The makeup artist is really good.

Netizen: Apart from other things, the makeup artist's skills are really good. Among so many people, only Wendy's makeup is stunning at first glance.

Netizen: The makeup artist seems to be brought by Wendy herself. It seems that they have a good relationship. In the last episode, it may be that the makeup artist just stood up for Wendy.

Netizen: I am so angry. The grouping is too unfair. Several people in Wendy's group are at the bottom. It's okay to be at the bottom. What does the program team mean? It's okay that the venue was not arranged. What's the photographer's diarrhea? ? ? Is there no backup photographer? ? ? The program team, you don't even pretend.

Netizen: I have to say that Wendy's luck is really bad. This time it is a four-team final. The team at the bottom will be eliminated. I guess Wendy's group will be eliminated.

Netizen: It's best if she leaves. She deserves this situation. Why don't everyone treat her coldly? This shows how much she is hated.

Netizen: The next episode will have to wait until next week. I'm really curious whether Wendy can solve the current difficulties and whether she will advance. It makes me feel distressed and sad.

The online discussion is high. The program team can't not record Wendy's group in the new episode. Not only do they have to record it, but there are also a lot of shots.

Although the program team did not edit in the things that the contestants did to Wendy before, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the program and maintain the continuity of the broadcast, there were no excessive malicious edits later.

The shooting location was not determined, and the photographer had diarrhea and dehydration. When everyone was at a loss, Wendy and his teammates said that they had contacted the venue and the photographer.

The teammates, who were in a dark cloud, jumped up immediately after hearing this and asked about the new venue and the photographer.

Wendy explained the situation, and the three teammates were worried and doubtful again. Wendy said: "Sima, let's treat it as a living horse, or who of you has a more suitable place and person, if not, just listen to me."

Several people arrived at a villa area, which is a photography studio that has not yet opened.

Watching everyone put on makeup according to the requirements of the program team, find clothes, and communicate with the photographer about the appropriate style of taking pictures.

They found that the makeup artist brought by Wendy can also take pictures.

Wendy's photos were taken by her, and not only that, the other photographers in this studio also looked very professional.

And the makeup artist in this studio is better than the makeup artist brought by the program team.

The shooting location is also in line with the theme.

Compared with other groups, the photographer that Wendy found temporarily and the makeup artist turned photographer made the contestants very worried. Compared with the professional photographers of the TV station, they were worried that the photos taken by the photographers of this studio would not be as good.

After seeing the finished product, it was amazing, not only the contestants were amazed, but also the audience friends in front of the TV.

Several groups of photos were displayed in turn. The members of Wendi's group were obviously ranked very low and at the bottom in all aspects. Anyone who is not blind can see that the quality of the finished photos this time is far better than the other three groups.

Wendi won and eliminated a whole group of contestants in the four groups, leaving only twelve contestants.

People who watched this video were excited. Wendi's overwhelming victory reduced the voices scolding Wendi online.

Some fans who had left the group, after watching the new program and posts related to Wendi, also joined the group again. Fans who had unfollowed them quietly followed them back.

The online store deliberately returned goods and refunded them only during that period. After the limelight passed, no one took malicious photos and returned them.

Public opinion is temporarily in a stable period.

Soon a new week came again. This time, the competition was about catwalks. Twelve entered eight. Wendi's catwalk was very stable, but she stayed at the bottom.

Eight entered five, five entered three, and Wendi stopped at fourth place.

It can be seen that the program team worked hard to edit and magnify Wendi's shortcomings. In order to prevent Wendi from entering the top three, the program team tried their best to make it less deliberate, but netizens, especially Wendi's fans, watched the program with a magnifying glass and were not satisfied with the final ranking.

The top three were far worse than Wendi in all aspects, and a large number of posts began to question the fairness of the program team online.

After the program in which Wendi stopped in the top five was broadcast, a video was quietly posted on one of the largest video websites in China.

The video was quickly discovered and downloaded to other platforms, but the original video author deleted the video and cancelled his account.

All that was left was the downloaded video and the screenshot of the original video publisher's reply in the video comment area: "I'm not a fan of Wendi, I really can't stand it, which one

I am afraid of signing a confidentiality agreement, so I still want to release it. "

It is obvious that the video was recorded in the audience. Although it is not high-definition, it fully records the cause and effect of the whole incident.

Once the video was circulated, it was first shared in the group by Wendi's fans.

Wendi's fans in the group were shocked after watching the full version of the video!!

The content in the video is completely different from the content edited in that episode!!!

Netizen: The program team is inhuman.

Netizen: The program team is too disgusting.

Netizen: Do you think we are fools? I am a fool. I looked back at that episode and the editing marks were too heavy. I actually believed it at the time.

Netizen: The program team, please come out and explain. If you don't explain, I will start to scold.

Those who Netizens who had criticized Wendi in the previous program immediately directed their fire at the program team.

After scolding the program team, they reacted, turned the attention back to Wendi, and apologized in the comment section of Wendi's blog.

Wendi's company then posted a lawyer's letter, accusing the program team of maliciously distorting and slandering their artists.

Netizen: I was very excited to hear the words said by the makeup artist sister in the original video. Does anyone have the blog or account of this makeup artist? It's really well said. "

Netizen: The judges are not professional at all. What is a high-end face? They said that our Wendi's face is not high-end. The high-end of these judges is to cater to the aesthetics of foreigners, worship foreigners and fawn on foreigners. If the moon is rounder abroad, you should go abroad. What a shame to stay in China.

Netizen: The makeup artist sister said it very well. Where does this program team get the face to belittle Chinese people and agree with the aesthetics of those foreigners abroad.

Netizen: I am an ordinary person. I don't know what is high-end or fashionable, but I know beauty and ugliness.

Netizen: Just look at the faces of these judges to know how deep the influence of public intellectuals on the people is. If you want to destroy a country, you must first break its soul. However, there are still so many people who are firm in their beliefs. The program team cut out such generous and patriotic remarks and released distorted facts. Their hearts are damnable.

Netizen: In fact, from ancient times to the present, those who truly carry the nation forward have always been a minority, and the vast majority are either weird or traitors.

Netizen: I want to wake up those people who have forgotten their ancestors and roots and worship foreign things.

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