After Jiang Xue's words, Jiang Ping wiped her blurry eyes with the paper Jiang Xue had just given her.

Recently, she pretended not to care, but she was actually very unhappy and felt very upset. However, after hearing Jiang Xue's simple words, she suddenly felt enlightened.

Someone recognized her, and her mood suddenly improved, and she was more convinced that everything she did was right.

Next, it was the transfer of ownership and the transfer of money.

Signing the sales contract.

Jiang Xue thought about it, and told her aunt: "It's my business to buy and sell houses, so don't tell my parents and grandma first."

Jiang Ping nodded in understanding.

She didn't plan to say it either.

She has a good relationship with her mother. She has never mentioned her savings or her business outside.

Her mother is an old lady in the countryside. If you tell her, she might tell you later.

It will cause some unnecessary trouble.

She will not talk nonsense about her niece.

Jiang Xue paid off the loan with the money transferred by her aunt, and deposited the rest into the card.

Jiang Xue had lunch with her aunt, Liu Qinglin, and her two daughters.

After lunch, things were almost done. After saying goodbye to her aunt and brother, Jiang Xue took the train to S City and returned to campus.

Xu Mo has not been in school recently.

He has not been in school much this semester.

Xu Mo won the first prize in the S City Division of the National High School Mathematics League.

His scores in mathematics, physics, and chemistry have always been the first in the school.

But he only ranked sixth in the mathematics competition in S City.

Their school is the best in the district, but it is not a school with strong competition in the whole city of S. Only three students who entered the provincial team this year are from their school.

The other two are those whose overall scores are not very high, but their single subject scores are very outstanding.

After Xu Mo entered the provincial team of city S, he has been participating in training. He will represent city S in the national Olympic finals.

If he wins another gold medal, enters the national training team, and enters the national reserve team after screening, he can represent the country in the competition.

As long as you can enter the training team, there is a high probability that you can directly get a recommendation quota for the top domestic universities.

So the process sounds simple, but this road is difficult to walk.

It can be said that there are layers of selection and five levels of success.

Xu Mo is the most promising seedling among the teachers in their school.

Before he left, the monthly exam results came out. After looking at Jiang Xue's results, he frowned and asked hesitantly: "Did...we...influence you?"

Jiang Xue was a little surprised by his question.

She shook her head, indicating no.

"You put your mind on studying, so do I, let's work hard together."

"Yes, let's work hard together."


It's the second semester of the second year of high school now, and her grades have dropped to the 20th in the grade. When she saw the grades, she fell into deep reflection.

At first, she was complacent because she was reborn, passed the college entrance examination once, and took the first place in the school's test.

Her energy was too scattered, which led to her grade ranking slowly declining. This is a process of boiling a frog in warm water.

High school courses are basically the most arduous period in a student's career. At the same time, after high school, she found that it was difficult to improve her grades.

When her classmates were busy with their difficult studies, everyone had already received the countdown and was so eager to split their bodies to take care of various courses. She was busy with other things.

Compared with their full commitment, she was not making progress, but regressing.

Unless you have absolute talent, everything else is worthless in the face of hard work.

Because diligence is a kind of talent.

Jiang Xue thinks she is also diligent, but she doesn't use all her diligence in this area.

Is Jiang Xue talented?

To be honest, she thinks she is not.

Maybe a little.

She doesn't have any outstanding subjects.

In her studies, she didn't put much effort into the details. Although she understood the course content, she only understood the general framework.

While everyone was working on the details and deep learning, she was busy with all kinds of messy things.

It was difficult for her to notice that she had been overtaken by so much without realizing it.

She will enter the third year of high school next semester. In the last year of high school, Jiang Xue plans to concentrate on her studies.

Fortunately, everything in several companies is on track, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Too many.

So I took care of the things that I need to spend energy and time on in advance.

I took a lot of materials in advance and asked the team members to send them regularly.

I found a third-party company to supervise the accounts of several companies.

During the summer vacation of her second year in high school, Jiang Xue plunged into the cram school at school.

She quit using her mobile phone and computer.

In addition to the cram school, she also began to review some weak points in her first and second years of high school.

Then she found many points that she had overlooked before.

I sorted out the test papers, consolidated some classic questions, and re-do the wrong questions by analogy.

I found corresponding exercises for the knowledge points that I was not familiar with to train.

Xu Mo would take pictures of some papers he had done for her.

He sent her the papers and materials to school.

He would take pictures of his meals for her.

Sunset and sunset glow.

Strangely shaped clouds.

Xu Mo: I miss the days in school.

Xu Mo said: I am so sleepy.

She often saw the message several days later.

She read it carefully and responded to each one.

Jiang Xue: The last few questions are so difficult. I will try them later.

Jiang Xue: The spare ribs look delicious!

Jiang Xue: Pictures

Jiang Xue: Photos of the sunset on the same day.

Jiang Xue: We are under the same sky

Jiang Xue: Video. Pictures.

All are what happened during class breaks.

Jiang Xue: I sent you my favorite coffee. It is very bitter, but very refreshing. I heard that drinking too much will cause hair loss. Drink it in moderation.


He is also very busy and will not respond immediately. They have been communicating in this way for some time.

After replying, Jiang Xue tried to cover the answers and do the questions above.

Some questions are so difficult..

Follow his solution ideas and do them once. If you still don’t understand, follow the correct answer and deduce the correct solution process.

The sense of accomplishment she gained from conquering one question after another is her motivation to persevere.

When the third year of high school started, Jiang Xue asked her class teacher to arrange accommodation.

She only went home on weekends to handle some necessary work.

All non-essential work was stopped.

If she continued to go to school as a day student, there would be too many distractions from computers, mobile phones, and work.

She couldn't help but be distracted by checking these messages, sales, and comment areas.

She decided to stay in the dormitory and not challenge her willpower.

If she couldn't contact them, she wouldn't be distracted by them.

In fact, she already felt that she was overwhelmed in her second year of high school.

The declining ranking was also a better proof.

After she stayed in the dormitory, she could feel more deeply how hard her classmates worked.

In such a learning atmosphere, the only thing she could do was to join in.

Get up early and go to bed late.

Apart from eating and sleeping, she only studied.

Dedicated herself wholeheartedly, such efforts have significant effects.

Her grades caught up little by little.

When Xu Mo was not in school, she even ranked first in her class in the quiz.

The head teacher and teachers of various subjects praised her for her great progress.

They said that she finally got her mind back.

She told her classmates to learn from her.

It's not too late while there is still time.

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