The more you look at the market, the more you will see.

Jiang Lai once again proved her ability to bring goods to everyone.

Some people began to imitate her on Weibo.

Some people even asked her how much money she would make in this round.

They described it vividly.

Some people who saw this track joined in and wanted to get a piece of the pie, and more and more bloggers who share the content have emerged.

Many accounts under Wangxing Media are operating well.

The number of fans is growing rapidly.

Several entertainment gossip accounts have received orders for celebrity public relations and promotional materials, and the trend is still growing.

After entering Weibo, the bloggers under its umbrella have also developed more smoothly.

For this video format, Jiang Xue only asked the team to post the video on Weibo. The accounts on other platforms were updated at the same time after all the pictures and texts were posted.

As a result, fans on other platforms missed the opportunity to buy the first wave of spot goods.

Fans protested in the post, but considering the Weibo and forum model, even if the forum posted, they could not log in to the computer to see it immediately, while Weibo was different, Weibo had a mobile version.

They could pay attention to this information more conveniently.

Then those who have not registered Weibo, in order to grab their favorite clothes as soon as possible next time, choose to register Weibo and follow Jiang Lai.

Jiang Xue, the makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account, also entered Weibo. The team of this account posted some reviews and color tests. Occasionally, they posted some makeup tutorials and amateur makeup transformation videos before and after.

The fans are also growing steadily.

There is no explosive growth like Jiang Lai, but the total number of fans is not bad.

Jiang Xue's makeup artist business has basically stopped.

It takes a long time for celebrities to put on makeup, and she has to go to school during the weekdays. She also has to shoot materials for two accounts on weekends, so she stopped this business.

In March, Jiang Xue asked for leave to go back to her hometown, the No. 1 Middle School, and took the final exam.

In May, she checked her grades and got all A's.

Then Jiang Xue received a call from the agent. The storefront she bought before.

It started to be demolished.

The houses she bought with her brother were also being mobilized for demolition.

Jiang Xue was so busy during this period that she almost forgot about the demolition.

Her brother also received the news and planned to go back. Jiang Xue gave him all her documents and asked him to help deal with them first. If she needed to go back to sign in person, she would find time to go back to sign.

The three million yuan from Liu Qinglin's sale of the distribution platform has been transferred to her account.

There are also various income and dividends during this period.

There is a lot of money in her card.

This year, the housing prices have increased a lot. She bought a small, old and dilapidated house in a very good location in the downtown area of ​​S City with full payment. It will be demolished in the future, but she doesn’t know how long it will take. She rented it out after buying it.

She plans to go to Kyoto to study in the university in the future, so she bought a second-hand house near Kyoto University.

She found a decoration company, determined the decoration style, and then took care of it all.

She took advantage of the weekend to handle all these.

When Jiang Xue was taking the exam, she asked the teacher of No. 1 Middle School in the city about her college entrance examination. She talked to the teacher for a long time about her current grades. The teacher also asked her to do the test papers of the school and gave her affirmation for her grades.

Originally, Jiang Xue planned to return to her school in the last academic year of senior high school or one semester. The teacher of No. 1 Middle School felt that the teaching quality of the school where Jiang Xue was currently studying in S City was obviously higher than that of their No. 1 Middle School in the city. Jiang Xue was still in the top class. In this case, it would be better for her to finish her senior year in the borrowed school.

She could just come back during the days of the college entrance examination.

In this case, the house she bought at No. 1 Middle School was completely useless, so she planned to sell it.

Although the price has increased a lot since I bought it, it is much slower than that of first-tier cities. Besides, it is a waste if I don't go back home after high school.

I can't bear to rent out such a good decoration.

So I just put it up for sale when my brother goes back this time.

Many people came to see the house. The agent came to see it. Jiang Xue added the decoration fee. Some people thought her decoration was not practical and didn't make a final decision. One person wanted to buy it sincerely, and then my brother met my aunt who was going to buy a house.

I also learned about my aunt's divorce.

For the same reason as in the previous life, she cheated on her husband and filed a divorce lawsuit. My aunt got the money and took Li Na and Li Fei to live in the city.

She had a lot of money and planned to buy a house. The school districts of primary and junior high schools near No. 1 Middle School were all good. Then when she looked at the house, she fell in love with the one Jiang Xue put up for sale. My aunt also liked the house and planned to buy it.

I want to talk to the landlord

Let's talk about the price. Liu Qinglin happened to be there, so she went there.

Then she found out that it was someone she knew.

Liu Qinglin called to ask whether she should tell her aunt that she was the owner of the house.

Jiang Xue thought about her aunt's character and there was nothing to hide, so she asked her brother to tell her.

The aunt knew that the house belonged to Jiang Xue, and she just needed to sign some documents for the transfer, so she waited for Jiang Xue to come back to talk.

Jiang Xue took the train after school on Friday and slept all the way. On Saturday, Jiang Xue and her brother went to sign the signatures for the demolition shop in No. 1 Middle School, as well as the consent forms for the demolition.

Shop for shop, house for house.

Replacement nearby, she didn't want the demolition fee.

In addition, because the house she bought was decorated and had a yard, according to the compensation standard.

She paid less than the market price, and the replacement doubled the number of houses.

Liu Qinglin originally planned to ask for money, but later thought about it and asked for a house like her sister.

The speed of house price increase is a bit weird.

Too fast.

Take the house. After cleaning it up and renting it out, it will also be a stable income.

Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin were busy all morning, and in the afternoon they made an appointment with their aunt in the new house.

The aunt came alone, and looked at Jiang Xue with a sizing look.

"Did you really buy this house?" Jiang Ping still doubted the authenticity of the news.

Jiang Xue nodded.

"The opening price of this community was cheaper than it is now, and the total price is not cheap. How do you have so much money?" Jiang Ping expressed her doubts.

"I bought it with a loan. The money was earned by selling things on Taobao in S City with my brother." Jiang Ping thought of Liu Qinglin, who was a smart child with ideas and a sense of propriety.

Although she had never used Taobao online shopping, she had heard people around her say it, and had read related reports in newspapers and news. It was very convenient to buy things on it, and it was a new thing that was on the rise, so it was possible to make money by selling things on it.

Whether it was Jiang Xue or Liu Qinglin, these two children gave her the feeling that they were not children at all.

Before Jiang Xue went out to work, Jiang Ping still had the impression that she was very well behaved and obedient. After going out to work and seeing the world in big cities, she has changed a lot.

She was thinking, she wanted to take her children away from the familiar environment, whether to go to a first-tier city, would it limit her children's horizons too much in the city.

Thinking of the housing prices in first-tier cities, she gave up the idea.

The city is much better than the county.

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