The house was in a mess, but the owner was still busy.

Jiang Xue took out the key to the new house from her bag. There were three keys, two of which were with her and one with the agent. She asked the agent to help her open the window for ventilation.

After opening the door, Jiang Xue walked to the main power switch in the dark and turned it on. Liu Qinglin stood at the entrance and turned on all the switches. When they lit up, the internal structure of the house appeared in front of Liu Qinglin.

The first impression Liu Qinglin had of the house was that it was very large and clean.

Simple but exquisite lamps, soft and warm lights, and paintings with bright colors and simple lines on the wall.

Although there were no traces of life in the whole house, the lights, furniture and decorative paintings could still create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere.

Walking into the living room, the first thing that caught my eye was a chandelier with a few simple bulbs. The outer shell of the bulb was made of transparent glass, emitting soft and warm light. Below the chandelier was a sofa covered with dustproof cloth, and behind the sofa was a group of decorative paintings. The opposite wall was much more empty, with the TV cabinet and the TV position empty.

The balcony and the living room were connected, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows allowed you to see the lights in the house not far away.

Liu Qinglin went to see the bathroom and two bedrooms.

Jiang Xue followed behind to explain.

"This largest room is mine, with a bathroom and a cloakroom."

"This room is the guest room I prepared, and I plan to live in it when guests come, such as when you come over."

The beds and mattresses in the two bedrooms were all put in place, but the packaging on the mattresses had not been removed.

Whether it was the choice of floor tiles, the house layout partitions, or the lighting decoration curtains and doors, this house was simple and exquisite.

It can be seen that the person who decorated this house made a careful choice, and the aesthetics were not bad.

"I was originally planning to live here after the renovation, but later decided to study in S City. This house has been smelling since it was renovated in June. It has been several months, and I just opened the door and found that there is no smell. It seems that the agent should not be lazy and has been coming to help me open the windows to get rid of the smell."

"It seems that you know a lot about decoration. The house in S City will be left to you to decorate later."

Jiang Xue nodded. She didn't need her brother to tell her that this was her plan.

After looking at all the rooms, the two sat on the stools next to the dining table.

Jiang Xue said, "I just asked the real estate agent I cooperated with last time on QQ in the car. If your household registration is registered in my house, it will be very troublesome for non-direct relatives to register. It may be difficult to apply for various certificates. Didn't my mother ask us to appear on the same property certificate? We will go to see the house tomorrow and buy another house. Write our names, so that our names will be on the property certificate.

However, in this case, according to the investment ratio, only one person can register. You register your household registration in the newly purchased house, and I will register directly in my current house."

Liu Qinglin asked Jiang Xue about the price of this house. He didn't have enough money for the house in S City. He couldn't borrow money from his sister to buy another house now. He was considering not buying the house in S City for the time being and would buy it in a few months.

Seeing Liu Qinglin's embarrassment, Jiang Xue explained: "Although the house is a joint venture between the two of us, I plan to pay for it myself, and the house will be owned by me alone. I just want you to settle down for a while. When you meet the requirements for buying a house and settling in S City or other cities, you can move your household registration."

"No, you already have a house to settle down. Buying this one is entirely for my household registration. If I let you pay for it again, what can I do?"

"I really think it has investment prospects. If it's not for your settlement, I will buy it if I see a suitable one."

Liu Qinglin couldn't tell whether it was true or not, and thought it might be his sister comforting herself.

When it comes to settlement, Jiang Xue suddenly reacted. Once the settlement and household registration are handled here, then you will have a household registration in S City and can apply for a loan.

Jiang Xue told her brother about this discovery, and the two decided to see the house tomorrow and see how to allocate how much money each person spends.

Then the two turned off the power switch of the new house and went to eat. On the way to the hotel after eating, Jiang Xue bought a local map and several newspapers.

The next day, Jiang Xue took a taxi to a shantytown with very poor sanitary conditions. The surrounding houses looked like an older street.

Liu Qinglin looked at the surrounding environment with a puzzled look on his face. Yesterday, his sister said that she wanted to buy a house with investment prospects. This is what his sister said.

The house with investment prospects that my sister mentioned? I looked around and it was so messy and dilapidated.

Seeing her brother's confusion, Jiang Xue took out the map she bought yesterday and several newspapers.

Explain why she chose this location.

"First of all, it's easy to rent here and the location is good." Jiang Xue drew nearby large office buildings, factories, schools, hospitals, farmers' markets, etc. on the map. The house is almost in the center.

Then Jiang Xue took out several newspapers and pointed out several reports on them to her brother.

The large agricultural wholesale market in F City will soon open to the public and attract investment.

Which company has won the land, how many companies are competing, and the final price of the land is at a record high.

There is also a shopping mall opening a customer reward event.

"Did you see anything?" Jiang Xue asked.

"There are many large buildings and projects under construction nearby, and some land has just been auctioned. The price of the land is much higher than in previous years."

"Let's go back to the previous topic. From the map, we can see that this area is very convenient to the ground." Jiang Xue didn't need to explain the rest, Liu Qinglin guessed it immediately.

"You mean this place may be demolished in the future."

Jiang Xue nodded, "The cost of acquiring land has increased, and wages have also increased in recent years. These are all costs for houses, so housing prices will continue to rise, and there are limited vacant land in the city. In addition to some vacant land, this old community, with such a good location, compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, it is only a matter of time before it is demolished."

Jiang Xue didn't know exactly when it would be demolished, but it should be in the next two years.

Jiang Xue has a classmate in college who is also from their city. She said that her family had been demolished before. When she was in high school, her family lived nearby. At that time, they were resettled nearby. Her parents used money to replace three small apartments with a large apartment. When she was in college, her grandparents lived with her parents, and the other two apartments were all rented out. Because it is in the main urban area, the rent and housing price increases are considerable.

"If you have money, buy a few more."

"Yes, you need money. Even if the houses are not demolished, the housing prices in this location will still rise, so the rich will become richer, and the poor may not be able to save money fast enough to keep up with the increase in housing prices." Jiang Xue's words made Liu Qinglin fall into deep thought.

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