"A rich woman has taken a liking to my brother and wants to buy it for him." Jiang Xue replied teasingly.

Liu Qinglin smiled shyly, "Don't listen to my sister's nonsense."

"It's like this. I have saved some money from working over the years, and I am currently making a decent income from selling things online. I plan to take out a loan to buy a house. I will buy it near Xiaoxue High School. Next to it, Xiaoxue can use it when she goes to school. When she is admitted to university, I will use the house as a wedding house when I get married. "

After saying this, he changed his tone, and his tone could not hide his depression: "My uncle My mother definitely didn't care about me. I didn't dare tell them that I had money. When I went back to see my grandmother, my uncle told me that if I wanted to transfer my household registration after I got married, I had to give it to him. I have to give him money, and the amount must satisfy him, less is not enough. Otherwise, they will control my household registration, and if I don’t give them the money, I will be a bachelor for the rest of my life.

I told them that I want to be a live-in son-in-law, otherwise I will Who would marry me in this situation? They said that if I became a live-in son-in-law, I had to give them the betrothal gift. I agreed, and then they gave me the household registration book.

So I thought about buying a house and registering my household registration there first. , I have a house in the future. If I have a girlfriend, I will have more choices. "Liu Qinglin said half-truthfully, and when he said this, Grandma Jiang's face became more and more ugly.

"They are really born of the same mother, they are exactly the same character! It's a nice thought, you are a grown man, let you be someone's son-in-law, doesn't your uncle have a son too? Why doesn't his son do it? A live-in son-in-law!! Which boy from a good family would be a live-in son-in-law! It’s a good thing you’re a boy, if you were a girl, they would have sold you overnight! "

"And the money to support you is all from our old Jiang The money of our family is earned by my son. Because your grandmother came to ask for money under various pretexts, now that he has grown up and doesn't want money anymore, he wants to make up for it from other places. , this family is so shameless! ”

“Since you have got the household registration book, buy a house quickly, transfer the household registration, don’t contact them, and don’t give them a penny! !”

“Well. . Grandma . . I thought so too, that... I just called you that. Can I call you grandma like my sister?"

"Sure, just call me grandma. You can't blame me for doing that. If I had known you were so obedient and sensible, I would have At that time, I asked your mother to bring you here, it was just a matter of adding more chopsticks. ”

Jiang Xue listened to it and smiled awkwardly at her brother. "Then I will call you grandma like Xiaoxue from now on."


"Besides, Xiaoxue and I get along well and are related by blood. We have supported each other for more than a year and I regard Xiaoxue as my only relative. You can Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her. I will supervise her to study hard and get into a good university. "

Liu Qinglin's tone was sincere. Sure enough, when she heard him say this, Grandma Jiang looked at Liu Qinglin with such loving care that she looked at her own grandson. .

"You are also a good child. Xiaoxue told me some of your stories yesterday. You and Xiaoxue are both children with miserable lives. I am relieved that you two siblings will make progress together in the future."

Grandma Jiang really loves her granddaughter After all, she was the one who brought her up. She asked her eldest daughter, Jiang Xue's parents were both there, and although Jiang Xue was an adult, she was unmarried. It would be quite troublesome to change the household registration to her name. The best way is to marry and settle down with the man, or buy a house and settle down in the house you bought.

When I met Jiang Xue today, Grandma Jiang wanted to tell Jiang Xue about this, but she didn't expect that the matter had been resolved before she said anything.

This situation is the best solution, and seeing how familiar the two of them are with each other, it's not like they grew up together. The siblings are not as good as each other. From her perspective at her age, Liu Qinglin is treated as Jiang Xue's biological sister.

"Your mother will definitely disagree. I'll talk to your father first. If he If she disagrees, I will beat her up."

"Grandma, let's talk to them first. If we can't handle it, you can intervene."


The car arrived at the vegetable market while several people were talking.

Liu Qinglin asked the two to wait. After a while, he ran to the photo studio next door, and after a while he came out with a few pieces of paper in his hand, handed them to Jiang Xue, and asked Jiang Xue to put them in her bag.

Grandma Jiang asked, "What is it?" Liu Qinglin replied: "Some information."

Jiang Xue looked at the words on the paper and raised her eyebrows.

Xu rolled it up and put it in her bag.

It was already past three in the afternoon, and most of the vegetable market vendors had come to set up their stalls, but the people buying vegetables were still waiting.

There were not many people.

Liu Yan was peeling garlic cloves out of boredom, her mind was empty.

She had been feeling irritated for most of the day since she hung up her brother's phone in the morning.

Everything seemed to be off track.

The customer had miscalculated the food bill several times during the day, and it was obvious that Jiang Xue came back with her eldest son this time.

How could Jiang Xue get involved with Liu Qinglin? She was puzzled, as the two had basically no intersection since childhood.

This explained Jiang Xue's recent changes very well.

It must be that child who brainwashed Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue's beating of her younger siblings and yelling at adults, now thinking about it, was the same style as that child.

That child hated her.

He hated her for giving birth to him but not raising him.

Jiang Xue now hated her too, hating that she didn't raise him like her younger siblings, but gave him to her grandmother to raise.

But she was the one who suffered during pregnancy and the pain of childbirth. After the births, she thought she was not an irresponsible person, and she paid for the upbringing of both children.

For the upbringing of the two children, and the money borrowed from outside, for these money, what kind of life did she and Jiang Haiyang live in those years.

Now that the children are grown up, they all blame her. If she didn't do it at the time, what else could she do?

Give birth to children, give birth to children, why did she give birth to so many children.

They are all here to collect debts!

Thinking that she might see the child soon, thinking of what he did at her brother's house, and beating her brother and sister-in-law before, she was a little panicked.

The child has been a disobedient child since he was a child. She didn't know if he would come, and if he came, would he make trouble. Thinking of this, she became more irritated.

These things have not been resolved yet, and she received a call from the Education Bureau, saying that after their visit and understanding, Lu Liang, who wrote the report letter with her, had already investigated it clearly, and the other party also withdrew the report against Teacher Yang, saying that it was a misunderstanding, and asked her if she had time, or asked her to go to the Education Bureau to explain the situation in person. In addition, the impact of this incident was too great. Reporters from the province came and wanted to interview her. She told them what she wanted and they would negotiate.

The person on the other end of the phone said that he would definitely help her solve it.

Liu Yan was so annoyed by all these things that she had no time to care about her previous report.

Knowing that Lu Liang had canceled the report, and that the police station had negotiated with the parents of the students who beat them, and the Education Bureau was probably in a state of compromise, she impatiently said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Then I will cancel it too. I won't go. I am mainly with Lu Liang. If his incident is true, it is too much."

She refused several times on the phone, indicating her attitude that it was just like that, and she would not go, and then she hung up the phone.

Jiang Haiyang went to deliver a gas tank to someone again, and he couldn't find anyone to talk to.

What you fear will come true. When you look up, you see your mother-in-law leading Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin to the market.

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