After she finished writing, Jiang Xue wrote her name on the test paper, read it from front to back, and then started writing.

While she was writing, her deskmate knocked on Jiang Xue's desk, and Jiang Xue turned to look at her.

Xu Lingna pointed to a girl in the last row near the window, indicating to Jiang Xue that she was called by the other party.

Jiang Xue remembered that the teacher called her name, and the girl seemed to be called Tan Xiao.

Jiang Xue's deepest impression of her was still this name, and she was a little strange.

She didn't live on campus, but was a day student.

After school, the two walked out of the school together.

Tan Xiao saw Jiang Xue looking at her, and threw a note over, indicating Jiang Xue to read it.

Tan Xiao looked at the teacher on the podium, pretending to be serious.

Jiang Xue got the note, raised her eyebrows, but didn't read it. Instead, she put the note in the hole of the table and continued to write the test paper.

Then, even if Tan Xiao scratched her head, Jiang Xue ignored her.

After the test, Tan Xiao pushed Xu Lingna aside and said to Jiang Xue: "Why didn't you read the note I wrote to you."

"Because I'm taking the test." Jiang Xue replied calmly.

"..." Tan Xiao.

Tan Xiao: "Your grades should be good."

"Not bad."

"Then can you pass it to me after you finish the next subject and lend it to me so I can copy it?" Afraid that Jiang Xue would refuse, she said: "I won't let you read it for free, I will repay you."

"Maybe not, the teacher won't agree."

"Secretly, okay sister, give me some face, don't they all say that your family conditions are quite poor, and you have to work and study, I will give you this number." After saying that, she stretched out her hand and made a five.

"Maybe it won't work, because cheating is against the rules."

"You're such a nerd, forget it." Seeing that Jiang Xue was not interested, the other party immediately gave up on Jiang Xue and went to discuss with the girl in front of her.

Xu Lingna sat back in her seat, hesitant to speak to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue indicated that she had something to say and she had to write.

"Tan Xiao is super rich, you write down what she said and she'll give you 500, why don't you agree?"

"Both parties will be affected if you are caught cheating in the exam. Everyone paid a high tuition fee to get in, and they will definitely not do something that crosses the red line for 500 yuan." Jiang Xue explained.

"Aren't you short of money?"

"Who said I'm short of money?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

She felt very strange, as if all the classmates in the class were acknowledging that she was poor and short of money. She looked at her clothes and shoes. Although they were not expensive brands, they were clean and tidy, and the styles were all generous and decent neutral styles.

Where did these people come to the conclusion that she was poor?

Seeing Jiang Xue say that, Xu Lingna simply stopped talking.

But her expression seemed to say, "Don't explain, they all know it."


The exams went smoothly.

The exams were on Monday, and all the results were released on Wednesday.

The school posted the top 100 students in the grade on the bulletin board.

Gao Yuan wanted to go over to take a look, but was pulled away by his classmates, "What are you looking at? Basically, the students in the experimental class dominate the list. At worst, there are students in the ordinary class. It seems that no one from the transfer class is on the list."

"Not necessarily. Don't we have a few students in our class with good grades? It's just that they failed the high school entrance examination. What if they can make the list? I'd better go and take a look." Gao Yuan said as he squeezed into the crowd flexibly.

Then he looked from the bottom to the top. The experimental classes were Class 1 and Class 2. The class column on the list was basically Class 1 or Class 2,

occasionally interspersed with other classes.

Class 7 was not seen.

The more he looked up, the more Gao Yuan wanted to give up.

Basically, there is no Class 7 below, and the possibility of Class 7 is even lower if you go up.

I was ready to give up, but I glanced at it, and from top to bottom, the first one was written Class 7.

The first one!!!

Gao Yuan quickly became alert and looked at the name in front of the class.

Jiang Xue? ? ?


It's Jiang Xue!!

The tall girl sitting behind him, Jiang Xue, who didn't participate in military training? ?

Isn't it said that she came from a small place, a remote county town, and her grades are so good?

The bell rang, and the students who looked at the grades in front of the list pretended to be birds and beasts and scattered.

Gao Yuan, who had seen the list, returned to the class and happened to meet several male classmates who were discussing who was the first in the class.

Several people said it was a boy named Sun Bo in the class.

Because the other party's junior high school grades were very good, he didn't do well in the high school entrance examination because of illness, and he had to study in this school on a temporary basis.

"Sun Bo, didn't you say you did well in the exam this time? Maybe you can even make it into the top 100."

The boy named Sun Bo wore glasses and looked proud. "Not necessarily. We'll know when the results come out. Zhu Peng, don't talk nonsense."

"I guess about the others. There are still many hidden talents in our class." Gao Yuan said in a pretentious manner.

"I guess Sun Bo is the first in our class. How about a bet?" Zhu Peng proposed a bet to protect his friend.

"Then I guess it's Jiang Xue. What's the bet?" Gao Yuan, who knew the answer, knew he would win and accepted it immediately.

"Whoever loses will help the other person clean the dormitory and class for a month." If Gao Yuan guessed someone else, he would still be worried, but Jiang Xue, their class basically all came from junior high schools in S City, and the students were all locals.

But Jiang Xue was different from them.

It was spread all over the class that Jiang Xue was a rural person from another province.

It was said that her family was very poor, and the reason why she left school so early every day was because she needed to work and study.

How could the teaching quality in a remote small place be comparable to that of S City?

But Sun Bo is different. He had good grades before. He failed the high school entrance exam, but he has been taking tutoring classes throughout the summer vacation, including now. The one-on-one teacher is tutoring him on weekends.

So Sun Bo must be the first in the class.

"Then it's settled. The teacher will probably announce the answers soon. It will take a month. Don't regret it." As soon as Gao Yuan finished speaking, Yan Min walked into the class with the Chinese test paper in her hand. "

Yan Min was very happy. She didn't expect Jiang Xue to be so competitive.

She got the first place in the first exam.

But only Jiang Xue in the class was in the top 100. The scores of others were worse than she thought.

This made her feel worse again.

"The results of the baseline test are out. The first and last place in the school are both in our class. "As soon as Teacher Yan finished speaking, the class immediately started to discuss.

The words "No. 1 in the school" were like thunder in the sky!

Everyone assumed that the No. 1 in the grade must be in the experimental class.

No matter what, it's in the ordinary class.

How could it be in their borrowing class?

You have to know that the borrowing class paid to enter the school without passing the entrance exam.

As a result, the teacher said that the borrowing class got the No. 1 in the school?

Who was it?

Everyone looked around at the students under the podium to see who was the most suspicious, curious about which warrior it was.

Yan Min didn't keep it a secret and said directly: "The No. 1 in the school is our classmate Jiang Xue."

At a time, more than 40 pairs of eyes in the class all looked at Jiang Xue.

Most of them were incredulous. Because Jiang Xue's appearance was really different from the top student in the grade.

Come on time and leave early.

Don't raise your hand in class, and don't have much presence in the class.

She was writing and drawing at the bottom of the teacher's class, and I don't know what she was busy with. She didn't look like she was listening carefully.

Another point is that Jiang Xue doesn't look like a top student.

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