The more you look at the problem, the more you will be exposed.

Once it comes to issues such as patriotism and patriotism, netizens are surprisingly united and unanimous in facing the outside world.

And the outside world is the program team.

The program was first broadcast on Kyoto TV and recorded in Kyoto. For a while, the phone of Kyoto TV was almost blown up.

All of them demanded that the relevant person in charge of the program team must be punished.

Fooling the audience and malicious editing.

The judges in the program worship foreign things and suppress the patriotic remarks of contestants with dissent, distort the facts, take the lead in isolating them, and many other very bad incidents.

On the Internet, some netizens posted posts to boycott Kyoto TV, and many people followed suit.

Under pressure from public opinion, Kyoto TV issued a related announcement to appease the public's anger, and then the matter was left unresolved.

As for the reports on this incident by some media magazines contacted by Zhang Xinyue, except for online portals, they were rejected by many paper media.

When Zhang Xinyue and Jiang Xue reported these things, they were emotional and felt unfair.

"It's normal, because we are still too small. If it were me, I would not offend a TV station in Kyoto for a small model or a small company. We have made a profit from this matter, which is enough."

Hearing Jiang Xue say this, Zhang Xinyue put away her unhappy mood and agreed.

"This Saturday, there will be a meeting at 8 am." Jiang Xue thought for a while and explained.

"What is the direction of the meeting?" Zhang Xinyue asked curiously.

"Review." Jiang Xue replied.

The meeting was basically full of people behind the scenes who participated in this incident. Looking at the dozen people sitting at both ends of the seats, all of them are young people. After experiencing the Wendi incident, everyone's mood is like a soldier who has won a battle, and they are happy.

The theme of the meeting is to review the past, and the first one is the impact of the Wendi incident on the industry under her name.

A girl with glasses came first. She is the person in charge of the operation of Wendi. Her surname is Huo, and her name is Huo Ying.

She used the computer to operate the screen to tell everyone about the number of views of Wendi's blog and the increase in fans during this period.

And some brands want to cooperate online and offer.

At the beginning, before participating in the modeling competition, Wendi's blog fans were more than 10,000.

After the broadcast of this incident, Wendi's current number of fans is 280,000.

This is not the future, where there are millions or tens of millions of bloggers.

280,000 blog fans are almost catching up with the number of blog fans of some second-tier stars.

The number of views of blog content is as high as millions.

"After this incident, the data may drop. Most of them are passers-by who are just joining in the fun. However, after this incident, Wendi's die-hard fans have also increased a lot. The reward from these fans is the sales data of the Taobao store." He opened another data dial, and the total sales of the store's products in the past month was more than 30,000.

Even Jiang Xue was surprised when she saw the sales of 30,000. Wendi's store is a mid-range boutique. Currently in autumn and winter, the price of some coats is 200 to 500.

The cheapest base vest and basic long-sleeved T-shirt in the store are priced at 79 and 99 compared to other Taobao stores, which are 19 and 39.

It is similar to the price of some physical brands at present, but it is a high customer unit price in online stores.

30,000 orders per month, with an average unit price of 150 yuan. The total turnover of 4.5 million is enough for some brand physical stores to sell for more than a year.

The profit of clothing is very large. After deducting taxes and labor, their profit can still be combined to 30% to 40%.

Jiang Xue flipped through the financial report in her hand, "You have worked hard this month. All employees in the company will have their salaries doubled this month."

"Thank you, boss." All the employees present thanked Jiang Xue happily.

"In addition, I saw that the customer feedback of several products that Taobao stores hired designers to make patterns for themselves was good. We can develop in this direction in the future, train more of our own designers and pattern makers, and strive to produce more good styles and popular products."

"Okay, boss, in addition, this is the brand and quotation that Wendi is currently discussing cooperation with. Wendi's current promotion fee for a single blog post is already five figures." Huo Ying handed another folder to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue flipped through it, "As for the brand, you should do a good background check. First of all, the products promoted cannot be counterfeit products. Not only Wendi, but other bloggers in the company should pay special attention to this. Such products are too easy to backfire on the blogger himself.

. "

"Second, do not blindly pursue high quotes and high returns. Whether it is a self-produced product or a cooperative product, product quality always comes first. "

"Third, for long-term healthy development, the creators signed by the company will reduce the number of business cooperation and output more valuable content for fans. "

"I have seen other shop owners imitating the same products of Wendi's Taobao store. The price is very low and the quality is definitely different, but many consumers may not judge. Since we want to make samples, we must ensure that the products are different from the products on the market and make differentiation. At the same time, the relevant responsible departments will complain to the Taobao stores that have Wendi titles or directly use our photos of products. ”

Everyone present wrote down Jiang Xue’s request in the meeting notebook. At the same time, they couldn’t help but admire the boss’s vision. Generally, when a boss sees money, as a superior, he wants to make a quick buck by taking advantage of the traffic.

And their boss is young, not surprised by praise or criticism, has a bottom line and principles, and is not blinded by money. He rarely appears in the company, but when he appears a few times, some of the decisions he makes, and the general direction and suggestions he gives are beyond their cognition.

Working under such a boss is both safe and full of confidence in the future.

"Cui Yuan, Huo Ying and Zhang Xinyue stay, and the others go to work. Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Xue said, and said some polite words to the people who left, and the others left.

At this moment, there are only four people left in the meeting room, and Jiang Xue is still sitting in the main seat.

"What did you learn from the Wendy incident?" Jiang Xue asked, and the three of them immediately sat up straighter. Huo Ying answered first: "When encountering a crisis, understand the emotions of the public, know their anger points, guide them correctly, and resolve them reasonably. ”

“Collect effective feedback, refine arguments and evidence. After this incident, my team and I read a lot of comments and replies about this incident. We found some opinions on this incident that I may not have thought of, but were raised by the public. We found useful ones and amplified them.” Cui Yuan also expressed his own views.

“I think the most critical link is the fans.” Zhang Xinyue said.

The three of them looked at her together.

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