"We only took three exams this time, so don't be proud even if you did well. I hope you can keep up the good performance in the next formal exam. Bring honor to the class and yourself! And the students who did not do well in the exam, you have to reflect on yourself. We are all in the same classroom, but others can get full marks in math and English with 150 points, but you can only pass with 150 points!!! There are still students who did not pass. If the school makes a ranking of the bottom 100, our class will account for half of the names!!" Teacher Yan said, and then handed out the papers and explained the papers.

Jiang Xue was also surprised to be the first in the grade. She got full marks in math and English, but lost five points in Chinese.

The total score will be the first.

There will be other subjects in the monthly exam, and it will be difficult for her to get the first place again.

Jiang Xue thought that since she got the first place in the exam, the head teacher would be a little more relaxed with her. Unexpectedly, knowing her good grades, the teachers paid more attention to her.

The head teacher even wanted to persuade her to live in the school, spend more time studying, and keep the first place.

He asked for her parents' contact information, saying that she was a child and didn't know much, so she could talk to her parents.

"My parents are not here."

"If your parents didn't send a message to the school, I can call them."

"There is no contact information either." Seeing that Teacher Yan didn't believe it, Jiang Xue gave the teacher her brother's phone number, "This is my brother's number. If you need to find the parents, you can contact my brother." Teacher Yan had an impression of Liu Qinglin, who looked very similar to Jiang Xue, but didn't look very old.

"So did you really go to work after school? If your family is in a difficult situation, you can tell the school that the school has quotas for poor students, and I can help you get one."

"I don't work, my family is not in a difficult situation, and I don't need to apply for a poor student."

"Why do you go home so early after school if you don't work? You can learn more at school."

"Teacher Yan, thank you very much for your kindness. I have my own way of learning. I didn't stop studying when I went back. I did my papers and exercises well at home." Jiang Xue said this with the intention of letting Teacher Yan give up the idea of ​​letting her finish school later and study more at school, but Teacher Yan didn't know how to make up his mind.

A classmate also wanted to go to school as a day student, and she told that person: "I won't approve it. Jiang Xue is also studying at home when she is a day student, and she is studying as much as you are in school. Her good grades are also the result of hard work. You can only see that she leaves school before 4 o'clock, and it is possible for her to study even if she gets up at 5 o'clock and sleeps in the middle of the night. You are distracted when the teacher sees you in school, but you only play when you go back to school as a day student! So I can't approve it."

The classmate returned to the class and heard that Jiang Xue's hometown was from a remote rural area. It was very poor and needed to go out to work.

A new wave of rumors spread: Jiang Xue reads until 2 o'clock in the morning every day.

The reason why Jiang Xue's grades are so good is that she hired a one-on-one teacher from a famous university to tutor her at home.

Although Jiang Xue came here from a small place to study, her parents are very rich in the local area, so they sent Jiang Xue to their school to study. They were afraid that Jiang Xue could not keep up, so all the teachers of all subjects were one-on-one tutors.

There were also classmates from other classes who testified that they were in the same tutoring class as Jiang Xue, and Jiang Xue had always hired a tutor.

She drove a car worth hundreds of thousands of yuan to and from school.

Her family was actually very rich.

There were all kinds of rumors for a while.

But they were just rumors, and no one asked the real person. Jiang Xue, who was not very sociable, was considered unattainable by her classmates because of her grades, so Jiang Xue didn't know about it.

Jiang Xue was surfing the Internet on her computer at home, looking at the online marketing situation in Kyoto.

Compared with Gusu City, which was popular from the beginning, Kyoto's opening was much quieter.

Although the promotion method continued the previous two stores' opening and held many activities, there were some effects, and there were customers who placed orders, but it was not as popular as the previous two stores.

When Zhao Lin and Jiang Xue reported their work, they were obviously not very satisfied.

"Don't worry, let the new store slowly build up its reputation. You manage the account in Kyoto well, and wait for the Wendy model competition to be broadcast. There will be filming in the studio there, so you can use it as a marketing point. Let's see how it goes."

"Yes." Zhao Lin replied.

After chatting with Zhao Lin, Zhang Xinyue couldn't wait to send the photos she took of Wendy to Jiang Xue.

Zhang Xinyue has already opened the store, and is waiting for the photos to be taken and the products to be put on the shelves, and then

I just started to go to forums and blogs to post posts and blogs related to these photos.

When Jiang Xue opened a photo, there was no obvious distinction between men and women.

Wendy, wearing feminine clothes, long curly hair, and red lips.

The photos are either intellectual or ladylike, sometimes lazy and casual, sometimes charming.

And another style, with short hair,

three-dimensional eyebrows, melancholy eyes, and tightly pursed lips.

The temperament is indifferent and alienated.

Wearing three-dimensional tailored clothes, like a thin, melancholy nobleman.

Jiang Xue tried to splice two Wendy photos of the same style together.

Although they are both her, the two styles are unexpectedly harmonious and well matched.

"Very good!" Jiang Xue praised.

"Boss, if you say it looks good, I will put my heart back in my stomach~" Zhang Xinyue said, and told Jiang Xue to continue working.

I watched the first video edited by Yan Gao Meimei again. The video was very smooth and complete.

The video format has indeed received a lot of praise.

They said it is more intuitive than photos and easier to learn.

They praised Jiang Xue for her amazing skills.

It seems like she has the ability to change her head.

In the video, the model changed a lot after putting on makeup and changing clothes. I thought the photos were photoshopped before, but the video can show her amazing skills more intuitively.

They praised the model for the big difference before and after makeup.

Jiang Xue was really relieved.

She realized that she had a big problem after she went to school.

She felt like she was reborn and her aesthetics surpassed this era.

She wanted to do everything herself and do her best.

The people around her also asked Jiang Xue for her opinion on everything and regarded her as the backbone.

In this way, she was actually very tired.

There were too many things to do and worry about every day.

Like this time, the video editing will be handed over to Gao Meimei in the future. Maybe there are still some problems with the videos she edited now, but as she becomes more proficient, her skills will get better and better.

Zhang Xinyue plans to open a store, and Jiang Xue resisted the urge to participate in the selection of styles or the shooting tasks.

Just give some suggestions, the products selected by several people, and the photos taken are also excellent.

Jiang Xue did not intervene in the opening of the store in Kyoto. They still did a good job in marketing by learning from their previous experience. As a new store, it attracted customers' trust and placed orders and took photos.

It is a success in itself.

She is not as important as she thinks. As a boss, as the industry grows, she learns to let go and let her subordinates play and make decisions. This is a virtuous cycle and can be more efficient.

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