her three blog posts on makeup removal were still popular, Jiang Xue did not hide it, but directly posted a blog promotion.

[The makeup remover oil you want, which is mild and non-irritating and easy to use, is now made. ]

The first thing you see is a photo of makeup remover oil. People who read the post look at the name on the makeup remover oil and then Jian.

A brand I have never heard of.

Looking down, I see the text posted by makeup artist Jiang Jiang.

I planned to make a makeup remover oil a long time ago, because the makeup remover products on the market currently have their own problems, as I said in the previous three posts, and they are unwilling to change the problems even though they know the problems.

It will be updated every year. It is said to be upgraded, but in fact it is to reduce costs and replace expensive raw materials with cheap raw materials.

If we don’t adjust the formula according to the existing customer feedback, the more we upgrade, the harder it will be to use.

So I created Zhujian.

Here, Zhujian and I can assure all fans and netizens that we will be consistent and ensure quality and quantity.

We also hope that all netizens will be our supervisors.

Let’s talk about Zhujian’s first product. After rounds of trials, formula proofing, and adjustments, more than 90% of all trial users reported that there was no residual feeling of not being able to be rinsed off, it was not sticky or greasy on the face, it emulsified quickly, had strong cleaning power, and did not irritate the eyes.

The ingredients and raw materials formula are comparable to expensive products.

I won’t say more.

The price is 99, free shipping, and a bottle of 150ml.

Two bottles of 25ml medium sample.

Try the sample first after receiving it.

If you think it’s not good, I’ll come out to pay for the shipping fee, and you can return it to me!

Limited to 500 copies.

Sales start at 8 o’clock tonight.

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