The old man was born in a poor family.

Yesterday, Jiang Ping saw the bracelet Jiang Xue bought for her mother, and she realized that she had been giving money to buy food and drinks.

She thought she was very filial, but in fact, if she calmed down and thought about it, the food she ate basically didn't go into her parents' mouths, and the money was basically subsidized to their children and grandchildren.

As a daughter, she was not as good as a granddaughter, and she ignored what her mother really wanted.

So when Jiang Xue said she was going back to the town to attend junior high school in the morning, Jiang Ping showed up and took her mother to have a hearty breakfast, bought a few sets of clothes and shoes, and went to the gold shop, intending to pick out a piece of gold jewelry for Grandma Jiang.

Grandma Jiang definitely didn't want it. As for the gold bracelet, Jiang Xue had already put it on her this morning. Why did she want her eldest daughter to waste money on buying another gold bracelet when she already had one? She was already half buried in the ground, so it would be a waste to give it to her.

Jiang Ping was determined to buy it for her.

"You don't work, and you spend your son-in-law's money. When Li Tao finds out, you two will quarrel again. Mom knows that you are the most filial. You feel bad when Xiaoxue buys me jewelry. I appreciate the kindness. You really don't need to buy gold."

"Don't spend his money. I have my own money."

"Keep the little private money you save for yourself for emergencies, or buy yourself two pieces of gold jewelry. The salesman was right yesterday. Gold is a hard currency. The price of gold has been rising. If you need money in the future, you won't lose money if you sell it. You may even make money."

Looking at her bare wrists and only wearing a platinum necklace around her neck, Jiang Ping felt that her mother was right: "Then let's buy both."

Finally, she bought herself a large gold bracelet and chose a pair of gold earrings for her mother.

When buying it, she didn't even blink. Grandma Jiang joked: "It seems that you have saved a lot of private money."

Grandma Jiang's words reminded her that she was planning to divorce and divide the property at that time. Just in case, she has always kept this money in cash with her, not in the card. So much money is not safe, and she is worried that Li Tao will find it one day.

She didn't have anyone she trusted to help her keep the money. Now looking at Grandma Jiang, she asked tentatively: "Mom, I saved some private money. Can I put it with you?"

"You can deposit it in the credit union. Don't put it here with me. Put it in the passbook. It's safe."

"Do you have your ID card? I will use your ID card to apply for a card and put it in your card. I will keep the card myself."

Seeing her daughter like this, Grandma Jiang asked further. Knowing the amount of money, she also knew that her daughter wanted to divorce.

The daughter said that she did this because she was afraid that the money would be divided up in the future divorce. It was uncertain whether she would divorce or not, but there was this risk. The money was deposited in her card, so she deposited it in her card, so there was the above matter of depositing money in the bank.

The money was deposited quickly. Jiang Ping returned the ID card to her mother. She tore up all the receipts and vouchers for the card and deposit and threw them into the bank's trash can. She put the new bank card in her bag.

"Didn't you have a quarrel with your younger brother's wife? You are so old, and you let her take care of the child by herself. You should take a good rest. When Jiang Xue leaves, you should not go back. Just stay at my house in the county for a few more days, and we can have a good talk."

"But I took care of your other two brothers. We should treat them equally."

"You don't even consider how old you were at that time and how old you are now."

"It's easy for you to say that you can stay for two days, but you can't stay there forever until my daughter gets married. I am still in good health and have a long life ahead of me. I will still rely on my son for my old age. So I bring the children out when I can. I have no regrets and have fulfilled my responsibilities. If they don't obey me in the future, they will be criticized. "

After listening to her mother's words, Jiang Ping thought about it and said to her mother again: "I don't want to marry anyone else after I get divorced. You don't have to take care of so many children now. Who says I can't live with my daughter in my old age? I will buy a house and we will live together!" If someone else said this, Grandma Jiang might think it was just a nice thing to say, but she believed it when her eldest daughter said it.

During this period, because of the unhappiness with her younger daughter-in-law, she has been worried about her old age. Now hearing her daughter say this, she feels that her heart finally falls into her stomach.

Wipe away tears, nod and say to her eldest daughter: "Okay!"

Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin took a car to the place where Aunt Jiang said on the phone.

Not far away, Jiang Xue saw her grandmother standing at the door of the bank wiping tears.

Driving to the car

, Jiang Xue greeted them and introduced Liu Qinglin to them.

The grandmother wiped her tears, looked at Liu Qinglin, and then looked at her granddaughter, "Qinglin, right? The boy is so handsome. You two look like you were born from the same mother."

Jiang Ping looked at their looks and nodded in agreement.

"Xiaoxue, I'll leave your grandmother to you first. Your school shouldn't have asked for two days off. If you want to go back, call me in advance and I'll take your grandmother to my house for a few days."

Jiang Xue nodded, and then chatted for a few more words. Jiang Ping watched the car go away, turned around and went back to the bank, but this time she didn't go to the counter, but came to the automatic deposit machine, took out the card and cash from her bag, and continued to save it.

Of course, her private money is more than 100,000. In addition to saving some money given to her by Li Tao over the years, she earned more money.

After her child went to school, she went to help out in her spare time in the store. The store was engaged in the business of tiles and wood boards, so she would meet many design companies or workers who came to order things. After getting to know them in depth, she and her best friend and his wife jointly opened a small store selling doors, windows and bathrooms.

The manufacturers and suppliers all relied on Li Tao's connections and resources.

When she was in the store, she would recommend her to her best friend's store not far away if she met someone with relevant needs.

Li Tao also knew that she was just taking care of her best friend's business. He was busy opening stores in other cities and didn't care about these little things.

That small store made a lot of money every year by taking orders and Jiang Ping recommending customers.

She saved most of the money herself. Jiang Ping planned to save some cash in Grandma Jiang's account in case of emergency.

After saving the money in her bag, Jiang Ping took the much lighter bag and took a taxi to the store.


In the car, Liu Qinglin sat in the co-pilot seat, Jiang Xue and Grandma Jiang sat in the back seat, and Grandma Jiang and Jiang Xue showed off what their daughter bought for them this morning. She showed it to Jiang Xue, and of course there were gold earrings on her ears.

"My aunt is really filial." Jiang Xue said.

Before Jiang Xue was reborn, her grandmother was still alive, and she basically lived with her aunt. When her grandmother was sick, her aunt ran around for her.

Her mother once used her aunt as an example, praising her for her filial piety and asking Jiang Xue to learn from her aunt.

When Jiang Xue heard this, she directly sarcastically said on the other end of the phone: "You should tell Jiang Chao this, and tell him not to learn from men like his father, uncle, and younger uncle, who are unfilial!"

Liu Yan smiled awkwardly: "Your brother is unfilial, but you are still here, you are a good child." There was flattery and careful compliment in her tone.

Thinking of this, she continued to feel that she was really stupid in her previous life, and she fell for it. Not only that, she felt that her parents were so humble to support her, and she felt inexplicably happy.

However, after bankruptcy, she immediately changed her face.

After losing it, it feels like a loss, and I still want to squeeze it to get some money.

"Grandma, I told you yesterday about the household registration. My brother plans to buy a house in the city, and his household registration will be in the new house. I am still enrolled in the No. 1 High School in the city, and I will go back to the city to study. My brother said that the house can be added to my name, and the household registration can also be registered in his house."

Jiang Xue tentatively said to her grandmother.

Grandma Jiang looked at Jiang Xue suspiciously, and then looked back at Liu Qinglin, "Houses are not cheap, where do you get the money to buy a house."

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