The biggest impetus for this incident is the fans, and the benefits we ultimately gain also come from the fans. I think that the key to this success is to let the fans sympathize with the blogger they like, and spontaneously stand up to protect her and support her." Jiang Xue nodded in agreement. "Yes, fans, and I can sum up the whole thing in one word, which is 'solid fans', and the underlying logic of solid fans is that the idols you like encounter hardships and dangers, and the fans support them, and the value of being fans is reflected. Saving idols, helping idols, gaining self-satisfaction, and generating a sense of accomplishment." "Fans fight for the injustice of idols, and the relationship between fans and idols has become much closer." Everyone present heard the boss say this, and combined with Wendy's incident this time, they suddenly understood. "Fans have a higher degree of stickiness with their favorite idols after experiencing this incident, and the feedback is to compensate by purchasing and supporting the products endorsed and sold by their idols." In fact, it is quite common in the fan circle in later generations, where celebrities abuse fans, withdraw deposits, and turn passers-by into fans and then die-hard fans.

In later generations, the Internet is more developed, and this set of routines is easy to use. I didn't expect that the usual routines were used in Wendi's incident this time. In 2008, when the Internet was not very developed, it was still easy to use.

"The Wendy incident is actually very specific to Wendy's identity as a model and the model competition program she participated in. Other creators may not be able to copy her plan in the follow-up operations, but other creators should also know the importance of fans to us, how to make fans pay attention to you, how to increase fans, and how to monetize? This has a lot to do with our choice of contracted creators. We choose creators with heavy personal labels and corresponding personalities, or strong emotions and strong resonance, or altruism, so that fans can benefit from you. These are your selection criteria."

"As the heads of various departments, you have done a very good job in cooperating in handling this incident. In the future, we will sign more sharers and bloggers.

This is an emerging industry with unlimited possibilities in the future. I hope you will work with me to find a replicable and sustainable development method to make the company bigger and stronger. And as the boss, you as the core employees of the company, I believe I will not treat you unfairly."

Jiang Xue said some more encouraging words, and today's meeting was over.

Wendi's matter has come to an end. In fact, Jiang Xue is also a beneficiary of this matter. The account of makeup artist Jiang Jiang was dug out. Everyone found her blog and matched her face with the face of the makeup artist in the video. They found that they were really the same person!

Makeup artist Jiang Jiang is really a makeup artist, and she paints for celebrity models.

Makeup artist Jiang Jiang is very patriotic and has created her own cosmetics brand, which is also endorsed by Wendi.

Wendi's fans have makeup and makeup removal needs, so they buy, buy, buy.

Zhu Jian's sales have also skyrocketed.

And my brother also came back from his hometown some time ago, bringing back a stack of store rental contracts and his own household registration book. And the household registration book with my brother's name on it, looking at the names of Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin in the household owner column, Jiang Xue looked at the two household registration books in a trance, she felt that the invisible weight on her shoulders suddenly became much lighter, and the whole person was more relaxed.

"It feels like everything is unreal, like a dream. I often wonder recently, if I hadn't met you, what would I be doing now? I might still be cutting hair for others. I wonder if I have saved enough money to open my own barber shop." Liu Qinglin smiled when he said this.

"Yes, your fate changed the summer you met me, and my fate also changed that summer."


Life is busy and fulfilling, studying and working, and Teacher Yang's selection activity won an award.

The TV station's report on Teacher Yang made Teacher Yang's deeds seen by many people.

Working diligently on the front line of education, his salary is used to subsidize students, and students give back to those who needed help like himself.

Many people are moved by Teacher Yang's great love.

At the same time, attention was paid to the Student Aid Network. Jiang Xue did not participate in the Student Aid Network. The process was formulated and implemented by the godmother and another student who took the lead.

After Teacher Yang's incident was clarified on the Internet, the Student Aid Network appeared in front of everyone, and the popularity was high. The godmother and several people held a meeting to negotiate and did not immediately accept donations from the society.

Instead, we recruited volunteers and created a student aid window for the current students to see.

The student aid window has information about the students, including photos, names, guardianship

The name of the person, the reason for the family's poverty, and the main income, as well as the suggestions of relevant departments and suggestions on whether to provide funding.

And the records of the funded students, as well as the time.

After the funding, the sponsor can obtain the school information, class, home address, and phone number of the funded students, and can contact the students they sponsored by phone, letter, or door-to-door.

Ensure the authenticity and transparency of the information of each needy student.

I went to the city to find the relevant regulatory agency. Although it is a non-governmental organization, I plan to report all subsequent financial accounts to the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Education Bureau for supervision every quarter, and accept annual audits by the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Education Bureau every year.

To be formalized, it is not like the previous record of a notebook and a pen like Mr. and Mrs. Yang. They want to help more people and receive donations from more people, so everything must be formalized. In addition, it is related to money. It is necessary to ensure that all funds can only be used for public welfare, and not a penny can be used for redistribution.

Standard and procedural regulations have been made.

Then the current account situation and the situation of students who are expected to pay tuition after school were publicly displayed.

At the same time, with the town where they are located as the center, they spread to the surrounding areas, leaving phone numbers and addresses so that people in need can sign up. After verification, the information of the person in need of sponsorship will be put on the website for one-on-one sponsorship and assistance services from caring people.

If there is no one to provide one-on-one assistance, and their website verifies that there is a special need for sponsorship, they will use the public charity fund to provide support.

At present, everything is in the initial stage of exploration. All participating students are discussing enthusiastically in the group and are full of energy.

A website is built from scratch, with all the children's information, every step, and the work is cumbersome and messy.

After taking over this matter, the godmother has been fully engaged and busy.

Jiang Xue made several calls, and the godmother and volunteers went to the surrounding villages and towns to investigate the authenticity of the sponsored students. They were too busy to say more.

Now every Saturday, some new information about children who need sponsorship is updated. Just like buying things on Taobao, after listing, choose the appropriate one, and choose the sponsored students. The website will recommend the minimum standard amount of sponsorship, select it, and pay. Others cannot choose this child. After payment, the child's page will show who sponsored the child on what date and how much money.

Jiang Xue went to grab it several times on Saturday. She couldn't get a spot, not at all.

When she finished reading the student's information and didn't choose to sponsor, she was prompted that someone else had paid.

Last time it was exposed online, the local TV station reported it, and the paper media also reported the deeds of the godparents, which attracted the attention of many caring people.

The staff is limited, and the number of students who need help is also limited. There are many caring people, but few children.

If you want to sponsor, you have to rely on hand speed.

Looking at the website that is getting on track and becoming more and more standardized, she is sincerely happy even though she is not involved in any operation.

2008 ended, 2009 came, and Wendy and Teacher Yang's affairs also stayed in 2008, which was considered to be over.

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