After waiting for the arrival of the agent, it was still Chen Xinzhou. Compared with the first house he bought, he looked much more energetic and capable.

Chen Xinzhou and Jiang Xue exchanged pleasantries, talking about the increase in the price of Jiang Xue's previous house and the recent transaction price of their community.

Jiang Xue also thanked him for the trouble of opening the window for ventilation. In addition, Jiang Xue saw that the cleaning tools were used when she went to see the house this time, and the house was not dirty, so he not only opened the window for ventilation, but also cleaned the dust on the surface.

Jiang Xue just said these things when she left last time, and there was no benefit. This man still insisted on helping her do it, and the service was very thoughtful.

So I will definitely look for him when I buy a house again.

It was agreed that Jiang Xue would treat him to lunch at noon.

"Are you still buying this time?" Chen Xinzhou asked curiously.

"Yes, I won't live in it after buying it, but I need to apply for a household registration. In addition, can you help me contact an acquaintance to get it done as soon as possible for the real estate certificate? I will still entrust your company to rent out this house in the future."

"Okay, I see." Jiang Xue then introduced her brother to Chen Xinzhou, telling him that her brother needed to settle down, and asked him to see what other documents and materials were needed so that her brother could prepare them in advance. Finally, she said that she was in a hurry and asked if there was any faster way.

"As for the real estate certificate, I will help you find an acquaintance to get it for you as soon as possible, but you may need to buy a pack of cigarettes, just for your sake. I will take you to see the house first." Because only when the house is good and the deal is completed can the next step be taken.

Chen Xinzhou took them to see several houses in one breath.

They were all old communities that Jiang Xue had decided on. They were all on the same street, so it was quick to see them.

The houses were not big, no more than 90 square meters, and there were no elevators. The houses were all built in the 1980s and have a history of more than 20 years.

The price was also much cheaper than the one Jiang Xue bought.

The average price is around 2,000 yuan.

Because there is no elevator, the price varies according to the floor.

They are all very shabby, and there is nothing to choose from.

Jiang Xue finally decided on a small two-bedroom apartment of 79 square meters on the fourth floor. The owner is an old couple. Because of their old age and poor legs and feet, they sold this apartment and planned to buy a first-floor apartment or an elevator apartment.

The house is simply decorated, and although the furniture is very old, it is well preserved.

You don’t need to buy anything when you rent it out.

The price is 154,000 yuan, and after some bargaining, the final transaction price is 150,000 yuan.

Jiang Xue obtained Liu Qinglin’s consent and immediately decided on it.

The two decided to each pay half, and the house would be written in the names of both people and settled in Liu Qinglin.

After deciding on this apartment, Jiang Xue did not stop there, but asked Chen Xinzhou to continue to take her to see.

After seeing a few houses, Jiang Xue fell in love with two other houses on the first floor opposite the door in the same community.

Three generations lived together in this house before. Two elders passed away and the owner's son was getting married. The young people did not want to live in a shabby house and wanted to buy an elevator house in a newly opened building, but they did not have enough money. The house was on the first floor and the yard was connected. A grape vine with thick branches was planted where the wall was originally. If it was sold to another family, the grape vine would have to be moved and the yard would have to be replanned.

The yard was connected and used by the whole family before. There were two large yards. The connection without the middle wall made it look bigger. The landlord did not want to let the yard he had taken good care of be abandoned, so he wanted to sell the house to one person, and the package price of two sets was 350,000.

Seeing the extra area of ​​the yard, thinking about the cost of the fruit trees and wells in the field if the yard was demolished, he immediately decided to buy it.

The next step was to sign the contract, make the payment, and prepare the documents for the real estate certificate. Jiang Xue prepared two packs of cigarettes for Chen Xinzhou and asked him to give it to the acquaintance. Chen Xinzhou refused to give one pack, but Jiang Xue still gave two packs.

As expected, after the items were submitted, his internal acquaintance called and got the real estate certificates for the three houses in about three days.

Liu Qinglin watched his sister buy two more houses. He could see that his sister was still quite confident about the demolition of the old city. At the same time, he also found that his sister really loved buying houses.

Thinking of what his sister had said to Yu Juan before, who said that girls would have no home when they grow up, she wanted to buy herself ten or eight houses. Now it seems that his sister did not talk big, she is doing it.

He was also a little eager to try, calculating the money in his card. He currently had 800,000 yuan in his card. If the house in S City was mortgaged, Liu Qinglin remembered that the agent had said the minimum

If he wants to buy a house, he has to pay 30%. 30% of 1.6 million is less than 540,000, and there are also agency fees and taxes.

He has to prepare at least 600,000.

The house he bought with his sister cost 150,000. Half of it was for each of them. With various expenses, 80,000 or 90,000 should be enough. There is still more than 100,000 left. He can't buy a bigger one, but he can still look at a smaller one. In fact, his online stores receive payments every day. He doesn't have to pay some taxes and fees for the house in S City immediately. Maybe he can buy one or two more houses like his sister and rent them out first to see if they can be demolished in the future.

Liu Qinglin plans to travel more in the remaining two days. He wants to learn about some construction projects in the newspaper and start after confirming them.

After Jiang Xue finished all these, she decided to go back to S City first. She left all the information about buying a house with her brother. After the real estate certificate came down, her brother first settled his household registration and cooperated with the agency to rent out the three houses. Especially the house with her two yards, he must help her find a person who can take care of the yard, otherwise it would be a pity to leave it abandoned.

Jiang Xue planned to come back on a weekend to handle the settlement.

She took a few days off and came back, and her class teacher almost blew up her phone.

If she didn't go back to class, she felt that the class teacher might come to her house to block her.

Before leaving, Jiang Xue called her godfather and godmother to talk about the problems consulted by the staff of the Education Bureau and the reporter.

After hanging up the phone, she was worried and called her uncle and aunt again. She learned that it would take a few days for the Education Bureau and the TV station to release the news, and told Jiang Xue whether she should explain it online first. Many calls from other places have been made to their local Education Bureau to demand severe punishment for Teacher Yang.

Not just one or two, but many calls.

The callers were undoubtedly very emotional.

"Let the public opinion on the Internet ferment first, and wait for the investigation report of the Education Bureau or the reporter's report to come out before explaining, so that it will be more convincing."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The uncle and aunt now trust Jiang Xue very much.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xue hung up the phone and explained the current situation in the teacher's QQ group, asking the students in charge of website construction to pay attention to this matter and put the student aid website online as soon as possible, so that when she explains it later, she can bring the website and let people see it first.

After doing all this, Jiang Xue took a taxi to the airport. Her brother wanted to send her, but Jiang Xue refused.

She arrived home in the evening of the same day, and Jiang Xue immediately went back to school the next day. What awaited her were the classes she missed in the past few days and the homework she had to make up.

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