After the meal, Jiang Xue laughed and half-truthfully answered.

"Tell your aunt the truth. With your brother's temper, is there really anyone willing to let him be a live-in son-in-law? Apart from his good looks, can girls stand your brother's temper?"

"My brother has a good temper. I'm a girl, and I want to find someone like him in the future!" Jiang Xue replied.

What a fart.

Wang Ju almost blurted out.

Liu Qinglin has been a troublesome child since he was young.

At that time, my sister-in-law gave birth out of wedlock. After the birth of the child, the father could not be found. My sister-in-law remarried and left the child to her mother-in-law to raise. When the child reached the age of school registration, she was against putting the child under their name.

She had just been married for less than two years at that time, and her own child was younger than Liu Qinglin. My sister-in-law's mother-in-law said that if they dared to let the child appear in their family, they would let their family take my sister-in-law back, and not only that, all the money for the betrothal gift and all the expenses before the marriage would be returned.

The money had been given to her mother as a betrothal gift, so how could they pay it back.

The mother-in-law said that it was just a temporary change of the household registration, and they did not have to bear any responsibility for the child, and they would raise the child.

After several negotiations, the child was registered under their name, and my sister-in-law gave alimony, and they received alimony, and the parents-in-law took care of the child.

It seemed that there was no impact on their lives, and they could get a sum of money for free every month.

As for the in-laws, if they don't have enough money to raise the children, they can ask her daughter for it.

Thinking this way, she agreed.

When Liu Qinglin was young, they didn't care about him. Liu Qinglin knew who his mother was since he was a child. The two were just his uncle and aunt, so he never called them mom and dad.

Moreover, this child has been stubborn since he was a child. He will run away if he is beaten. If he doesn't run away, he won't say anything if he is beaten. If he is beaten hard, he will look at you with hatred.

When he grows up, let alone beating, he won't scold him. If he scolds her in the morning, her children will come home crying in the afternoon.

Liu Qinglin will not confront them directly, but will bully her two young children as much as she can.

The children need to go to school, and they can't follow the children all the time. If they report it to the school, the teachers can't do anything.

He doesn't take the initiative to bully, but he has many younger brothers to help him bully. In the end, they can only speak softly and live in peace.

After graduating from junior high school, Liu Qinglin went out to work with his classmates and friends. Since he went out to work, his sister-in-law stopped giving him child support.

They felt a little disappointed that the money they had been used to for so many years was suddenly gone. It happened that Liu Qinglin came back for the New Year in the first year, so they set their sights on his salary.

Unexpectedly, they didn't get a penny of the money, and the couple was beaten.

They were so angry that they ridiculed their sister-in-law and gave up after she paid for the medical expenses. Since then, Liu Qinglin has not come back for many years.

Occasionally, he would cry when talking about his mother-in-law, and they thought he was dead, but they didn't expect him to come back suddenly two days ago.

As soon as he came back, he said he was going to get married and asked them to prepare the betrothal gifts and wedding house.

She definitely disagreed, "Go find your biological mother. It's none of our business whether you want to marry or have children. We have no responsibility for you."

"You don't care if you say so. My household registration is under your name."

"You are grown up now. You can give me some money. It's worth it for me to raise you. Hurry up and move your household registration. You can move to any place you want." Uncle Liu Dong suggested.

"What are you dreaming about! I don't have money to get married, but I still have money to give you. You just bought this house. The town said that the vegetable market will move to this street. The location of the house you bought is quite good. You can make a shop on the first floor and live on the second floor.

Oh, the second floor has been renovated, just right for marriage. As for Qiangzi, he is younger than me, and I will marry first. Let me use the house first."

How could they lend the house they prepared for their son to get married to others? What a dream.

She wanted to curse Liu Qinglin, but when she thought of the beating she had received a few years ago, she and her husband felt a little scared.

"Don't want to lend it to me? What if I insist on lending it to you?"

After saying this, he invited the hooligans he had played with in the town to his house for dinner, drinking and playing cards. They were all young men in their twenties, four

Five of them moved into the new house on the second floor that they had prepared for their son to marry.

After just one night, the floor was covered with melon seed shells, cigarette ashes, and a smoky room. The new quilt in the cabinet was also torn apart and spread directly on the floor. This group of people slept on the floor without using any quilt covers, and her brand new cotton quilt was messed up.

The room was in a mess, and there were handprints and shoe prints on the snow-white walls.

They couldn't beat Liu Qinglin alone, and now there were a group of young men, let alone solve the problem by force.

They couldn't beat him or scold him, so they called the police. The police came, and Liu Qinglin told the police that he was the son of the family and was on the same household registration book.

The police only lectured him after understanding the situation and left.

Liu Dong and his wife had no choice but to call his sister.

Let her come and take away their son.

"I gave birth to him and raised him until he graduated from junior high school. I have done my best. I don't have money to help him get married and build a house." The speaker of Liu Dong's knockoff phone was turned on during the call, and the sound was particularly loud, so Liu Qinglin could hear the words of his nominal mother clearly.

Liu Qinglin's eyes were dark and he smiled sarcastically.

"Just tell your son to leave my house. He has brought several people to live in the house we built for your nephew, and it is ruined."

The phone was handed to Liu Qinglin, who took it with a calm expression. Before he could speak, Liu Yan's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have nothing to say to him. Just tell him what I just said. I'm still busy. Hang up."

Liu Qinglin pursed his lips and threw the phone directly to Liu Dong, his face dark and scary.

"You also heard that your biological mother doesn't care about you. We are your uncle and aunt and we can't control you either. Just tell me what you want to do this time."

Liu Qinglin's face was dark for only a few seconds, and then he showed a nonchalant expression on his face, "What do I want to do? I want to get married."

"If you want to get married, you have to work hard on your own. You have been working outside for several years. You don't come back during the holidays, and you don't give any money to your family. Although you are under my household registration, I am just your uncle and I can't help you."

"Then I will transfer my household registration." When Liu Dong heard that Liu Qinglin wanted to transfer his household registration, he did not agree immediately, but became suspicious.

Subconsciously, he felt that he would lose a lot if he agreed to him like this.

Seeing that the conversation had come to this point, Liu Dong did not agree directly. Liu Qinglin said, "I will register my household registration at my girlfriend's house and become a live-in son-in-law."

"My girlfriend said that she would either choose one from a million and give a betrothal gift of 11,000 yuan plus a wedding house of three golds, and then she would marry me. Or I would live in your house and she would give me the betrothal gift. Since you all said that you have no ability to manage me, and I only earn enough for my own spending, I will just live in your house. What about the child taking the woman's surname? My surname is also the woman's, so there is no need to keep it."

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