Shi Qiaowei is a fan of Wendi.

She was a fan before the modeling show.

She is tall and thin, and comes from a wealthy family. Most women's clothing on the market is sweet, lace, and Japanese style, which is not suitable for girls with long legs, long arms and tall stature like them.

She doesn't want to wear men's clothing, which will make her look too masculine.

She likes online shopping, but every time she wears the clothes she buys with great expectations, the size is not suitable or the quality of the clothes is poor. It feels difficult to find satisfactory clothes.

She bought several times with Jiang Lai before, and she was quite satisfied, but most of Jiang Lai's clothes were too cheap and didn't feel high-end enough.

The appearance of Wendi gave her a direction for buying clothes.

At first, I just looked at the street photos she posted, and followed the brands listed above to try on the physical stores and buy them if they fit. After Wendi opened her own Taobao store, the clothes in the store were not cheap compared to the affordable clothes of many shop owners. They took the mid-range boutique route. Some basic clothes looked ordinary, but after Wendi bought them, they immediately became extraordinary.

The tailoring of the clothes, the fabric, or the effect of wearing them are very good, unlike the quality of online shopping, and they are comparable to those of physical stores.

Some clothes are original products of some European and American brands, with a small number, and they need to be snatched to be put on the shelves, or some domestic niche clothing brands, and Wendi is also making some clothes that she makes by herself. It is also a vest, but it is only a difference in some details. The clothes bought from Wendi's store are better-looking than those bought from ordinary stores.

That is, the clothes made by Wendi are all basic styles, and there are not many styles, but the advantage is that the quantity is not like other styles that need to be snatched.

So since Wendi opened her store, she has bought several times without any pitfalls, and has become Wendi's number one fan.

At the same time, the men's clothing on Wendi's shelves is also very fashionable and good-looking. Since her boyfriend started wearing the whole set of clothes she bought, the number of times he was asked for his contact information when he went out has increased.

Wendi became one of her favorite bloggers.

Later I learned that her main job is actually a model. She didn't know how many photos and street shots in Wendi's blog were saved in her computer and space albums. She is also one of the small moderators of Wendi's forum and the manager of the fan group.

After the show was broadcast, she stayed in front of the TV to watch the show she participated in. Wendi in the dynamic video is more beautiful.

She has a good personality. Although her presence in the show is not very high, Shi Qiaowei can capture every frame of her appearance immediately, cut the video and pictures, and post them on the forum and in the group, making them into dynamic pictures, posting some evidence of her hard work and great progress, trying to let more people see her and love her as much as she does.

So after this episode came out, she watched it several times, looking for loopholes in it, comforted group members in the group, replied to posts on the forum to help Wendi speak, and supported what Wendi said, which she thought was fine.

She was chased and scolded by fans of other models, but she still defended her.

But Wendi never posted a positive response.

She and some fans were very tired of being scolded.

Some people in the group asked Wendi to come out and give an explanation, to clarify the points that everyone questioned online, and to list more than one, two, three or forty points that needed Wendi to explain. Finally, Wendi accepted an interview. They watched the interview content with great expectations, but returned disappointed.

Wendi in the camera was much more decadent and a little anxious.

She said ambiguous words, thanking fans for their support and love, but she did not answer or explain any of the fans' questions.

More and more people in the group left the group and stopped following.

Some extreme group members not only stopped following but also stepped back.

I wonder how I could be a fan of such a person with such a bad personality.

They sincerely like her and defend her. If she is wrong, she will apologize. If she is not wrong, she will express her own views.

He said nothing, did not affirm some doubts they found with great effort, and did not say whether their guesses were right or wrong as the parties involved, allowing them to charge forward and be scolded. The real fans are like turtles. Such people are not worth being fans of.

Shi Qiaowei was also disappointed. Just when she was thinking about whether to quit the titles of group owner and forum owner, and just be a fan of her Taobao store and occasionally buy and sell clothes, things took a turn.

A girl named Shuishui posted a lot of internal information in the group.

Wendi signed an agreement for the program, so she couldn't say a lot of things, otherwise she would be held legally responsible.

She was at the scene of the recording, and the situation was not like this. She said that day

In some cases, she also posted the posts of other audience members at the scene in the group.

Those who had not yet quit the group immediately became excited and felt that they were right to insist. Now the star they liked had suffered a lot of grievances. Fortunately, as a fan, they did not abandon her.

It turned out that she had her own difficulties and she must be in pain.

They must not leave her at this time and must stand in front of her to protect her.

There were also doubts, but only a few people's confessions proved that they were audience members at the time, and there was no evidence to prove whether what these audience members said was true.

Wendi posted a blog without a direct explanation, but she was helpless in her words and deeds. She said that the store and she were only in a cooperative relationship, but now because of her existence, the Taobao store maliciously placed orders and returned the goods and suffered heavy losses. I hope everyone will show mercy and not affect innocent people.

Forbearingly apologized to netizens.

She said that she was wrong, but she did not apologize for the appearance of her teammates, but apologized that she should not have participated in this program, thanked the fans who were willing to believe in her, and felt sorry for them.

It was just text, but the content brought tears to the eyes of the fans who were still holding on in the group.

At the same time, according to Wendi's status and the content of the blog, the more they investigated, the more they felt that Wendi was targeted by the program team. She had signed a contract and could not speak out. They felt even more sorry for Wendi.

They felt that Wendi was treated unfairly, and a group of people in the group decided to stand together with Wendi and advance and retreat together.

The two camps were still scolding each other online.

After the new episode came out, all Wendi's supporters became even more angry.

Wendi did not withdraw from the competition, but the number of shots became pitiful. In some of the shots, it can be clearly felt that both the judges and the teammates who participated in the competition ignored and were cold to her.

It was obvious that Wendi was deliberately alienated.

In addition, the style of clothes that was just selected in the last second was changed in the next shot, and no explanation was given as to why she did not wear the previous clothes. It can only be seen that Wendi's emotional state is very low.

The other contestants had makeup artists, assistants, and photographers to communicate with, but Wendi was in the corner, with only the makeup artist from the previous video running around.

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