The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

In public, Liu Yan spoke in a low voice, but Jiang Xue did not answer directly without being polite.

Seeing that the shop assistants around were all looking in their direction, Liu Yan's cheeks were a little hot under everyone's scrutiny.

She wanted to get angry, but when she saw her daughter's indifferent eyes, she remembered her mental preparation to not get angry and to control her temper and get along well with her daughter, and she tried to calm herself down.

She forced a smile, "Xiaoxue, mom knows you are angry with mom now. We are mother and daughter, and you are my flesh and blood. If mom has done anything wrong to make you sad, mom apologizes to you. Don't bother with mom, and don't be angry with mom."

"Mom admits that I was biased before, and I won't do it again in the future. I will treat you and Jiang Lu fairly."

"Or you can only forgive mom if you see how I compensate you."

Jiang Xue looked at her mother in front of her. She was really flexible.

In her previous life, she struggled painfully with such words.

Lack of love was the evil that her parents did to her, and this evil had a deeper impact on her than she expected.

Among the three children in her previous life, she was the most filial.

They paid the most money, as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Flattering, attentive, caring, and then controlling.

When she was 25 or 26 years old, she was afraid that she would fall in love and get married outside.

She cried and asked her to go on a blind date in her hometown, wanting to keep her in her hometown.

When he found out that she had a boyfriend, he acted like a responsible parent and said he wanted to see her. Jiang Xue couldn't stand being nagged, so she took her then-boyfriend back home.

He was very polite in front of her, but changed his attitude behind her back and became picky, saying that Jiang Xue had to support them in their old age, and they would live with their eldest daughter in the future, and she would live with them after marriage, and would help them raise the children in the future.

He required the other party to have a house and a car, and a high betrothal gift, saying that it was the custom in their hometown.

In front of her, he belittled his boyfriend's family and work.

He tactfully told Jiang Xue that she could find a better one with her conditions.

The boyfriend at the time tactfully told Jiang Xue these things, and Jiang Xue listened quietly and said, "Don't pay attention to them, don't worry, and we won't get married."

"Why are you dating me if we don't get married?"

"I told you before that it's just a relationship. I'm afraid of marriage and don't want to get married."

"I know you're afraid of getting married. Can you give me a chance?"

Finally, they broke up, just like all the previous ones.

At that time, the parents still felt that they had played a role. This useful daughter finally didn't have to marry so far away, and they would not care about them at that time.

So, the love of parents for their children is not selfless, but profitable.

Childhood experience has affected her view on love and values.

She is afraid of entering into marriage, handling intimate relationships poorly, being afraid of internal consumption in intimate relationships, caring too much about the other person's feelings, and becoming selfless.

She is afraid of giving birth to her own child, afraid that she will not love her after giving birth, and afraid that she will eventually become like her mother.

She has been reborn, and she thought she would welcome a new and bright new life, but why can't she face them calmly.

Whenever she sees them or hears any news about them, she will unconsciously become irritable and anxious.

Some wounds may seem to have healed on the surface, but they are still inflamed and festering inside. If that's the case, just scratch them again.

"Just pretend that you never gave birth to me, and don't appear in my world at all." Liu Yan frowned and wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by the phone.

It was Jiang Haiyang who called.

"You asked me to book a place to eat. I booked a hot pot restaurant in the new shopping mall near Times Square. I have already called to make an appointment. I will take Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu over there directly. You, Xiaoxue and mom can go there too."

"And I have called my eldest sister and brother-in-law. When you go there, order more dishes. Don't be stingy with the money."

"Okay." Liu Yan wanted to say something to Jiang Xue after hanging up the phone. Her mother-in-law came out after trying on clothes. Thinking that her mother-in-law could take over anything she said, and if she talked about Jiang Xue, her mother-in-law would defend her, so she chose to shut up.

She told Grandma Jiang about the meal later. Grandma Jiang didn't want to eat hot pot, but Jiang Xue said she would take her to eat steak, which is what foreigners eat. But thinking of her eldest daughter and son-in-law whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Grandma Jiang reluctantly agreed.

At the round table, Liu Yan wanted to get a better relationship with her younger brothers and sisters, so she put her

Arranged between the twins.

The eldest sister's family hadn't come yet, so they didn't start eating, but just chatted.

"Xiaoxue, please help me talk about them. Their grades are only average in the class. I don't ask them to have grades as good as yours. I'll be satisfied if they can get into high school and study in an ordinary university."

After listening, Jiang Lu gestured to Jiang Chao and curled her lips.

"Good or bad grades are not useful to rely on what others say. In addition to IQ, it is also inseparable from your education. Look at the children that grandma takes care of. They all have good grades. And the two you take care of..." After saying this, Jiang Xue glanced at the two of them. Jiang Xue didn't say the rest, but the lethality was huge.

Liu Yan has always praised herself for bringing up children better than her mother-in-law's children. Now she hears her daughter say this, of course she can't accept it.

"Jiang Xue, how do you talk to mom? You are too rude. And what's that look in your eyes!" Jiang Lu, who was standing aside, was hurt by Jiang Xue's gaze and asked accusingly.

Jiang Xue looked directly at Jiang Lu, "You are polite. You are polite without even calling me sister."

Before Jiang Lu could say anything, Grandma Jiang beside her immediately took over Jiang Xue's words: "Jiang Lu, your sister is right. After all, your sister is older than you. It is wrong for you to call her by her name."

"Sister." Jiang Lu called her reluctantly, and then stopped talking, sulking aside.

"What Xiaoxue said just now is true. Jiang Xian is a college student, not to mention Xiaoxue's good grades. And the two boys from the old family have also been admitted to No. 1 Middle School. They will probably not be particularly bad in the future. I always think that it is not very useful for children to go to school more."

"When I took care of them before, the first thing to do after school every day was for the four children to lie on the big bench together to do homework, and each one worked harder than the other." Jiang Xue thought about her childhood memories. The reason why she was so active in doing homework at that time was because she would be asked to do various housework if she didn't do homework.

So the four of them unanimously decided to do homework, because doing homework and reading books is easier than doing housework.

"When their grandfather was alive, he also said that going to school and passing the exams was their only way out. I agree with the old man on this point. The children I taught all studied very consciously and their grades were top-notch in the class. The teachers all praised me for my good education. You let such a good child drop out of school and go out to work. Yanzi, you are too short-sighted. Fortunately, Xiaoxue herself worked hard, otherwise she would have been ruined by you."

Liu Yan wanted her mother-in-law to shut up. Her mother-in-law was really bad, because Jiang Xue had a gap with her about dropping out of school, but she still brought it up, belittling her to show off herself. Seeing that Jiang Xue and Jiang Haiyang both had expressions of approval, she was even more angry.

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