The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

Seeing her godmother tell her brother and sister-in-law about Jiang Xue's college entrance examination results.

The scores were also found on the computer.

Jiang Xue took a screenshot of the scores and sent them to her brother and Xu Mo.

And to her former class teacher in S City.

Then Jiang Xue's phone kept ringing.

First, her brother called and praised her for being awesome! !

Through the phone line, she could still hear how excited her brother was and how happy he was for her.

Then it was Xu Mo, who said to her, "Congratulations."

"I knew you could do it."

The former class teacher also called to congratulate her and told her the scores of some of her classmates.

In addition, teachers from the admissions offices of Tsinghua University and Peking University called one after another.

Jiang Xue only then realized that her grades were tied with another classmate for first place in the province.

She was the top scorer in science this year.


The teachers who called this time were much more positive than the polite ones they met last time.

They all asked about Jiang Xue's current address, and they would take the initiative to visit her.

Jiang Xue said they would talk about it when she returned to school tomorrow.

I thought it would be quiet for a while, but in the afternoon I received a call from my aunt, saying that someone from the university admissions office had found her home.

The house written as Jiang Xue's previous home address was later sold to her aunt. Her household registration was randomly moved to another house, and the address left by the school has not been changed.

That's why these teachers found her aunt's house.

Jiang Ping was also shocked.

It was completely unbelievable.

She thought Jiang Xue's grades could only reach the first-tier line at most.

Unexpectedly, those schools that were only mentioned on TV, newspapers, and other people came to their door and competed for their nieces to study in their schools!

Knowing that she was Jiang Xue's aunt, they were very polite to her.

Wanted her to take them to find Jiang Xue.

In front of these teachers, she immediately called Jiang Xue to confirm the truth.

"It's true. Tell those teachers that I will talk to them when I return to school tomorrow. You ask them to leave first." Jiang Ping told several teachers what her niece said, and they left reluctantly.

After talking to Jiang Xue, Jiang Ping immediately called her mother and told Grandma Jiang the good news.

After hearing this, Grandma Jiang immediately asked her youngest son to ride a motorcycle to the town to find Jiang Xue.

Her face was full of excitement and happiness.

When she went out, she met Aunt Jiang.

Her Jiang Hang and Jiang Hui also checked their grades today, and both children did well in the exam.

It met their expectations.

Jiang Hang scored 479, and Jiang Hui scored 471.

Although the difference between the two children's scores is not big. But because Jiang Hang is studying science, he should be able to get into the second-tier university, while Jiang Hui is studying literature and history, so it is a bit uncertain whether he can get into the third-tier university. I will listen to the teacher's opinion when the time comes.

I came to tell my mother-in-law and my brother-in-law's family the good news.

Then I saw my brother-in-law taking my mother-in-law away on a motorcycle.

After asking, I found out that the results of Jiang Xue from the second child's family were also out.

699 points.


Still the top scorer in science this year!

Top scorer in science!!!

People from the admissions offices of the two universities in Qingjing have found my eldest sister's house.

They all want Jiang Xue to go to their school.

Seeing my mother-in-law muttering that the Jiang family's ancestral graves were smoking, thanking the Buddha and the Bodhisattva, Aunt Jiang was a little stunned for a while.

Jiang Hang was originally in a good mood because his two sons had good grades and were able to go to school. Jiang Hang even passed the second-tier line. His good mood disappeared.

Aunt Jiang returned to her home.

Jiang Hang went up to his mother and asked her to buy him sneakers and a mobile phone.

Before leaving, his mother praised him for doing well in the exam. She yelled at him angrily: "You didn't do so badly in the exam!"

Jiang Hang looked innocent and felt very wronged.

Aunt Jiang looked at her two sons and felt unpleasant.

Why didn't her son do so well in the exam?

Jiang Xue, that little girl, why?

She was not happy at all and was so angry!


And Grandma Jiang ran to Wang Yulan's house in the town and hugged Jiang Xue and cried loudly.

Tears streamed down her face.

She said she would take her home to visit her grandfather's grave.

She would tell her grandfather and all the ancestors that they, the Jiang family, had such a top scholar.

Godmother patted Jiang Xue and said softly, "Go."

Jiang Xue followed them to the grave.

Grandma talked about her achievements with neighbors along the way, and her pride was beyond words.

Jiang Xue was praised by many people.

The middle school teacher in the town, her elementary school principal. The cadres in the village, the cadres in the town.

Everyone came, and everyone praised her.

She smiled in cooperation, but she didn't know why, but she didn't seem very happy.

On the one hand, she had a secret sense of pride, and on the other hand, she suddenly felt bored with all this.

The face-saving project was over.

The next day, she declined everyone's request to accompany her, went to school by herself, and signed the volunteer contract with Beijing University without any hesitation.

She just had to fill in the application form on the computer when it was time to fill in the application form.

She refused the meeting of the teachers of the No. 1 Middle School in the city to commend her and let her speak on the stage.

She asked the school to donate the bonus to the student aid website run by her godmother.

She declined the interview with the media reporters.

After leaving the school, she called to say goodbye to her godmother and grandmother.

She said she was going back to S City.

Her godmother asked her to be careful on the road and call them to report her safety when she arrived.

Her grandmother wouldn't let her go.

She said she had told her parents and wanted to treat them to a meal. How could Jiang Xue, as the protagonist, leave such a glorious thing?

Jiang Xue exhaled a breath of turbid air: "I'm already on the way back. No need to bother."

This caused Grandma Jiang to complain unhappily on the other end of the phone.

I didn't tell anyone in S City.

I took the train back home, turned off my phone, and slept soundly.

I woke up and ordered a meal. Jiang Xue ate slowly, took a shower, changed into clothes for going out, and drove to a nearby private psychological counseling room.

For 1,000 yuan, she found the best counselor in the store and planned to talk for two hours.

She originally wanted to talk about her childhood, her original family, her recent abnormal emotions, her low mood, and many other things.

She only said part of it.

When the counselor asked her questions,

she didn't answer a complete sentence.

She started crying.

The doctor said: "Cry first, and then consult after you cry."

Then she cried all the money for the consultation.

After the consultation, the counselor encouraged and comforted her.

She wiped her red and swollen eyes and felt that the money was worth it. She felt so good crying.

She had never cried like this in front of others before.

Crying alone means enduring alone, compromising and digesting the grievances.

Crying in front of the psychologist. It means that her grievances were recognized. It means that she cried and was accepted.

After crying, she felt a sense of relief.

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