The news was leaked, but the news was not reported.

"The makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account also encountered this kind of post deletion, but it was not targeted as much as Jiang Lai." The assistant also showed Jiang Xue the news of the makeup artist's account. In fact, it was not just the makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account. In the group, she also contacted Wangxing Media, and many accounts there also encountered the same problem.

Those who were directed to Weibo were all warned of post deletion.

The assistant told Jiang Xue all these things and asked Jiang Xue what to do next.

Jiang Xue looked through the chat records between her and the staff, pondered for a while and said: "Post normally, do not post any purchase channels, do not post all photos, forum netizens are curious, let netizens guess for themselves, and spontaneously find Weibo to read the full version."

"Use the account to guide Weibo in the post, the post will definitely be deleted, post a few times, guide everyone to conspiracy theories, and make some guesses. Let the team members back up the content of the previous posts, and then delete all the previous posts. Don't you like to take sides? Guide the fans in the group to take sides, whether to choose Tianya or Jiang Lai. Tianya can't accommodate Jiang Lai now. Jiang Lai will post on Weibo or other forums to share outfits and related topics in the future.

Contact other bloggers on Netstar Media who have had their posts deleted seriously to do the same, and make news that many well-known bloggers on Tianya were suppressed and collectively left Tianya. Netstar's operations department controls the direction of public opinion."

"If you really want to give up one side, then you can only give up the forum part." Jiang Xue concluded.

"Tianya has many loyal fans, and many people are not used to the Weibo platform. It's a pity to give up like this." The assistant said with some regret.

"Let's deal with it this way first. We are all businessmen, and they will weigh the pros and cons." Her current number of fans and influence are no longer something that can be manipulated by the platform at will, but the platform doesn't seem to notice this.

I think she started with the forum. Weibo is a newly opened platform. If she is given a choice, she will definitely choose a forum that can bring her profits and more attention.

"Rise and fall" is a common problem for many companies.

The Internet is developing rapidly. From the beginning of Internet cafes, more and more people have their own computers at home. Now, with the emergence of smartphones, the future popularization will have a large number of young and low-quality users pouring into the Internet. The overall atmosphere of Tianya now is different from before, and there are frequent quarrels and quarrels.

People's social and reading habits are changing because of the popularity of smartphones, but Tianya does not have a mature way of monetization. It cannot keep up with the times and is slow to innovate and iterate. It is inevitable that users will be lost and the quality of creation will decline.

Tianya still has huge traffic now, and the forum will gradually fade out of everyone's sight in the tide of the times in the near future.

Fans of Jiang Lai Forum found that the latest issue of Jiang Lai's early autumn outfit video was deleted after being posted several times.

The new version that was posted again only had a few photos, without any words about the purchase channel.

When someone asked, Jiang Lai replied: The forum cannot post external links or mention other platforms, otherwise it will be judged as an advertisement and deleted. In order to prevent the post from being deleted, everyone should try not to show other platform information in the reply.

It was all possible before, you could post purchase records, and you could also mention some brands and product numbers. What's going on now? Why can't you mention them?

The video of the post was unclear and expressed confusion.

In addition to several products from her own store, Jiang Lai also had links to other stores this time, which could not be posted. The netizens who saw the post were itching to buy the product.

Some netizens took the initiative to post questions, and someone replied to let her go to Weibo to see, Weibo has a complete link.

She searched Weibo on Baidu, searched for Jiang Lai, and indeed saw the complete purchase link, but because she found the link too late, the color she wanted and the size she could wear were out of stock.

Back to Tianya, just when she wanted to complain, she found that the post she had just posted was gone.

Not only that, she was also warned by the system message that if she continued to post advertising posts, not only would her posts be deleted, but her account would also be blocked.

Why? ? ? ?

When did she post an advertisement, she posted a post to ask, no wonder Jiang Lai's previous posts were deleted, now not only Jiang Lai's posts are deleted, but related discussions are not allowed, right? ! !

Very angry.

Opened Jiang Lai's latest post in the collection, and found that it was gone again.

Clicked her name, wanting to send her a private message to ask, and clicked her avatar to enter the homepage.

She found that before

All the posts posted by Jiang Lai were deleted, leaving nothing but a blank space!!!

I immediately posted another post to ask what happened.

Some people who also found the problem gathered in the post to discuss.

First floor: What is Tianya doing? Where are Jiang Lai's posts? Every time I want to buy clothes, I will look through Jiang Lai's posts. Even if I don't buy the same style, her outfits give me a lot of inspiration. Now they are all gone

Third floor: Did she break the law? Not only did she delete the new posts and cause me to not buy the clothes recommended this time, but she also deleted the previous posts? ? ?

Fifth floor: Jiang Lai was targeted by Tianya, just because Jiang Lai joined WB? ? I just came here from other forums, and Mop and Douban also pointed out where to read the full version. The posts are still there. Does Tianya have a grudge against WB? Are they competitors? ?

Eighth Floor: All the posts of other hosts I follow have been deleted because they registered their own accounts on WB and posted at the same time. However, no one cares if hosts who promote this kind of content post Taobao links on WB, but they can’t post on Tianya at all. Sometimes they will be judged as advertisements if they buy screenshots. Does Tianya not support this kind of hosts to promote things?

Tenth Floor: I feel that W is more suitable for the survival of hosts who share. After playing for two days, I found that many hosts I follow on Tianya have accounts there, and the content is also interesting.

Sixteenth Floor: I heard you say what WB is. Can someone send me a URL?

Seventeenth Floor: Reply to the sixteenth floor, use search, link hero,

Eighteenth Floor: Who dares to post you on the sixteenth floor? If you post once, your post will be gone. If you post again, your account may be gone. Search it yourself.

When everyone was discussing it in full swing, the post was gone again.

Netizens have a rebellious mentality. The more you delete, the more I post.

I was anxious about being deleted, and I also developed a confrontational mentality.

Send a group number, organize a large number of people whose posts were deleted, post new posts, and reply to other people's posts.

They are not allowed to mention it, so they mention it.

You delete one post, I post three.

Later, many of the posting hosts' accounts were directly banned.

Register Weibo and continue to discuss this matter on Weibo.

Say that their old account has been banned for many years, which is too disappointing. They will boycott Tianya in the future. The URLs of Tianya's various sections have been deleted. They keep their promises.

They say that Tianya covers its mouth and does not allow people to discuss.

They say that Tianya is petty, and the moderators are targeting Jiang Lai with personal emotions. They are injustice and target them together.

And so on. .

The above is not an isolated case.

Other posting hosts' fans have also encountered such problems.

Many people like this post this kind of news together, and more people pay attention to this matter.

More and more people register Weibo.

I am curious about what it does and want to take a look.

Jiang Lai, who was at the center of the incident, saw a surge in followers on Weibo.

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