The final exam is approaching, and many students are studying all night.

The mathematics department is more competitive than Jiang Xue's department.

After the first midterm exam, Xu Mo was confused about his future.

This confusion was not only felt by Xu Mo, but also by the other three people in the dormitory except Qin Liang.

The three of them were students in key classes in their previous schools, with excellent grades, and were often called academic masters and gods in their respective high schools.

In high school, most of the knowledge was effortless for them. Even if there were some difficult problems, they could fully understand them as long as they spent more time.

They entered Beijing University with the title of recommendation, thinking that they could make rapid progress in their studies like in high school, but they found it difficult for them to do it as easily as in high school.

The teacher lectures very fast and covers a lot of content. If you miss a sentence by mistake, you will not understand what the teacher is talking about.

In every class, the teacher talks about new content, some questions are answered, and more questions arise.

Although they did not fail the course and had to retake it, compared with Qin Liang's ease, they began to doubt themselves, whether they were not talented enough?

If they want to take the path of basic mathematics in the future, they must be one in a million among the top mathematical minds. Can they do it?

Are they not suitable for the academic path?

If not academic, what path to take?

Computer? Education and training? Financial industry?

Whether to go abroad or change majors.

These problems are what bother them.

Studying with the troubles is much more painful mentally than the previous undivided attention.

After Jiang Xue finished her work at the milk tea shop, she had almost finished reviewing for the final exam to ensure that she would not fail. They found an afternoon when they both had no classes. They were originally planning to go to the movies. Jiang Xue also noticed Xu Mo's abnormality, so she did not go to the movies. Instead, she found a quiet environment and took the initiative to ask him what was wrong.

Xu Mo did not answer the things that bothered him during this period, but asked Jiang Xue, "How is your final exam review?"

"I will definitely not fail. My requirements are relatively simple, as long as I don't fail." Jiang Xue replied.

"If your college is full of recommended students, then our college is full of top students in liberal arts and science. They are too competitive. I can't be as competitive as them, so I'm already lying flat." It's impossible for her to stay up all night.

She can't study as hard as many of her classmates.

"Have you ever thought about your future plans? Will you continue to study after graduation, work, or go abroad for further studies?" Xu Mo asked again.

Jiang Xue shook her head.

"I've thought about it, but I don't have any clues. Let's take it one step at a time. I probably won't continue studying, but this is just my temporary idea. There are still more than three years left. Who knows if there will be other ideas? Let's live well in the present." Jiang Xue said, and took the initiative to ask Xu Mo with concern: "You are in a bad mood because of academic problems."

"Yeah." Xu Mo nodded.

"What are your plans for the future?" Jiang Xue asked Xu Mo back this question.

"I like mathematics. I always thought that I might become a mathematician in the future. Through calculations, I will promote the development of the world and affect the future of mankind."

"But now I have some self-doubts and think I may not be able to do it." After saying this, he was a little depressed.

Jiang Xue walked over and held his hand, "If it's a ranking based on grades, it may just be because the other person has spent more energy and knowledge than you."

"If not, it's normal to have someone more talented than you."

Jiang Xue continued, "Appearance, height, IQ, a lot of it is determined by genes. When we compare ourselves to many people, we feel that we have been favored by genes."

"Try your best. The goal is not to surpass anyone, but to understand the upper limit of your ability."

"If the result is ideal, continue on the path of mathematics. If not, If you think about it, consider changing your major. "

"Maybe many years later, when you look back at the things that bothered you during this period, you will find that they are not a big deal."

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, Xu Mo seemed to be thinking about something, and then after a while, he smiled with relief as if he had figured it out, "Yes, some people are quadratic functions that are easy to solve, and some people are non-differentiable non-graph functions that are difficult to solve. It doesn't really matter what they are like. What matters is that we have to optimize our own functions. If it is difficult, it's like doing math problems. At most, we can do a few more iterations, debug a few more sets of parameters, and try a few more algorithms. "

"Jiang Xue, I figured it out. It's me

I have been in a bad mood recently, thank you." He was relieved, his brows relaxed, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

The smile was too foul!

"I'm going back to the dormitory! There are still some things to deal with, and you should review well. Next weekend is Christmas Eve and Christmas. We haven't had a good date for a long time. Do you have time? If so, let's go out and play in those two days." Xu Mo suggested.

"Okay. "Jiang Xue agreed.

The two separated, and Xu Mo did not return to the dormitory, but returned to the project classroom of the engineering college next door where he and Qin Liang participated.

During this period, he planned to give up and not go.

He felt that he was just a marginal figure. Instead of hitting his self-confidence here, it would be better to withdraw from the project.

It doesn't matter whether there are more projects or fewer projects.

He was originally pulled by Qin Liang to make up the numbers.

Now he feels that he can adjust his mentality and try again.

Maybe because of the change in mentality, he has become much more positive. For some content that is not within his knowledge scope, he no longer holds his breath to find the answer himself, but takes the initiative to ask Qin Liang and other seniors who are not busy.

When Xu Mo returned to the dormitory in the evening, he immediately used the computer to check where to go around Kyoto, and finally selected three options.

Sent to Jiang Xue and let Jiang Xue choose.

Jiang Xue received several options for going out from Xu Mo. One is to go skiing. There is a newly built ski resort. Jiang Xue searched Weibo and saw that many people posted photos of skiing. It looks fun.

Both of them can skateboard, so skiing should not be difficult.

But looking at It's so cold.

Let's have a backup first.

Another one is a famous hot spring resort on Fengshan Mountain, which is more than an hour's drive away from here.

There are buffets, hot pot, barbecue,

There are sweat steaming, indoor and outdoor hot springs.

The environment is very good as shown in the photos, and the reviews online are also good.

There is another one outside Kyoto, in an ancient town in a surrounding city.

Jiang Xue thought about it. It was snowy outside, and the other two options were both outdoor. In the end, she chose the hot spring. Think about it, you can eat, play, and date.

And swimsuits, steam, soaking In the same pool of water, love will heat up immediately!

Jiang Xue replied to Xu Mo that they were going to take a hot spring bath.

Xu Mo saw Jiang Xue choose the hot spring bath, so he submitted a ticket online and made an appointment.

He realized that if he went to the hot spring bath, he would have to stay overnight, wear a swimsuit when bathing in the hot spring bath, and take a bath in the public bathroom of the school at night. He looked at the classmates with eight-pack abs next to him, and looked at himself. There was still some time before Christmas. He also exercised on a daily basis, but he had never practiced it specially. Xu Mo went back and planned to add an hour of aerobic exercise to himself every day.

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