The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

"I didn't know the house was yours before. When I didn't meet your brother, the agent said that it cost a lot of money to decorate the house. You decorated it so well, why are you selling it again?"

"I bought this house because I wanted to study in No. 1 High School. Now I am studying in S City on a temporary basis. I asked the school and I just need to come back for the exam, so I don't live in this house. I am now in the second semester of my second year of high school. I plan to sell this house and buy another one in the city where I will go to college in the future." Jiang Xue half-truthfully said her intention.

Jiang Ping nodded, agreeing with Jiang Xue's reason.

"How are your grades now? Which university do you plan to apply to? Are you sure you can get into a key university?"

Jiang Xue told her aunt about her school ranking and recent test scores, and her aunt nodded repeatedly.

Take another look at Jiang Xue.

Just like Liu Qinglin.

She doesn't act or speak like a youngster at all.

The brother and sister are also good-looking.

They will definitely have a great future.

My brother and sister-in-law are really short-sighted.

They have become alienated from such an excellent and capable child.

"Take the exam well, and get good grades when the time comes, so that your mother will regret it to death!"

Jiang Xue smiled and didn't respond.

If she had held her breath at the beginning of her rebirth to make some achievements, make a lot of money, and get into the best university to make them regret it, now her mentality has become much calmer.

She doesn't want to know if they will regret it.

She doesn't want to pay attention to it.

As long as she doesn't appear in her world again.

As early as when she saw her own household registration book, she felt that the things that had been bothering her in her previous life had been let go.

"Since the house is yours, I won't pay you back the price I wanted to pay. I'll pay you the price you asked. I don't need to go through an agent, and I can save an agent fee. I'm getting a bargain. I divorced your uncle. I live with my two children. The only thing I don't like about your house is that there are too few rooms. I'll have to separate a study room into another room." Then he briefly told Jiang Xue about his divorce.

He didn't dare to say too much. After all, cheating on your husband, cheating on your husband, and having a child with someone else are not glorious things.

"I called grandma, and she told me in detail." Jiang Xue had no contact with her parents, but she would occasionally call her grandma during the New Year and other holidays.

This time, when she learned that her aunt wanted to buy her house, she called back to test the waters. Sure enough, her aunt didn't tell her grandma about the house, but her grandma told Jiang Xue all about her aunt's divorce.

Then he taught Jiang Xue to learn from her aunt and not to get angry over money.

Only by sleeping on straw and tasting gall can one achieve great things!

Tell her to go to school well.

To be honest, when grandma was young, she took care of many children and was not very good to her.

But she could sympathize with grandma's situation. It was not her own wish to take care of her, and it was not grandma's responsibility for her.

In addition, during the years when she took care of her, apart from some verbal abuse and provoking the relationship between her and her mother, there were also many relaxing and happy memories.

Now she can't be particularly close, but she can communicate normally.

Jiang Xue's words made Jiang Ping feel a little embarrassed, and she felt that it was a bit embarrassing for the younger generation to know what she did.

"You are also a big girl, don't learn from your aunt, who was also very angry at the time and didn't think too much. At that time, she only thought about revenge, but in fact, this hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt herself by eight hundred." Jiang Ping was sad when she said this. After the incident broke out, although the children didn't say anything, she felt that it was a great blow to the children.

Especially when it was repeatedly mentioned by people around them and discussed as a topic of conversation.

She, a middle-aged person, couldn't stand it. She was worried that it would affect the growth of the child if the child stayed in that environment for a long time.

That's why she wanted to move away from that familiar environment.

She believed that she and Li Tao had feelings for each other from the time they met to the time they got married, and she has always been a good wife and a good mother after marriage.

But as the two of them made more and more money, she began to not recognize the man beside her.

He became very arrogant.

He looked down on his relatives in his hometown and thought he was very awesome.

He was still very good to her, more generous than before.

But he had a lot of bad friends, and they drank, sang and washed their feet secretly because they were afraid that she would get angry.

In the end, he told her confidently that everyone did the same.

Look at so-and-so's wife, they don't care.

You woman don't understand, I drink every day for business.

Say it's for business, go out to whore,

Then she kept a girl who massaged feet in a foot massage parlor and a KTV lady.

She thought she was doing it very secretly, but she found out everything.

She doubted herself, sulked, and had an emotional breakdown.

Divorce? ?

She was a little unwilling.

His career was booming.

And the payment for the goods was basically tied up in the goods. She spent a few days calculating that if she divorced, she might not get much money.

Who would the child live with, and would her quality of life decline?

The answer she got was that she couldn't divorce.

Before, she only thought that the pocket money her husband gave her was enough to spend, so the financial power of the family was controlled by her husband, and she didn't even know how much money there was in the family. In this situation, if she filed for divorce, she would be very passive.

Divorce is OK, but not now, she doesn't want to suffer.

But she really couldn't swallow that breath.

So Jiang Ping, who was always known as an honest and gentle person, quietly cheated on her husband and had sex with an old classmate who admired her. She accidentally got pregnant, which was beyond her plan. However, she was quite happy to see Li Tao after she got pregnant. After the child was born, the third child was the least like Li Tao among the three children, and was also the cutest and best-looking. Li Tao loved the third child very much, calling her his daughter. Seeing him like this, Jiang Ping felt the pleasure of revenge.

She was also crazy at the time. In fact, she could have handled it in a different way.

But she did not regret what she had done.

She just made a mistake that men would make. It was common for men to do so, but she was a slut, a terribly meticulous and bad woman.

Ha, they said she took so much money from Li Tao, and according to the law, this money should have been hers.

If she didn't use some tricks, she would not get her share after holding it in for several years!

And her son's share!

When outsiders talk about their marriage, they still criticize her faults, and think that it is unfair that she did not get the due end and got so much money. A woman like her should be beaten to death to relieve her hatred.

No one mentioned Li Tao's prostitution and keeping a concubine and giving birth to children. They thought it was normal. Pah! It is unfair. The world is too unfair to women.

"Aunt, grandma is proud of you. She said that you did this very bravely and finally stopped being a coward. She didn't like what Li Tao did before. Considering that you want to live with him, she endured it and advised you to endure it for the three children. When you did this, the relatives who knew about it felt very happy. You just used the same method to treat others. I believe that my cousins ​​will understand you when they grow up."

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