After the incident, Jiang Xue was still worried.

Then Grandma Jiang continued to talk about her own affairs with Jiang Xue.

She said that she was leaving soon and would go to live with Aunt Jiang at her home.

"I am old and useless. Apart from my own daughter, my daughter-in-law can't tolerate me." After she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong and said to Jiang Xian next to her: "Except for your mother, your parents are too burdened and have no power."

After explaining, she told Jiang Xue about the incident of the young aunt's attitude towards the children and the disagreement between her and her uncle.

She said that she was too old to do anything.

She said that her waist and legs hurt.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Jiang Xue listened quietly and added a few words of comfort.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xue stared at the phone in a daze.

The word "home" made her feel like she was in another world.

And her grandmother's words were weak.

It was very different from the impression of the head of the family, the loud-voiced grandmother who was resolute and swift.

With a bitter smile, Jiang Xue sent a message to her elder sister, asked her for her Alipay account, and transferred 10,000 yuan to Jiang Xian, asking her to take it out to buy some daily necessities and clothes for her grandmother, and keep the rest for her grandmother as pocket money.

Not long after the transfer, Grandma Jiang called immediately, her tone became excited.

While asking Jiang Xue if she had enough money to spend, she also praised her granddaughter for being filial and that she had not brought them up in vain.

Her spirit was lifted a lot because of the 10,000 yuan.

Jiang Xue smiled and said, "I will give you 10,000 yuan every year in the future. If you feel uncomfortable, go to your aunt's house and ask her to take you to the hospital for a thorough check-up. If you are sick, treat it. Don't be afraid of spending money. If your children don't give it to you, I, your granddaughter, will cover it for you."

"Wow, grandma's good granddaughter..." Grandma Jiang burst into tears because of Jiang Xue's words.

After the old man died, she fell and her health also plummeted.

She can only do housework, and can't do farm work.

And the savings in her hands are basically used to marry the youngest son.

Originally, it was envisioned that after the sons were married, the two of them would earn a few more years of money to save for their retirement while they were still young and unable to move. It was a good idea, but the reality was the opposite.

After the old man left, she lived with the youngest son, and the other sons didn't give her a penny.

It's difficult, no money, and a heavy burden.

Not only that, several daughters-in-law complained that she spent a lot of money to marry her youngest son, and now she serves her youngest daughter-in-law and takes care of her children.

In the end, she asked them for money, saying that she was biased.

She didn't think that she and the old man also paid for their marriage, and helped take care of the children for so many years. The youngest son got married late, and she just wanted to treat her equally. Later, she found that even if you treat a family with many children equally, the other children will feel unfair. They can only see what is in front of them and what is beneficial to them.

In recent years, because she had no money, although the youngest son and daughter-in-law were still filial and would not deprive her of food and drink, there was no extra money for her. Except for the two daughters who gave her some filial piety during the New Year and festivals, she had an empty purse. These years were the most aggrieved years for her.

Because she had no money, she had no confidence.

She could quarrel and fight with Liu Yan because she felt that this daughter-in-law was definitely unreliable.

But she couldn't say a harsh word to the eldest daughter-in-law and the youngest daughter-in-law.

Even if she endured it like this, she still didn't say a word.

Both daughters-in-law had their own reasons, anyway, it was the old man's fault.

She had a conflict with the younger daughter-in-law, and none of the other sons could take her away, so she had to rely on her married daughters.

She could only rely on her eldest daughter when she got old, and living in her daughter's home had made her feel uneasy during this period.

Jiang Xue's money, Jiang Xue's words to cover the bottom immediately dispelled a lot of her anxiety.

Sons are useless, daughters are useful, and the daughters of her sons are useful.

And Jiang Xue said that she would give her 10,000 yuan every year in the future.

With this 10,000 yuan, she will have more confidence in the future.

When Jiang Xian took out money, she also took out 1,000 yuan and gave it to her grandmother.

This caused her grandmother to praise her continuously.

Sometimes her mother knew how much money Jiang Xian had better than she did. So when she found that there was a 1,000 yuan missing when checking the accounts, when Aunt Jiang asked, she told her mother and gave her grandmother 1,000 yuan.

Aunt Jiang was immediately displeased when she heard this.

At first she scolded her for having too much money, but when she heard that Jiang Xue had given her 10,000 yuan, she thought about it and asked Jiang Xian: "What is this girl Jiang Xue doing out there? How can she be so rich? She just took 10,000 yuan?"

She didn't know the specific details about Jiang Xue's milk tea business. If she told her mother, she would definitely ask about it, so she simply didn't tell her and directly

She said, "Their school is famous for its high scholarships. I saw in the news some time ago that they not only didn't spend a penny to complete their four years at Kyoto University, but also received hundreds of thousands of various bonuses."

"Wow. Going to school is really useful." Aunt Jiang sighed.

"Just give it. Since you gave us the money for your grandma this year, we won't give you the money for the New Year. Just give two or three hundred next time, don't be silly and give so much. You are all in Kyoto, so keep in touch with Xiaoxue. She will probably have a great future in the future. After all, sisters who grew up together can help you in the future."

"Okay, I know." If she was still in school, she would definitely disdain what her mother said.

After graduation and work, she is much more realistic.

Although she occasionally feels envious and jealous when facing her cousin.

But when Jiang Xue introduced her a job, although Jiang Xue said that she would rely on herself in the future, she mentioned it, but it was this one word that immediately changed her from a milk tea girl in the store to a management position.

The future is bright, and the salary is a qualitative leap.

The general manager of the Shanghai company patted her on the shoulder and told her to work hard.

The importance and politeness in his words.

It made her realize the gap between herself and Jiang Xue more clearly.

So she didn't need her mother to tell her. She would definitely build a good relationship with her cousin.

Aunt Jiang hung up the phone and told her husband about the matter.

Uncle Jiang couldn't help complaining when he heard it: "The second son's family is really lucky. I heard that the canteen run by the second son's family is also very profitable. It has made a lot of money from last year to this year. But Xiaoxue is also capable. Why did he get all the good things?"

"It's also hard work to make money in the canteen. I heard that a lot of money was borrowed to buy the canteen. Besides, what does Jiang Xue's wealth have to do with the second son's family? The couple is still on Jiang Xue's blacklist." Aunt Jiang said disdainfully.

"This time Jiang Xian got the job thanks to Jiang Xue, so your brothers and sisters didn't get as much as us." Having said that, she decided to go back and talk to her eldest daughter and make sure to curry favor with Jiang Xue.

"After all, she is her biological daughter, so how can she hold a grudge for a lifetime." Uncle Jiang was puzzled.

"Others dare not say, but Jiang Xue, this girl, is unsure."

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