After all this, Liu Dong still had doubts. He called his children who were working outside and discussed with his wife. He wanted to get rid of this plague god as soon as possible. He agreed to give Liu Qinglin the household registration booklet and let him get married with his girlfriend. By the way, he also took him to the township government to get a single certificate, a moving-out certificate, and a series of other materials that might be needed. After doing all this, Liu Dong always felt that he was at a loss, so he took Liu Qinglin to the town's vegetable market. He bought a bunch of chickens, ducks, fish and meat, leaving Liu Qinglin and his mother to face the stall owner. He hid aside and watched Liu Qinglin pay the money not far away, and then he appeared again. Liu Qinglin didn't want to pay the few hundred yuan. Seeing his grandmother taking money out of her pocket, he took the initiative to pay the money when he thought of some warm days in his childhood.

The matter was done. On the way back, Liu Dong remembered to ask the girl about her conditions. He learned that his girlfriend's family had two daughters, who were from S City, and their parents had jobs in public institutions and were not short of money. He immediately became interested again.

He thought about not making the relationship too stiff, just in case it would be useful in the future.

Then he bought some vegetarian dishes, took out the wine that relatives brought over for the New Year, and asked Wang Ju to make more dishes. The meat dishes bought today were all cooked. He called relatives over and formally invited Liu Qinglin to have a meal.

Jiang Xue came over. Liu Qinglin learned from her that Jiang Xue was originally a high school in the city, but was sent to a key high school in S City by his girlfriend's family. She was a seedling for Tsinghua and Peking University in the future. He called his sister to confirm the truth of this matter. He got the answer that she was indeed studying in S City, and his suspicion of Liu Qinglin was almost eliminated.

"Why are you asking about Xiaoxue?" Liu Yan asked curiously on the other end of the phone.

"Your eldest son said he is with your daughter in S City, so I called to ask." Liu Yan frowned. Jiang Xue didn't even mention such an important matter. She would ask Jiang Xue about it when she saw her again.

"Jiang Xue is also at my house now. They are having lunch here. After lunch, they will probably go back to the county town together. Sister, you are too cruel, after all, he is your biological son."

"I am cruel. If I were really cruel, I would strangle him to death when he was born, or give him away, and I would give you money."

"Don't say that. The child will be sad when he hears it later. Your son's face turned black when he heard what you said this morning. Judging from the child's attitude towards our mother, he is also soft-hearted. When you see him later, comfort him well and don't make things too awkward. If he becomes rich in the future, he can also help his relatives. You see, your Jiang Xue was able to go to S City to study with his help. If Jiang Xue can help, other brothers and sisters may also help."

Hearing the high-sounding voice of the eldest brother on the other end of the phone, she felt a headache when she thought of her eldest son.

"If he asks me for money, how can I give him money? I still have debts outside. I have raised him for so many years and paid child support and living expenses. Jiang Haiyang has a good temper. Do you think he would raise a child for others if he changed a man?

You are the child's uncle. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have given birth to this child. What about you? I gave you a dime less, but you kept calling me like this, and asked my mother to talk to me. Now that you see that he is profitable, you call me again to ask me to be nicer. Brother, you are really snobbish and shameless."

"How can you talk like that? I'm calling you to remind you kindly. Liu Yan, are you a dog now? You can bite anyone you catch." Liu Dong immediately took out the style of a big brother and raised his voice to scold.

"It's better not to call me if there's nothing wrong. Hang up!" After hanging up the phone, Liu Yan rubbed her eyebrows. She might really be in menopause like the stall next door said. She can't control her temper and has a bad temper.

After finishing these messy things, why don't we go back to the hospital to see if we can prescribe some medicine for treatment.

On the other end, Liu Dong cursed his sister after the call was disconnected.

Looking back and seeing Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin not far away, he smiled again.

After dinner, my aunt Wang Ju wanted to ask Jiang Xue alone about the two people's situation in S City, but Liu Qinglin kept following her and urged her to leave, so she had no choice but to reluctantly hand the household registration book to Liu Qinglin.

After giving it, she immediately said: "Return it to me when you are done with it."

"I know." Liu Qinglin said lazily, and then said to Jiang Xue: "Let's go."

Looking at the backs of the two, Wang Ju didn't give up, and still reminded: "Bring the household registration book back to me when you are done with it, and don't forget what you promised us, you should give part of the betrothal gift to your grandmother when the woman gives you, not the betrothal gift,

It's not easy for your grandma to raise you. She treats you well. You can't be so heartless. "

Liu Qinglin pulled Jiang Xue's head without looking back, waved his hand, and did not say yes or no, and quickened his pace to leave.

Until the two got in the car and the car drove away, Wang Ju still asked Liu Dong next to her uncertainly.

"Do you think he will move his household registration and disappear?"

"Isn't the daughter of my younger sister with him? He can run away, but he can't run away. If his parents need money in the future, he can't run away. After all, his parents raised him. In addition, Qiangzi's friend, who is a lawyer, also said that even if his household registration is moved, our support for him is a fact, and he has to pay for support when we are old! "Liu Dong said confidently.

Wang Ju looked at the exhaust gas of the car and felt uneasy.

Jiang Xue listened to her brother's general description of the situation in the car and raised her thumb to her brother again.

First, he asked for a wedding house, and then gave another solution. If he couldn't afford the wedding house, he would become a live-in son-in-law. Compared with the first excessive request, it was just to move the household registration, which did not harm his own interests at all.

The brother took the household registration book and went back to the house to prepare the relevant materials to apply for the relocation certificate.

On the contrary, her overall progress would be much slower.

Liu Qinglin learned about the current progress of his sister and thought about it for a while. The two discussed how to solve the problem based on what would happen next and agreed on a common approach.

The county town was also reached.

"Do we go back to the hotel first?" Jiang Xue asked.

"What hotel? I want to go to see my 'mother'." Didn't you want to recognize him?

He insisted on showing up.

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