The weather was cloudy, but the weather was very hot.

It was early December 2009.

It had been cloudy for several days, and it started to rain heavily when school was over.

It was definitely not possible to ride a bike, and it would take a long way to get out of the school gate to take a taxi or a bus.

It felt like the rain would not stop for a while.

It was a little after five o'clock after school. It gets dark early in winter, and with the rain, it felt like it would be dark again soon.

She stood in the corridor, looking at the rain, considering whether to call her assistant to pick her up, and she would wait here for a while.

When she took her phone out of her schoolbag, she remembered that she forgot to charge it in the morning and didn't bring it with her.

She couldn't help but sigh.

It seemed that the rain would not stop for a while. It seemed that she was destined to get wet today. Jiang Xue was ready to put her schoolbag on her head and rush to the school gate to see if she could get a taxi.

A voice sounded from behind.

"Would you like to go together?" His voice was clear and transparent, with a little hoarseness moistened by moisture.

Jiang Xue turned around and saw Xu Mo standing not far behind her with an unopened umbrella.

"It's raining too hard today. I can't ride a bike. I'll take the bus back. If you want to go together, let's open the umbrella together." He shook the umbrella in his hand.

This was the first time that Jiang Xue heard him say such a long string of words when she was not listening to him answering questions in the classroom.

Jiang Xue asked hesitantly: "Is the umbrella big enough? Can it fit both of us?"

He opened the umbrella and motioned Jiang Xue to look for herself.

It was a big black umbrella. It should be able to fit two people if they squeezed together.

December, the winter in S City, wet and cold.

If you get wet, besides being cold, you might also catch a cold.

Turning around and looking at the rain that showed no sign of stopping, Jiang Xue agreed.

"Thank you, thank you for your trouble." After thanking him, she took the initiative to walk under his umbrella.

In order to avoid getting her clothes wet, Jiang Xue tried to get closer to him, but he quietly distanced them.

To be honest, it was a bit awkward for two people who were not very familiar with each other to share an umbrella like this.

But since they were sharing an umbrella, they shouldn't be so shy and keep their distance.

"Come closer." Jiang Xue said.

"Your clothes are all wet." Jiang Xue noticed that his arm by the umbrella was already wet by the rain and reminded him.

Seeing that he had no intention of coming over, Jiang Xue moved closer, pushed the umbrella towards him, and shared the umbrella with him.

"I'm fine... just don't get wet." Xu Mo whispered.

"If you're worried about me getting wet, just stay away from me." After hearing this, he got closer to Jiang Xue, but the umbrella was still a little bit towards Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue didn't continue talking, but quickened her pace, thinking about getting to the school gate quickly.

Just after leaving the school gate, many parents drove to pick up their children. The gate was blocked tightly. Not to mention taking a taxi, even if they drove, they couldn't get in in a short time.

Then take the bus back. Following Xu Mo to the bus station, Jiang Xue was stopped after walking a few steps.

Looking at the person, Jiang Xue was a little surprised. It was Lu Rang.

"I called you a lot."

"I didn't hear it." It was very noisy around, and she only wanted to get to the bus station quickly, so she didn't hear it at all.

"It's raining, your brother is worried that you can't go home, so he asked me to pick you up. I called you but couldn't get through." Lu Rang said.

"I didn't bring my phone." As he spoke, Lu Rang handed over an umbrella. Jiang Xue took it and opened it, and left from under Xu Mo's umbrella.

"Where did you park your car?" Jiang Xue asked. Lu Rang pointed to the intersection at the bend. It was still a little distance away, but it was obviously not as congested as the school gate.

"It's raining and there's traffic jams. You may have to wait for a while to take the bus. Let's take your classmates together." Lu Rang suggested.

"Xu Mo, thank you just now. Where is your home? I'll take you a ride." Jiang Xue thought that Xu Mo might refuse because of his personality and the degree of familiarity between the two, but he agreed unexpectedly.

Lu Rang sat in the main driver's seat.

Jiang Xue thought about it and sat in the back seat with Xu Mo.

Xu Mo told her his home address, which was in the same direction as Jiang Xue. No wonder Jiang Xue had met him several times when riding a bike after school.

"It's dark."

"It's really cold today."

Jiang Xue rubbed her hands and said a few words to herself. The two of them responded to her with a "hmm". They were not talkative people. The atmosphere among the three of them was so quiet that it made people feel a little awkward.

"Is my brother busy? Why did he ask you to drive over to pick me up?" Jiang Xue broke the silence and asked Lu Rang.

"He has something to do and can't leave. I just happen to be free.

"I'm coming." Lu Rang answered. Through the rearview mirror, he saw that Jiang Xue's hands were a little red from the cold. He silently raised the temperature in the car again.

"Are you two classmates?" Lu Rang asked a little unexpectedly.

"Classmates." Xu Mo answered.

Then they fell into silence again.

Fortunately, Xu Mo's home was not far from the school, so he sent Xu Mo to the designated place.

Xu Mo thanked him and got out of the car.

Only Lu Rang and Jiang Xue were left in the car.

Lu Rang handed Jiang Xue a cup of warm coffee from the bag on the passenger seat.

"Aren't you cold? Drink it? It's still hot." Jiang Xue took it and was a little surprised.

"I brought it for Li Song. Your classmate was here just now, so I didn't give it to you. It was delayed for a while to send your classmate back, so it must be cold. You drink it. I'll buy him another one later."

"Thank you. I'm sorry to bother you. "Jiang Xue thanked him, holding her hands with the warm coffee. Jiang Xue opened the package, and the fragrant coffee went down her throat. Jiang Xue smiled with satisfaction.

"Is my brother in your computer room?" Thinking that her brother could ask him to pick her up, he was most likely in the computer room.

"Yeah." Lu Rang responded, and felt that this was a bit cold, and explained: "Taobao contacted him and wanted to buy the distribution platform. He was communicating with the other party online, so he asked me to come." This reason was not what Jiang Xue expected.

I don't know if my brother is going to sell it.

How much money the other party offered.

The two chatted about the distribution platform all the way, and Jiang Xue's house was also reached. Lu Rang drove the car directly to the downstairs of her house, holding an umbrella, and sent her to the corridor to watch Jiang Xue go upstairs, and then he drove away.

In the evening, Liu Qinglin came back and told Jiang Xue about the acquisition of the distribution platform.

"The other party plans to pay 6 million. "In addition to purchasing existing members, business information, and data open source, we also need Lu Rang to cooperate with them in the subsequent construction of their website. In addition, we also like the function of searching for pictures and finding products that Lu Rang is doing, and we will package them together for 6 million.

Liu Qinglin and his sister explained the situation in detail.

"What are your plans?" Jiang Xue asked.

"Like you said, even if we don't sell it, the other party will build the relevant platform by themselves. It's just a matter of time. When their relevant functions are launched, it will also be a shock to us, so I plan to sell it. But I feel that the price is not enough."

"What is your psychological price?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"Fifteen million." Liu Qinglin answered, and Jiang Xue looked at him a little surprised. He said this amount as calmly as if he said one thousand or ten thousand yuan.

This is more than ten million, a huge sum of money. All her fixed assets added up to now are not such a large sum of money. Her brother really gave her the feeling of rapid progress every time, which made her look at her with new eyes.

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