The price was too high to be determined.

"I didn't decide the amount either. Lu Rang suggested it." Seeing his sister's admiring eyes, Liu Qinglin told Jiang Xue some of Lu Rang's words.

"He asked me to hold 20 million and negotiate first. If we can't reach an agreement, we can lower the price. We can get it at around 15 million. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in this price." But Lu Rang was so confident that he felt that selling it for less than 15 million would be a loss.

Liu Qinglin told Jiang Xue in detail some details of communicating with Lu Rang and the buyer.

Jiang Xue nodded in understanding.

"Also, regarding the distribution of this money, you were the one who originally wanted to customize the software, and I later maintained and expanded it, but the website building technology was still Lu Rang. The other party actually approached him directly at the beginning and wanted to pay for a similar website, but he refused.

The other party thought about acquiring it, and the other party was more interested in Lu Rang's technology and the image recognition function. Lu Rang said that the image recognition function was also inspired by you, saying that it would be great if he could find the same model through pictures, so he started to study in this area, so I plan to negotiate 15 million, Lu Rang will take half, and the rest of the money will be divided between us two brothers and sisters."

"I don't want it. I just made a proposal at the beginning, and you are in charge of it afterwards."

"Without your proposal, this platform would not be born. Lu Rang would not have thought of adding the same model search function to the distribution platform to let sellers find the lowest price of the same model. This is also the decision made after Lu Rang and I talked about it. Just do it according to what we said."

"Lu Rang and I will talk to them about the follow-up matters, and you wait for the money to be divided." Liu Qinglin's tone was not to be refused. After saying that, he did not go back home and drove away in a hurry.

The next day, it was still raining. Jiang Xue didn't plan to ride her bike again until the holiday, it was too cold.

Looking at the car parked in the parking space, she decided to drive. If she was seen by her classmates and teachers, she didn't know what kind of rumors would spread. She didn't want to be too high-profile.

The entrance of the community is actually the bus station, and it goes directly to the school. So Jiang Xue calculated the time and planned to take the bus to school today.

According to the bus schedule, Jiang Xue arrived at the bus station in advance.

When the bus Jiang Xue was going to take arrived, Jiang Xue put in the coin and got on.

There were quite a lot of people on the bus, but some seats were not full. Jiang Xue looked around and saw an empty seat in the back row.

When she got closer, she found that the other seat in the seat was occupied by someone she knew.

The other person was wearing headphones and holding a book.

Jiang Xue walked to his side and sat down in the seat next to him. The other person didn't notice her. After a long time, he saw Jiang Xue sitting next to him and was frightened.

Jiang Xueyang smiled and said, "Good morning."

Xu Mo was startled, then took off his headphones and responded to Jiang Xue, "Good morning."

The next day, the third day, after school, and at school, Jiang Xue could see him.

He always wore headphones, sometimes reading, sometimes looking out the window.

He was said to be aloof and withdrawn, but he would respond every time Jiang Xue talked to him.

Jiang Xue didn't take the initiative to talk to him, and he basically wouldn't take the initiative to talk to her.

At most, he nodded and said good morning.

"What are you listening to?" Jiang Xue asked curiously one day when she saw him wearing headphones.

He hesitated and handed one of the headphones to Jiang Xue.

It contained Pu Shu's "Flowers".

Jiang Xue listened and hummed along quietly.

Are they all old?

Where are they?

We just went our separate ways.

La la la la la la. . .

Jiang Xue listened attentively and hummed, not noticing Xu Mo's expression when he looked at her. His eyes were focused and smiling.

The two began to greet each other every day, and occasionally chatted about school topics.

When the end of the semester was approaching, Jiang Xue would ask him about the homework assigned by the teacher the day before, questions that she didn't quite understand.

He was afraid of disturbing the people next to him, so he lowered his head and lowered his voice to explain the questions to her.

Jiang Xue found that his skin was surprisingly good.

His skin was white and there were not many pores on his face. Compared with many boys of this age who had acne marks all over their faces, his skin was very clean.

His eyelashes were also very long under his glasses.

His lips looked red and soft.

When Jiang Xue stared at him, his voice became lower and lower, his ears turned red, he didn't dare to look at her, and pretended to be calm and continued to talk about the questions. He didn't even notice that his body was a little stiff and his voice was a little trembling.

Seeing him like this, my heart suddenly itched.

I suppressed my desire to tease him.

Remind yourself in your heart not to provoke others casually.

Your mentality

How old are you? How old are they?

Then another voice said that they are all the same age now, so they are not beasts.

Can you take responsibility? Stop harming others.

How old are you? You can just fall in love and enjoy life. What responsibility are you talking about?

I always feel that this is not good.

There is nothing wrong with it. Just think of it as a sister-brother relationship. If you like it, just do it!

Jiang Xue felt a little hot in her mind.

"I know it!" She put away her papers and distanced herself from them.

The atmosphere between the two was slightly ambiguous.

Before Jiang Xue could do anything, Tan Xiao came over with the gossip she heard and said to Jiang Xue: "Everyone is saying that you and Xu Mo in your class are in a premature relationship. Is it true?"

"How did it spread outside?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"It is said that you two go to and from school together, behave intimately, listen to a pair of headphones, and whisper with your heads down. You two have been seen several times by people who know you! According to the eyewitness, you two seem to have pink bubbles coming out of your bodies together. That person said with certainty that you two must have been dating."

"So, are you two really dating?" Tan Xiao asked gossipingly.

"Not yet." Jiang Xue replied.

Not yet? ? ? That means you are planning to date!!

"So you are planning to date, but you haven't started yet, right? ? ? " Tan Xiao said with an exaggerated expression.

Jiang Xue nodded.

Then Tan Xiao went crazy.

He kept asking her when she started to like him, whether he liked her, what stage it was at, and what her mood was.

Jiang Xue motioned her to be quiet, explaining: "It's not even a start yet. I'll definitely tell you once I'm in a relationship."

"Of course, I felt from the beginning that you two are a good match. As long as you want to date, you're so outstanding, that guy will definitely not reject you. Woohoo... sweet love, I want it too."

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