After the start of the school year, the welcome party is approaching.

The dance club where Jiang Xue is is training intensively.

Jiang Xue has two programs to perform this year, one is a duet with a male member of the dance club.

The other is a group dance.

She is a latecomer. She has been practicing since high school and has not stopped since college. However, compared with those who have been dancing since elementary school, there is still a gap.

If you don’t have enough skills, practice to make up for it.

The reason why she can have two programs is also closely related to her serious and hard-working attitude.

Carefully copy the movements and practice hard.

Jiang Xue really likes dancing and likes the feeling of controlling her own body.

Dancing is like a tranquilizer for her. She sweats profusely and feels very tired after dancing. When dancing, her mind is empty and she doesn't think about anything. The whole process makes Jiang Xue feel relaxed from the inside out.

In addition, dancing has brought great changes to her body.

Her body shape has improved a lot.

Her muscles are stronger. In addition, dancing is a physical activity. After dancing, she doesn't need to go to the gym anymore because the amount of exercise after an hour of dance practice is too much.

The welcome party went smoothly.

The younger students who watched the show were very enthusiastic.

Because of the Jiang Xue incident during the summer vacation, many people in the same school knew that the dancing senior sister was the account called snow on Weibo.

One person spread ten people, ten people spread a hundred people.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Jiang Xue felt that when she danced, the enthusiasm of the audience below was more enthusiastic than that of other groups.

At the same time, a video of Jiang Xue dancing at the welcome party was taken by a classmate from the same school and posted on Weibo.

Including the video of dancing during the military training last year, it was also dug out and posted on Weibo together.

Two dancing videos. This year's dancing video is also popular. Last year's dancing video was not clear with a mobile phone, and the environment was also very noisy. It was exposed after a year.

Netizen: I really envy this kind of person, confident and beautiful, generous and not shy.

Netizen: What I want to ask is, you have just transitioned from high school to college, why are you so open? I can dance, and I am also in military training, but my classmates are too shy to dance.

Netizen: This kind of girl is really popular with both men and women. The screams of girls watching dancing classmates are louder than boys.

Netizen: I will definitely let my future daughter learn to dance in the future, not for anything else, for the priority right to choose a spouse! !

Netizen: Reply to the above, dancing girls do not need the priority right to choose a spouse. Excellent girls are not available in the market. They have boyfriends in high school. I am here @snow

Netizen: Why is it her again? I have seen a lot of news about her recently. It can't be hype.

Netizen: If you want to hype, you should have hyped it up during the military training last year. Why wait a year? I just saw the performance of the senior who represented the freshman party this year. I feel that she danced more powerfully.

Netizen: @snow is a dancing girl’s Weibo. If you like her, you can follow her. She is a very powerful and confident girl.


The blogger who posted the video was originally a freshman at the University of Beijing. When she saw someone pointing to the senior’s Weibo in the comment area, she checked and found that it was indeed her, so she pinned the comment pointing to the top.

The snow account attracted many fans to Jiang Xue because of the military training dance video last year.

The increase in the number of fans was a bit unexpected for Jiang Xue.

Many people commented and sent private messages about her dancing.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xue filmed a video of herself practicing in the dance studio, edited it with the previous practice video and posted it on snow’s Weibo.

In the video, after dancing, in addition to having a more symmetrical figure, she changed from being timid at the beginning to having firm confidence in her steps and eyes.

She responded to the dance video and said in the video that she also started learning dance in high school and changed her career later.

Dance brings changes to oneself, physical and psychological.

At the end of the video, Jiang Xue concluded that you can do what you want to do at any age, learn whatever you want to learn, and brave people enjoy the world first.

No one is born a king, sports need to be practiced.

Work hard for one second, and you will be healthier, stronger, and more beautiful than the last second.

Fans are more sticky after watching the video, and they all talk about the changes they have made in the comment area.

The reason why many girls pay attention to Jiang Xue is more like paying attention to an idol.

Good at studying, good-looking, decisive in handling rumors, is the person you want to be. Fans think that when you have no goals, you can take Jiang Xue as your goal. On the road full of uncertainty, meet

To get good guidance, there is a role model, which can give her a concrete example.

The surge in fans has also attracted a lot of attention.

There are also many economic companies that have extended olive branches to sign her, and some directors have contacted her to say that there are roles suitable for her and asked her to audition.

Jiang Xue rejected all of them.

Her life has been affected by the increase in fans. Since the start of school, Jiang Xue obviously feels that there are more eyes on her. Fortunately, most of her classmates are rational academic masters, and no one secretly takes pictures or comes up to talk.

Fortunately, their school management is relatively strict, and other outsiders cannot enter.

So she doesn't want to be an artist and be completely exposed to the public.

Then the popularity of the dance video has just passed a little, and Jiang Lai's account has been pushed to the public again.

The reason is because of Zhongli.

Jiang Xue only found out after being reminded by a team member.

Recently, many people have asked about Jiang Lai's account about a few individual sets of clothes, whether they are plagiarized.

"Which clothes, why do you say plagiarism." Jiang Xue asked the responsible employee.

"One is an orange jacket. The other is a burgundy dress." said a team member.

He found relevant comments and handed the original picture that the other party said was plagiarized to Jiang Xue.

After Jiang Xue read it, she found out that the person that netizens said Jiang Lai plagiarized was actually Zhongli.

When traveling before, Zhongli wore an orange jacket of Jiang Xue and took many photos.

The red dress was given to her directly after the trip.

The group of photos was posted by Zhongli in August.

After returning from the trip, Jiang Lai's account began to update.

Many of her photos taken during the trip were used in the Weibo promotion.

These two clothes happened to have them.

The bulk of the jacket was changed a little, and because of Zhongli's photo filter, the final picture was a little different from the original color of the original clothes.

Then Zhongli's fans found that there were too many similarities in the shooting background, clothing style and color, so they determined that Jiang Lai's team plagiarized.

Not only did they plagiarize Zhongli's clothes, but they also plagiarized the shooting location and actions.

The reason is very simple, Zhongli posted it first.

Jiang Lai posted the picture after a long time.

"Boss, this blogger's clothes are indeed very similar to ours, very similar to our first version of the sample clothes. Boss, do you know this blogger? If you know her, can you ask her to issue a statement?"

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