The two of them are still young, and they don't know the importance of learning. Their brothers and sisters are so good, they won't be much worse. Xiaoxue, you have time to talk to your brothers and sisters about your learning experience and teach them."

"You are already in junior high school, but you are still young. Mom, you are really deceiving yourself."

"Jiang Xue! I am talking to you in a nice way, don't be so arrogant." Jiang Xue's contemptuous attitude and sarcastic tone completely broke Liu Yan's psychological defense.

"You'd better not talk to me in a nice way, it's too hypocritical."

"Wife, why hasn't the elder sister come yet? Let's go to the door to greet her." Jiang Haiyang quickly changed the subject and pulled Liu Yan out of the private room.

"I know you are still angry with your parents. Can't you just talk to them nicely? Why are you so hostile?" Grandma Jiang said to Jiang Xue after the two left. She wanted to persuade them a few more times while they were away, but was interrupted by Jiang Lu next to her.

"Grandma, she is just too arrogant. Don't say anything. Be careful that she will scold you too."

"It's just a money-loser. My mother said that if she regrets giving birth to you, she should drown you in the foot basin when you are born." Jiang Lu said, looking at Jiang Xue provocatively.

As a result, Jiang Xue stood up and slapped her in the face.

"I told you to be polite to me and not learn your lesson."

Jiang Lu was hit hard. She was in disbelief for a moment, and then she was angry.

"If you dare to hit me, I will fight you." She rushed towards Jiang Xue with her teeth and claws bared.

Jiang Xue has always had the habit of exercising, and she has advantages in both age and height.

So for the unruly Jiang Lu, Jiang Xue subdued her and kicked her several times.

Jiang Lu's mouth is really poisonous. Jiang Xue wanted to beat her in her last life. Now that she has the chance in this life, she will not show mercy.

It was Grandma Jiang who quickly separated the two. "Jiang Lu, how can you say that about your sister? She deserves to be beaten."

Turning to Jiang Xue, she said, "Xiaoxue, she is still young. Why are you hitting her so hard? Don't hurt her."

"Grandma, she beat me and you helped her. You are too partial!! I will tell my mother later..."

After Jiang Lu finished speaking, she sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Liu Yan and Jiang Haiyang left the box. Jiang Haiyang said a lot of good things to make Liu Yan suppress her temper. She met her eldest sister and brother-in-law. Before they even walked into the box, they heard crying in the box.

Jiang Yan quickened her pace and walked in. Then she saw Jiang Lu, whose face was swollen and she was crying on the ground, and Jiang Xue standing beside her, and Jiang Chao and Grandma Jiang standing between them.

"What happened after I just left for a while?"

"Mom, you're back. Jiang Xue hit me and kicked me right after you left. It hurts, woo woo..."

"It seems that it doesn't hurt. You called me Jiang Xue." After saying that, she was about to raise her hand. Jiang Lu looked at Jiang Xue and shrank back in fear.

"Jiang Xue! You are really lawless now. You dare to hit me in front of me. Do you look like a sister?"

"Mom, didn't you ask me to teach them? I'm teaching them to be polite."

"I asked you to teach her and asked you to call her. Look at her face. You didn't hold back at all. How old is she? How old are you? How could you hit her so hard?"

"If it doesn't hurt, you won't learn your lesson." Liu Yan also said this, and Jiang Xue gave it back to her.


"You dead girl, you are shameless when I talk to you nicely. You are so arrogant. You talk to me with this attitude. Let me teach you too." Jiang Xue was slapped hard on the face.

Jiang Xue saw Liu Yan's move to hit her. She could have dodged, but she didn't.

After being hit, Jiang Xue didn't make any sound. She just stared at Jiang Yan for a few seconds, then stretched out her hand and slapped Jiang Chao, who was standing aside, in the face. Taking advantage of the fact that no one reacted, she kicked Jiang Lu.

"You are my mother by blood. If I fight back, I will be accused of treason. Keep hitting me. If you hit me, I will hit your children. If you help me kill them, I will take them to be buried with me." Jiang Xue's eyes were serious and stubborn. No one present thought she was joking.

It was the eldest uncle Li Tao who spoke up, "We are all family. Don't do this. Jiang Ping, take Xiaoxue away first. Sister-in-law, the child has grown up and has his own temper. Don't bother with the child."

"Listen to what she said. I am her mother, not her enemy. Am I a beast? Treat your parents and siblings like this."

"I am a beast, and you are an old beast,

These two are also little beasts. "Jiang Xue's light words completely angered Liu Yan. Liu Yan was so angry that she wanted to hit her again, but was stopped by others.

Jiang Haiyang, who had been silent all the time, walked up to hit her. Jiang Xue quickly hid behind Grandma Jiang.

"You dare to hit her." Grandma Jiang immediately said angrily to her son.

Jiang Haiyang put down his hand, "Mom-I admit that this child blames us for being partial. We are indeed partial. We took the two little ones with us but not her, but we didn't lack her food or clothes. Look at what she said, calling her parents, brothers and sisters beasts."

"She also said what your wife said."

"Mom, this is my own child. Can you not interfere when we educate our children!" Liu Yan complained.

"You and your wife gave birth to her, and I raised her. I can't stand being beaten in front of me. "

Chen Ping came over quickly and pulled Jiang Xue away.

Grandma Jiang thought about it and went with her eldest daughter and Jiang Xue.

After leaving the hot pot restaurant, Jiang Xue rubbed her face that was hurt by the beating, smiled at the two of them and said, "Aunt, and grandma made you not have a meal. Let's go back to where we live. I'll call someone to send food and meals directly to the hotel."

"You can still laugh, kid, why are you so irritable now?" Grandma Jiang was actually shocked by Jiang Xue's actions just now.

In her impression, the eldest granddaughter of the second family has always had a good temper, not very courageous, and not talking much.

She once thought that the eldest granddaughter and her second son had similar personalities and temperaments.

That is, they are not the kind of people who pick on the best and take advantage of the strong.

But just now, whether it was the action of beating people, the tone of speaking, or the look in her eyes, they were all very imposing.

Not cowardly at all, very much like the energy when she was young, she likes such a granddaughter.

"Good people are bullied and good horses are ridden. If I hadn't made a change, I wouldn't know where I'd be on the assembly line now."

"Yes, I'm actually quite happy to see your temper now. Before, you were like dough, allowing others to flatten and round you. Now I don't have to worry about you getting hurt outside."

"But it's okay for you to hit Jiang Lu, she deserves it. Why hit Jiang Chao?" Grandma Jiang said, thinking of the slap Jiang Xue had just given her grandson, she felt quite distressed.

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