The school days are boring. This semester, most of the students in the class are local day students because of the class problem. Jiang Xue submitted an application for not attending evening self-study, and the school time was delayed by more than an hour compared to before. There were no other changes. Compared with Jiang Xue, the teacher's attention to her was far less than that of other students in the class. First of all, she was a borrowed student and her enrollment was not in this school. So her future grades would not be in this school either. As for the application for not attending evening self-study, just don't go. Xu Mo in their class also didn't attend evening self-study. Jiang Xue met him many times in the garage after school. Xu Mo was really aloof. In school, except for the two boys who played well with him, he spent most of his time quietly reading books and doing homework. The relationship with other classmates is quite cold.

Jiang Xue secretly took a look, and didn't know what he ate to grow so tall. He wore black-framed glasses and his skin was white and tender. He could be spotted at first sight in the crowd.

However, although the two were in the same class now, they had never spoken to each other, so they treated each other as strangers when they met, and went their separate ways without saying hello.


Time passed quickly after the start of school.

There is still a big difference between the top class and the previous borrowing class. The overall teaching progress is faster, and everyone's learning attitude and overall atmosphere are stronger.

This atmosphere allowed Jiang Xue to quickly adjust from the life of a part-time worker in the two-month summer vacation to the status of a student, and study with peace of mind.

Tan Xiao would come to her for lunch at noon, and then talk to Jiang Xue about his class.

Jiang Xue persuaded her to get closer to the female classmates in the class and make some new friends.

"I always feel like I'm betraying you." Tan Xiao expressed his thoughts.

"I don't feel betrayed. This is a normal interpersonal relationship. Even if you have many friends, they are not me. Friends are not lovers. You don't need to break up with the old ones cleanly when you have new ones. If your new friends ask you to do this, you can stay away from such people. Such people's possessiveness and mentality are unhealthy."

Tan Xiao listened thoughtfully.

As her grades are getting better and better, she has learned more and more great truths from contacting Jiang Xue. In the class, there are several classmates who have a good chat with her.

She didn't dare to tell Jiang Xue because she was afraid that Jiang Xue would be angry if she knew. Now that she heard Jiang Xue say this, she felt much less stressed.

After that day, she would still find Jiang Xue to have lunch together at noon, and still share a lot of things with Jiang Xue on QQ. When eating, she would bring her new friends together and pull her into a private group. There were also her other friends in the group, and everyone would discuss something together.

On weekends, they would make an appointment to go shopping and watch movies together. Jiang Xue was usually too busy to have time. If she had time, she would get along well with her friends.

Jiang Xue gradually became close to one or two female classmates in the class, and they went to the bathroom together, and occasionally went to the library together on weekends.

Everything was developing in an orderly manner.

On September 25th, Weibo was officially open for registration.

Jiang Lai's account, because of the large amount of content that was transferred before, quickly grew from dozens of followers during the initial internal test to thousands of followers.

Jiang Xue also took the opportunity to let the studio launch the latest outfits.

Among them were the new autumn and winter products from Jiang Lai's own store, some clothes from Wendi's store that she wore and looked good, and some clothes from self-purchased brands, and clothes that she thought were good value for money when she bought online. A total of five outfits were uploaded to Weibo in batches.

Similarly, the blog and forum also posted content simultaneously. Jiang Xue asked team members to direct traffic to Weibo in the main post, saying that Weibo had detailed purchase links and product numbers.

Everyone was confused at first and didn't know what Weibo was.

A comment popped up to popularize the nature of Weibo.

These netizens who were curious registered to follow Jiang Lai one after another.

In addition to watching Jiang Lai's latest outfits, they also bought clothes that suited them. They found that the celebrities who are popular recently and other experts they follow are also on Weibo, so they follow them.

This content about constellations is so interesting.

This collection of jokes is so funny.

Is the gossip about this celebrity true? ?

It turns out that there are such stories during the filming of this TV show.

The point I just made was agreed by others, and many people liked it.

There are also people who are arguing, of course I have to argue with her,

As I watched, I found that I followed a lot of accounts and watched them for a long time.

Weibo is indeed better than forums and posts.

This kind of information acquisition should be quick and more interesting, so as to become a loyal user of Weibo.

Weibo background can see some fan growth and drainage situation. For Jiang Lai, a large number of fans registered from Tianya, Mop, and Douban are what they want to see. Therefore, for Jiang Lai, who brings such a large amount of traffic to their platform, the content published is very exquisite, of course it is worth more exposure and traffic to promote.

So after the registration was opened, the Jiang Lai account went from dozens of fans to thousands of fans, to 10,000, 50,000, and 100,000.

It didn't take long.

The same drainage method was used for other accounts.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of Tianya.

Jiang Lai's latest outfit video was deleted by Tianya.

The reason was advertising.

The studio re-edited it and implicitly mentioned in the comment area that the Weibo account had detailed product purchase links. The post was deleted again in less than two hours.

Then post it again and reply in the comment area with other small accounts.

She was expecting to be removed from the forum and have her reply deleted, but Jiang Xue's new post was deleted.

Her previous post, which mentioned Taobao in detail and posted the purchase URL, was also deleted.

The staff of the team found Tianya to ask why.

The other party told her that it was indeed against the rules, and that it would not be deleted if she did not post external links and did not divert traffic.

But she had posted it before, but not now, and only mentioned going to Weibo to see the complete purchase link.

It seems that the problem is on Weibo, and the team staff directly asked if it was because of the mention of Weibo.

The other party said obscurely that it would be better to delete the outfit video on Weibo, and they would turn a blind eye to the links in the future, just like before. Their senior management is very dissatisfied with Jiang Lai's behavior of relying on Tianya to gain such a large number of followers and diverting fans to other platforms.

It was very obscure, but the meaning was that she had to choose one of the two.

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