The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

"It's a coincidence. I'm an emba student this fall, from Guanghua School of Management, so we're both from Beijing University." Cui Ziqian said.

"That means we're direct seniors, we're in the same major." Jiang Xue responded.

Cui Ziqian smiled and said, "That's even more fate."

The familiar feeling of déjà vu came again.

However, when it comes to the emba review of their school, it's quite rigorous. In addition to the academic requirements, there are also work experience and management experience requirements.

In addition, the two-year tuition fee is 700,000 or 800,000 after layers of review.

It's not something that ordinary people can afford.

emba is also called the CEO class, and the students are all executives of various companies. Last semester, Jiang Xue also participated in the reception of emba spring admissions in the Innovation Club.

However, many students are over 35 years old, and the men are all big-bellied and well-connected. They are more like socializing than going to school.

However, the original intention of setting up this major is not only to improve their academic qualifications and management experience, but also to make connections with people of the same level.

"You don't work at Blizzard Capital, so it's not appropriate to call you Assistant Jiang." Cui Ziqian said.

"My name is Jiang Xue." Jiang Xue heard his implication and took the initiative to introduce her name.

"Junior sister Jiang, my name is Cui Ziqian." He took out a business card and handed it to Jiang Xue: "Junior sister Jiang, you can consider my company if you want to work part-time in the future."

Jiang Xue took it with both hands, "Okay, Senior Cui."

Just at this time, the car also arrived at the place where the other party was going, which was under an office building in Jianguomen.

"Thank you Miss Jiang for your help, we are here." The assistant thanked again.

Jiang Xue: "It's just a piece of cake."

The other two got off the car, and after the two left, Jiang Xue no longer felt tense, and the whole person relaxed.

Although she had only met Cui Ziqian twice, he gave her a particularly deep feeling.

Jiang Xue felt as if he had seen through her thoughts as he looked at her.

Jiang Xue asked the driver to take her to a night market and drop her off.

She asked the assistant to take her luggage back first, and she would take a taxi back to school with her bag.

Jiang Xue came to the night market because Yu Juan had returned from Sichuan Province.

She was also a capable person.

After returning, she had been adjusting the recipe, and first added some new products to Liu Dabao.

Liu Qinglin planned to change a line to make braised duck products based on the original factory, and rented a small storefront, intending to open a physical store.

Because Yu Juan said she wanted to sell online at the beginning, the few people found out that in order to produce specifications that could be sold online, at least a sterile factory was needed.

Jiang Xue contributed most of the money for this business venture. Jiang Xue's Blizzard Capital naturally took the most equity, but the contract stated that Liu Qinglin would take care of everything.

If it was other investors' money, he would definitely buy machines and build factories. With his own sister, he thought he could save some money. It happened that the factory for the steamed buns was quite large before, so he split it into two halves, and some processes could be used together.

But if you want to eat directly, there is a shelf life, and a sterile factory is inevitable.

He has been tinkering with this recently.

Because Liu Qinglin's sterile factory was not well built and the store was being renovated, Yu Juan bought a second-hand stall car and said she would set up a stall to see the market first.

She is really very proactive and does things as soon as she says. Jiang Xue came here because Yu Juan set up a stall in this night market. She asked Jiang Xue to come over and said she had prepared some duck products for her to take back to school to eat.

Jiang Xue walked and looked, and after a few minutes, she saw Yu Juan's stall.

At this moment, there was a circle of customers selecting ingredients in front of the stall.

Jiang Xue approached and found that there was not only Yu Juan, but also a little girl, and Li Chao was also there.

He helped Yu Juan pour the big buckets of meat onto the plates on the cart.

It was convenient for customers to choose.

Seeing Jiang Xue coming, he smiled and greeted Jiang Xue, and then told Yu Juan that he would go back to the factory first, and call him before closing the stall. The cart was too heavy, so he came to help.

Then he politely said goodbye to Jiang Xue.

After Li Chao left, Yu Juan handed Jiang Xue a lunch box, which contained both meat and vegetables. Yu Juan handed it to Jiang Xue, "Try it and see how it tastes."

Jiang Xue took it and ate it standing next to her stall.

In addition to duck necks, duck feet, duck heads, duck tongues and other parts of the duck, there were also some vegetarian dishes such as kelp and lotus root slices.

Looking at the dishes she sold, this is Zhou Hei Ya,


After trying it, the taste was adjusted by Yu Juan, and it was not particularly spicy. I don’t know what was added, but it had a fragrant taste. It was chewy and delicious.

It felt better than many duck chain stores she had eaten before.

While eating, she looked at the people shopping.

In addition to those who came to buy things, Jiang Xue found that there were people asking Yu Juan if she sold the recipe, and how much the training to learn to make braised food was, but Yu Juan declined them all.

Jiang Xue had almost finished eating, and the other girl in the queue could do it alone. Yu Juan walked to Jiang Xue and asked Jiang Xue, "How does it taste?"

"Delicious!" Jiang Xue praised.

"I like duck tongues and duck feet the most. Please pack some for me later."

"I've prepared it for you. I've put it under the dining car. You can take it away when you leave." She took Jiang Xue around to the back of the dining car to show Jiang Xue what she had packed. Wow, there were more than ten takeaway boxes, all of which were full.

Jiang Xue: "How can I finish eating all the food you pack?"

"The signature items are in duplicate. You give one to Xu Mo, and you take yours back to the dormitory to share with your roommates." Yu Juan said.

Jiang Xue nodded, not being polite.

"How long have you been selling it?" Jiang Xue asked.

Yu Juan: "More than ten days."

"How is business?"

"Excluding the girl's salary, the stall fee, and all the costs, the profit is about 800 to 900 a day. Occasionally, when it's good, we can sell it all and make more than 1,000." Yu Juan said in a low voice.

"There weren't so many at the beginning, but the taste is good. Now there are many repeat customers." Yu Juan explained.

Jiang Xue nodded. Calculated in this way, the profit is quite considerable.

"Just now I saw someone asking about the training fee. Or buying the recipe?" Jiang Xue asked.

"Well, we definitely can't sell the house or teach others. Your brother said that we have to benchmark Juewei in the future."

"It's not that easy to benchmark the leading companies."

"It's too late today. Let's talk about duck products tomorrow. Call my brother and let the three of us talk about it." Yu Juan agreed.

Many things are really done by themselves, such as milk tea and Liu Dabao, thanks to the current good situation. But expansion, funds, management personnel, step by step, still consume a lot of people's energy.

Perhaps compared to being a brand chain, they can consider supply chain.

Perhaps they can be a good supplier first.

It was getting dark, and Yu Juan's stall was busy again. Jiang Xue took out the packed lunch box that Yu Juan wanted to bring to her from under the dining car, ready to leave, and then saw Cheng Guo who was picking some duck products.

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