After the exam, Jiang Xue rested for two days and was called back to school by the teacher to check answers and estimate scores. After estimating their scores, the teacher gave everyone a small piece of paper, writing their names and estimated scores. Jiang Xue made a conservative estimate and lowered her score. That afternoon, Jiang Xue received a call from the admissions office of Tsinghua University. She hadn't gotten her scores yet, but the call came? ? ? Jiang Xue immediately thought of whether it was a scammer. The person on the other end of the phone reported a series of Jiang Xue's information. Then Jiang Xue realized that the small piece of paper with estimated scores was given by the school to the admissions office. The other party on the phone was very polite and wanted her to go to their station with several classmates from the same school to have a meal and chat.

Although Jiang Xue did not plan to apply to Tsinghua University, she decided to go with several classmates from the same school.

The gifts were introduction books of various majors, and the students who went with them were asked about their estimated scores.

Jiang Xue's estimated scores were confirmed again and again.

After eating, the teachers of No. 1 Middle School took them to the admissions station of Beijing University.

The same small gifts, introduction books of majors.

The teachers of the admissions office asked them if they wanted to apply for a major.

In fact, she had been struggling for a long time about what major to apply for in this life.

She didn't seem to have any professional direction that she was particularly good at or interested in.

She loved money and liked to make money.

She also had some careers in this life, and from the management of these industries, she also realized her shortcomings.

So she thought about it for a long time and decided to apply for a management major.

The specific filling will have to wait until the results come out,

and it will take a few days.

Probably because the results were not out yet, there was no kidnapping incident that I saw on the Internet in my previous life.

After the exam, she couldn't go back to S City for the time being, and her godmother had been with her for a long time and had to go back.

Jiang Xue took her luggage and returned to the town with her godmother.

After the previous incident, her godfather has now become the principal of the town's junior high school.

Last time, Lu Xiaolan's incident, Lu Liang made such a big fuss because a director of the junior high school in their town with the same surname Lu was involved.

Including the contact information of Jiang Xue's mother was given to Lu Liang by this director.

He didn't expect the final incident to be so big.

With the intervention of the education department and the media, Lu Xiaolan finally went to a big hospital to check and found that she was indeed violated.

Yang Zhian was right, he had cleared the suspicion, and for a minor, this person must be found.

After that incident, Lu Xiaolan's father Lu Liang asked his daughter and mother.

He got a fact that he couldn't accept.

His daughter was violated by the husband of his sister who was married in the same village.

And her own mother knew it!!

She kept it a secret!

Not only that, she also didn't let her daughter speak out!

Even though he beat and scolded her and put the responsibility on Teacher Yang, her daughter didn't dare to speak out.

In a rage, he chopped off a finger of his brother-in-law.

"If you make a fuss like this, what will your younger sister's in-laws do?" Lu's mother cried.

"You care about your daughter, but what about my daughter! How old is she? That beast!!! I just chopped off one of his fingers, and I wanted to kill him!" Lu Liang yelled at his mother angrily.

"I'm just thinking about your daughter, is this a glorious thing??? If you make a fuss, what will Xiaolan do in the future???"

In the end, Lu Liang's uncle's family did not hold Lu Liang responsible, and his sister and brother-in-law divorced.

Lu Liang took Lu Xiaolan to find her biological mother.

"I heard that he gave Lu Xiaolan to her mother to raise, and he gave part of his salary to them every month."

"After this incident, our website volunteers did sex education for some girls in the surrounding primary and junior high schools. Some parents also blamed us for not telling these things to the children, they are still young. But those demons will not think your children are young." said the godmother.

The director was also punished, the old principal was transferred, and Yang Zhian was the most suitable candidate.

He became the principal of the town's junior high school.

Jiang Xue was still a little sad to hear this follow-up after such a long time.

He also affirmed and recognized what the godmother and others are doing now.

Decided to go to volunteer with the godmother during the period of waiting for the results.

Then I thought of my childhood.

At that time, a bachelor's family in the neighborhood had a TV, and many children sat there to watch it together.

Once, my grandmother came to find them to go back for dinner and saw the bachelor holding a little girl watching TV together.

Come back

Asked them if they had been hugged by him.

Jiang Xue and the other four shook their heads.

Jiang Xian also explained that because there was no seat, the uncle held the girl in his arms to watch TV.

"The other party is a man, you two sisters must not let a man hold you like this, you have grown up, any man's intimate behavior is not allowed!" Grandma said very seriously.

After that day, grandma did not let them watch TV.

If they were found, they would be beaten.

Strictly told them not to let strangers touch them or take off their clothes.

If anyone did these things, they must tell her.

Nothing substantial happened, grandma scolded the bachelor many times.

She also warned him and told the parents of the girl he held while watching TV.

Looking back, the incident was stopped by grandma before it happened.

When they were young, they did not understand and thought grandma was too domineering and fierce.

At a certain moment when they grew up, being hugged in the arms, that posture, was actually a kind of harm. After figuring this out, she was actually grateful to her grandmother.

After staying at her godmother's house for one night, Jiang Xue came to her grandmother's house.

Bought her some food and drinks.

Talked to her.

Knowing that she was waiting for the college entrance examination results to come out, the uncle and aunt directly cleaned up a room in their home and let Jiang Xue live there.

Jiang Xue refused.

She told them that she would live at her godmother's house in the town in the next few days. It was inconvenient for her to run back and forth as a volunteer on the student aid website.

The aunt smiled and agreed without forcing her.

Grandma was not very happy.

Jiang Xue pretended not to see it.

During those days, she went with her godmother to distribute the donated clothing funds and visit the beneficiaries during the day.

In the evening, Jiang Xue brought a computer and handled a lot of work that had slowed down due to the third year of high school online.

Arranged team members to prepare for some of the work she would participate in next.

Occasionally, she would chat with her boyfriend.

Send him some good photos of the village taken with her mobile phone.

The results can be checked at 11:00 am on the 23rd. The godfather and godmother did nothing that day. They stayed in front of the phone and computer to help Jiang Xue check her results.

Because there were too many people checking at the same time, the phone could not be dialed in. The network could not be accessed either.

It was not until Jiang Xue received a call from the teacher of the No. 1 Middle School that she knew her results.

699 points.

Among them, 128 points in Chinese, 145 points in mathematics, 141 points in English, and 285 points in comprehensive science.

First in the city.

The provincial ranking has not yet been released.

It is about the same as Jiang Xue's estimate.

The teacher of No. 1 Middle School was very excited to know Jiang Xue's results.

The teacher was almost incoherent when she said congratulations.

The godfather and godmother were also happy.

After hearing the results from the phone, the two of them had wet eyes.

Happy, excited, and excited.

After Jiang Xue hung up the phone, she saw the two hugging and crying.

On the contrary, Jiang Xue, the person involved, had an estimate of the results.

After the scores came out and the dust settled, she didn't have any special emotions.

She just breathed a sigh of relief.

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