The loss of visitor members was most obvious in the fashion section where Jiang Lai was located. In addition to many of Jiang Lai's posts being deleted and left, the traffic and discussion volume of the entire section declined sharply. Not only that, the traffic of the entire forum also declined slightly. And it continued. The senior management paid attention to this matter and immediately held a meeting to discuss it, and then they knew the details. It turned out that it was the moderator of the fashion section who deleted Jiang Lai's posts and banned many discussion posts. After scolding the moderator, he immediately intervened and asked someone to contact Jiang Xue to inquire about the whole story. The visitor's attitude was polite and humble, which formed a sharp contrast with his arrogant attitude at the beginning. Asked Jiang Xue why all the posts were deleted.

Jiang Xue: My previous posts were all in violation of the rules, and each of them contained external links.

Jiang Xue: I checked myself and deleted my posts to avoid violating the rules and then having my account blocked.

"We have already discussed in a meeting that for hosts like you who share, some real purchase links are not considered advertisements. The moderator has been replaced, and we have also made some changes to the rules. I contacted you this time to invite you to continue posting on Tianya."

"Then can I include my own Weibo account in my post?" Jiang Xue asked.

The other party was quiet for a while, and then said: "Don't post links, it's okay to include the account name."

Jiang Xue was not aggressive, after all, Tianya still had traffic at that time.

The two parties reached a settlement, and Tianya helped Jiang Xue restore the previous post, and Jiang Xue re-posted the new post.

At the beginning of the post, it was clearly stated that for detailed purchase links, search for Jiang Lai on Weibo.

The post was sent again, and it was not deleted.

There are still many netizens leaving comments under the post.

The number of views is still good, but the number of Jiang Xue's Weibo fans has increased, and the online time of many Tianya members has changed.

The Weibo incident is just a small episode in daily life. The management of several companies this year has become more and more perfect, and there are fewer and fewer places where Jiang Xue is needed in management development.

Shooting outfit videos and makeup videos, Jiang Xue will shoot a lot of videos at a time on weekends. In the free time, Jiang Xue is like a real high school student, taking a break from her busy schedule to go to the movies with friends.

Go to the library, go to the bookstore, buy novels, buy books, and buy a lot of favorite stationery notebooks.

Chat with classmates and talk about the plot and content of the novel.

Took a photo, sang K, skated, ate fried chicken, French fries, and drank Coke.

Her grades stabilized at the fifth or sixth grade. After the second year of high school, especially the students in the top class, everyone was working hard to move up.

The head teacher also found her and said that she felt that she had spare time to learn and could work hard, and her grades would definitely be better.

Jiang Xue smiled and didn't respond.

Jiang Xue also spent a lot of time studying, but she didn't give up all her spare time for school and invested more.

With her current grades, she can continue to go to the university she wants and the major she wants to study.

She is reliving her youth again. She doesn't want to recall that her youth was just endless papers.

She wants to raise herself again and grow up again. Growth means the enrichment of a person, the improvement of diversity, and the improvement of personality. She is working hard in this direction. She likes her current life very much.


In the second half of 2009, a piece of news from major portals attracted a lot of attention.

Hangzhou City first introduced a new policy. If you open an online store at home, you can receive a government subsidy of 200 yuan a month.

In the Shangcheng District of Hangzhou, if residents are engaged in processing materials, free creation, website making and other related occupations at home, they can enjoy this policy.

This news has made many people pay more attention to online stores and online shopping. The distribution platform has ushered in a surge in users.

In the news, people find it incredible to see the series of figures about revenue and employment.

So many people have already bought things online.

So many people have already made money by selling things online.

Last year, in Hangzhou alone, the number of online stores exceeded 190,000, and by the end of last year, the total transaction volume was 4.1 billion yuan.

It is also a project strongly supported by the state.

For a while, people who wanted to open online stores came one after another, and they looked for relevant information on the Internet.

Looking for tutorials on opening a store, trying to search for some successful experiences of predecessors,

A series of posts by Li Chao before

The post went viral.

He had no source of goods, graduated from a technical secondary school, and previously worked as an Internet cafe network administrator.

He sold hundreds of orders a day by distributing other people's goods. He earned a month's salary in one day.

He achieved a grassroots counterattack and his income surpassed many people.

A group of people flocked to the distribution platform software, downloaded the distribution software, joined the membership, and devoted themselves to the dream of making money.

Liu Qinglin took Li Chao and the two of them went to many manufacturers and made many calls to invite some manufacturers and agents to join their platform and let members sell their products on behalf of them.

There are more and more members, the products are becoming more and more perfect, and more and more manufacturers are entering the platform, enriching more categories and the number of goods, and everything is developing in a positive direction.

With money, member data increased, server upgrades, and some functions added, Liu Qinglin and Lu Rang had more and more contact.

When Jiang Xue didn't pay attention, the two became friends.

They were still very close.

Jiang Xue had seen Lu Rang several times at her brother's door.

Called Liu Qinglin and asked where he was. His brother answered many times that he was in Lu Rang's computer room.

Jiang Xue cooked delicious food at home on the weekend, knocked on his brother's door, and asked Liu Qinglin to eat. Lu Rang was there. At first, he was shy and reluctant. Later, Jiang Xue asked Liu Qinglin to eat. He followed and became more natural.

Jiang Xue also got to know Lu Rang better as she got familiar with him.

He was not as cold and rude as Jiang Xue felt when they first met.

He just didn't care about many things. At his age, he could be said to earn a lot, but he had little desire for material things. In addition, he was devoted to work, and forgetting to reply to messages was a small matter. He would forget to sleep and forget to eat.

His skills were very good. If he hadn't been seriously biased in high school and was admitted by the current university as an exception, he could have gone to a better university.

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